Passive RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits

Book description

The growth in RF and wireless/mobile computing devices that operate at microwave frequencies has resulted in explosive demand for integrated circuits capable of operating at such frequencies in order to accomplish functions like frequency division, phase shifting, attenuation, and isolators and circulators for antennas. This book is an introduction to such ICs, combining theory and practical applications of those devices. In addition to this combined theory and application approach, the author discusses the critical importance of differing fabrication materials on the performance of ICs at different frequencies. This is an area often overlooked when choosing ICs for RF and microwave applications, yet it can be a crucial factor in how an IC performs in a given application.
  • Gives reader a solid background in an increasingly important area of circuit design
  • Emphasis on combination of theoretical discussions with practical application examples
  • In-depth discussion of critical, but often overlooked topic of different fabrication material performances at varying frequencies

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Contents (1/2)
  4. Contents (2/2)
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1. Introduction
    1. References
  8. Chapter 2. Characteristics of Planar Transmission Lines
    1. 2.1. Introduction
    2. 2.2. Stripline
    3. 2.3. Microstrip Line (1/3)
    4. 2.3. Microstrip Line (2/3)
    5. 2.3. Microstrip Line (3/3)
    6. 2.4. Suspended Stripline
    7. 2.5. Slotline
    8. 2.6. Coplanar Waveguide
    9. 2.7. Finline
    10. 2.8. Summary of Planar Transmission Lines
    11. References
  9. Chapter 3. Characteristics of Print Coupled Lines
    1. 3.1. Introduction
    2. 3.2. Coupled Striplines
    3. 3.3. Microstrip Coupled Lines
    4. 3.4. Coupled Suspended Striplines
    5. 3.5. Coupled Slotlines and Coplanar Waveguides
    6. 3.6. Irregular Lines
    7. References
  10. Chapter 4. Distributed and Lumped Elements of Integrated Circuits
    1. 4.1. Introduction
    2. 4.2. Capacitors
    3. 4.3. Inductors (1/2)
    4. 4.3. Inductors (2/2)
    5. 4.4. Resistors, Terminations, and Attenuators
    6. 4.5. Resonators
    7. 4.6. Discontinuities
    8. References
  11. Chapter 5. Common Features and Parameters of Networks
    1. 5.1. Multiport Network as Pandoras BoxŽ
    2. 5.2. Common Features and Parameters of Two-Port Networks (1/2)
    3. 5.2. Common Features and Parameters of Two-Port Networks (2/2)
    4. 5.3. Parameters and Features of Four-Port Networks (1/2)
    5. 5.3. Parameters and Features of Four-Port Networks (2/2)
    6. 5.4. Some Advantages of Wave Matrices
    7. 5.5. Matrix Correlation for Coupled Lines
    8. References
  12. Chapter 6. Analysis of Symmetrical Networks
    1. 6.1. Analysis of Two-Port Networks
    2. 6.2. Analysis of Symmetrical Four-Port Networks (1/2)
    3. 6.2. Analysis of Symmetrical Four-Port Networks (2/2)
    4. 6.3. Analysis of Symmetrical Three-Port Networks (1/2)
    5. 6.3. Analysis of Symmetrical Three-Port Networks (2/2)
    6. References
  13. Chapter 7. Directional Couplers
    1. 7.1. Definitions and Correlations Between Directivity, Symmetry, and Phase Difference
    2. 7.2. Ring Directional Couplers (1/2)
    3. 7.2. Ring Directional Couplers (2/2)
    4. 7.3. Branch-Line Directional Couplers (1/2)
    5. 7.3. Branch-Line Directional Couplers (2/2)
    6. 7.4. Coupled-Line Directional Couplers (1/5)
    7. 7.4. Coupled-Line Directional Couplers (2/5)
    8. 7.4. Coupled-Line Directional Couplers (3/5)
    9. 7.4. Coupled-Line Directional Couplers (4/5)
    10. 7.4. Coupled-Line Directional Couplers (5/5)
    11. 7.5. Comparison of Print Directional Couplers
    12. References
  14. Chapter 8. Dividers and Combiners
    1. 8.1. F and Y-Junctions
    2. 8.2. Dividers and Combiners on the Directional Coupler Base (1/2)
    3. 8.2. Dividers and Combiners on the Directional Coupler Base (2/2)
    4. 8.3. In-Phase Quarter-Wavelength Power Dividers/Combiners (1/4)
    5. 8.3. In-Phase Quarter-Wavelength Power Dividers/Combiners (2/4)
    6. 8.3. In-Phase Quarter-Wavelength Power Dividers/Combiners (3/4)
    7. 8.3. In-Phase Quarter-Wavelength Power Dividers/Combiners (4/4)
    8. 8.4. N-Way Dividers/Combiners (1/2)
    9. 8.4. N-Way Dividers/Combiners (2/2)
    10. 8.5. Comparison of Different Dividers/Combiners
    11. References
  15. Chapter 9. Filters
    1. 9.1. Classification
    2. 9.2. Filter Synthesis
    3. 9.3. LPFs (1/2)
    4. 9.3. LPFs (2/2)
    5. 9.4. BPFs (1/4)
    6. 9.4. BPFs (2/4)
    7. 9.4. BPFs (3/4)
    8. 9.4. BPFs (4/4)
    9. References
  16. Chapter 10. Diode Control Devices
    1. 10.1. PIN Diode Parameters
    2. 10.2. Switches (1/3)
    3. 10.2. Switches (2/3)
    4. 10.2. Switches (3/3)
    5. 10.3. Attenuators (1/2)
    6. 10.3. Attenuators (2/2)
    7. 10.4. Limiters
    8. References
  17. Chapter 11. Phase Shifters
    1. 11.1. Diode Phase Shifters
    2. 11.2. Ferrite Phase Shifters
    3. 11.3. Differential Phase Shifters
    4. References
  18. Chapter 12. Circulators and Isolators
    1. 12.1. Introduction
    2. 12.2. Distributed Ferrite Devices
    3. 12.3. Lumped-Element Ferrite Circulators and Isolators
    4. 12.4. Ferrite and Magnet Systems
    5. 12.5. High-Isolation Circulator Network
    6. 12.6. Nonferrite Nonreciprocal Devices
    7. References
  19. Chapter 13. Microwave Integrated Subassemblies
    1. 13.1. L-Band Multifunctional Transmit/Receive Module
    2. 13.2. Electrically Tunable L-Band Preselector
    3. 13.3. Switchable Balanced Amplifier
    4. 13.4. High-Accuracy High-Power Whisper/Shout Attenuator
    5. 13.5. C-Band Multichannel Receiver
    6. 13.6. Single Antenna Radio Altimeter TX/RCV
    7. References
  20. Chapter 14. Design and Fabrication Technology
    1. 14.1. RF/Microwave Packages
    2. 14.2. Three-Dimensional Design (1/2)
    3. 14.2. Three-Dimensional Design (2/2)
    4. 14.3. Fabrication Aspects
    5. References
  21. Appendix A: Substrates
  22. Appendix B: Properties of Metals
  23. Appendix C: Two-Port Network Representations (1/2)
  24. Appendix C: Two-Port Network Representations (2/2)
  25. Appendix D: List of Symbols
  26. Index (1/2)
  27. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Passive RF and Microwave Integrated Circuits
  • Author(s): Leo Maloratsky
  • Release date: December 2003
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9780080492056