Chapter 7. Anatomy of the Template Toolkit
Now that we’ve spent a great deal of time looking at what you can do
with the Template Toolkit, let’s take a look inside and get a feel for how
it actually works. We’ll follow the flow of processing a template from the
frontend (such as Template
or ttree), to getting the file from disk (Template::Provider
), to compiling it (Template::Parser
, Template::Grammar
, and Template::Directive
), and to executing it
and Template::Document
We’ll be using pseudocode versions of the methods to illustrate the major thrust of each component, mainly to gloss over tedious details of error checking, parameter handling, file opening and closing, and syntax. Feel free to get a copy of each .pm file and follow along with the real code; however, the best way to understand any complex system is to look at the innards, and the Template Toolkit is no exception.
Template Modules
The Template
module is simply a frontend that creates and uses a Template::Service
object and then pipes the
output wherever you want it to go (standard output by default, or maybe
a file, scalar variable, etc.). The Apache::Template
module is another frontend,
which uses a Template::Service::Apache
object under the
hood and sends the output back to the relevant Apache
object. The now-familiar tpage and ttree scripts are command line-based
frontends; tpage simply connects
standard input and output by way of the Template Toolkit, while
ttree does the same for source and ...
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