
While browsing through the documentation for an automation object, you may have come across references to constant values. For example, if you’re trying to save an Excel workbook to a different file format, you need to provide a file for- mat constant. Since the server documentation typically provides symbolic con- stants (e.g., xlExcel5 or xlTemplate), we need a way to access those from Perl. This is the purpose of Win32::OLE::Const, which imports the constants from an automation object into your script.

You can either import the constants directly into your namespace as subs that return the constant value, or you can have them returned as a hash reference with the constant name as the key and its value as the value. Here’s an example of the former:

use Win32::OLE::Const ("Microsoft Excel");
print "xlExcel5 = ", xlExcel5, "\n";

This produces something like:

xlExcel5 = 39

Here’s an example using the Load method to return a hash reference populated with the constants and their values (this produces the same output as the previ- ous example, of course):

use Win32::OLE::Const;

my $constants = Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Microsoft Excel");
print "xlExcel5 = $constants->{xlExcel5}\n";

Notice that, in both cases, we’re supplying a regular expression for the name of the type library from which we want to import. Win32::OLE::Const searches the registry for matching type libraries and loads the one with the highest version number (you can override this by supplying the version you ...

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