Perl Debugger Pocket Reference

Book description

Most Perl programmers know about the Perl debugger--the nifty little built-in utility that you can use to fully debug any programs that you write. Inside the interactive debugger environment, you're prompted for commands that let you examine your source code, set breakpoints, dump out function call stacks, change values of variables, and much more. It's so convenient that some programmers run it just to test out Perl constructs as they create a program. But although it's on their radar, not many Perl programmers take the time to master the debugger. That's where the Perl Debugger Pocket Reference comes in.This little book provides a quick and convenient path to mastery of the Perl debugger and its commands. Written by a core member of the Perl debugger development team, it's an ideal quick reference to debugger commands, as well as a detailed tutorial on how to get started. The Perl Debugger Pocket Reference provides complete coverage in a conveniently small package.Maybe you write code so clean you never have to look at it twice. Or perhaps you'd rather focus your energies on writing clean code, rather than learning about the debugger. But if you need to learn about the Perl debugger in a hurry, the Perl Debugger Pocket Reference is the book you'll want to have close by. And you can always keep a copy on hand to share with programmers who need it more than you do.O'Reilly's Pocket References have become a favorite among programmers everywhere. By providing a wealth of important details in a concise, well-organized format, these handy books deliver just what you need to complete the task at hand. When you've reached a sticking point in your work and need to get to a solution quickly, the new Perl Debugger Pocket Reference will get you back on the right track.

Table of contents

  1. Contents
  2. Perl Debugger Pocket Reference
    1. What Is the Perl Debugger?
    2. Why Use the Debugger?
    3. Unfamiliar Territory
    4. About This Book
      1. The Script
      2. Shell
      3. Truncated Output
      4. Versions of Perl
      5. Delving Deeper
      6. Conventions
      7. Acknowledgments and Disclaimers
    5. Before You Debug
      1. Check Your Syntax
      2. Use strict
      3. Warnings
      4. Diagnostics
      5. Taint Mode
    6. A Debugger Tutorial
      1. Starting a Session
      2. A Simple CGI Debugger Session
    7. Debugger Commands
      1. Help and Quitting
        1. h
        2. h h
        3. man
        4. q
      2. Examining Data (1/2)
      3. Examining Data (2/2)
        1. p
        2. m
        3. M
        4. S
        5. V
        6. x
        7. X
        8. y
      4. Listing Code and Searching (1/2)
      5. Listing Code and Searching (2/2)
        1. Interpreting code listings
        2. l
        3. v
        4. .
        5. /
        6. ?
        7. f
      6. Motion (1/2)
      7. Motion (2/2)
        1. c
        2. n
        3. r
        4. s
        5. T
        6. t
      8. Actions, Breakpoints, and Watchpoints (1/3)
      9. Actions, Breakpoints, and Watchpoints (2/3)
      10. Actions, Breakpoints, and Watchpoints (3/3)
        1. a
        2. A
        3. b
        4. B
        5. w
        6. W
        7. L
      11. Perl, Pre-Prompt, and Post-Prompt Commands
        1. Running Perl commands
        2. <
        3. {
        4. {{
        5. >
        6. >>
      12. Shell and Debugger Commands (1/2)
      13. Shell and Debugger Commands (2/2)
        1. The .perldb initialization file
        2. |
        3. ||
        4. !!
        5. source
        6. H
        7. !
      14. Setting Options
        1. o
    8. Debugger Variables
      1. $DB::* Variables (1/2)
      2. $DB::* Variables (2/2)
        1. $DB::single
        2. $DB::signal
        3. $DB::trace
        4. $DB::fork_TTY
      3. Environment Variables
        1. PERL5DB
        2. PERLDB_OPTS
    9. Debugging Options
      1. arrayDepth
      2. AutoTrace
      3. compactDump
      4. dieLevel
      5. DumpDBFiles
      6. dumpDepth
      7. dumpPackages
      8. DumpReused
      9. frame
      10. globPrint
      11. highbit
      12. inhibit_exit
      13. LineInfo
      14. maxTraceLen
      15. NonStop
      16. noTTY
      17. ornaments
      18. pager
      19. quote
      20. PrintRet
      21. recallCommand
      22. ReadLine
      23. RemotePort
      24. shellBang
      25. signalLevel
      26. tkRunning
      27. TTY
      28. undefPrint
      29. UsageOnly
      30. windowSize
      31. veryCompact
      32. warnLevel
    10. DB and Devel Namespaces
      1. Runtime Sequence
      2. DB::DB()
      3. DB::sub ()
      4. Devel Namespace (-d)
      5. Useful Modules
      6. -DDEBUGGING
        1. Debugging a regular expression
        2. Execution tree
    11. References
      1. perldoc
      2. Books
      3. URLs
      4. Online Articles
      5. History
      6. GUIs—Graphical User Interfaces
      7. Debuggers
      8. Text Editors
    12. Quick Reference
  3. Index (1/2)
  4. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Perl Debugger Pocket Reference
  • Author(s): Richard Foley
  • Release date: January 2004
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9780596528935