Chapter 4

Defining Who You Are

In This Chapter

arrow Figuring out your needs, values, interests, mission, and vision

arrow Spotting your strengths and unique characteristics

arrow Bringing personality, education, and other traits into focus

arrow Looking at yourself from all angles

arrow Setting goals so that you can move forward

Defining who you are is the foundation of branding. Without this discovery, you’re merely marketing something that isn’t really you. Personal branding is all about authenticity, and you need to define yourself before you can market yourself authentically. This chapter contains the tools you need to define yourself.

To get the most out of this chapter, take the time to think about each piece of information that you need to gather about yourself. Enjoy taking a look at yourself and discovering your uniqueness. Also, do each exercise that I suggest; write your responses and hold on to them. In Chapter 7, I show you how to put your defining pieces together into a personal branding profile. ...

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