PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide, Second Edition

Book description

3Com's PalmPilot is the world's bestselling hand-held computer platform. In three years, its 16 models from 5 different manufacturers have captured 80 percent of the palmtop market. About the size of a playing card, Palm devices are lightweight (under 6 ounces), offering two-month battery life, handwriting recognition, Internet connectivity, and a touch-screen display. Above all, these devices are fast and elegantly designed. PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide was an instant classic when it debuted in 1998, becoming, and remaining, the bestselling Palm book (and a top ten title among all computer books) every month since. Dense with previously undocumented information, this newly updated bible for Palm users delivers hundreds of timesaving tips and surprising tricks, plus a CD-ROM containing over 3,100 Palm programs. The second edition offers exclusive insider coverage of all models, including 1999's Palm IIIx, Palm V, laser-equipped Symbol 1500, and the revolutionary, wireless Palm VII. The book is divided into five sections:

  • Section One details every hardware and software aspect of PalmPilot as it comes out of the box: the stylus and screen, the buttons, and the current line of models. A tutorial takes the reader through the palmtop's preferences and settings panels, teaches the Graffiti alphabet, and unearths surprising features of the machine's eight built-in programs.

  • Section Two explains step-by-step how your PalmPilot can work with your PC: how data gets from your palmtop to your desktop computer and back again (HotSyncing). New chapters give special coverage to the separate Windows and Macintosh (Mac Pac 2.0) versions of Palm Desktop, which duplicates the functions of the PalmPilot (calendar, phone book, to-do list, memo pad, email, and expense tracking) on the desktop machine.

  • Section Three takes the reader beyond the built-in Palm software to the best of the add-on programs included with the book. They include such graphics programs as DinkyPad, TealPaint, and the amazing ImageViewer (which unlocks the "black-and-white" Pilot screen's grayscale features); electronic books in Doc format; and music programs that use the hand-held's built-in speaker. New in this edition: how-to advice for using PalmPilot database programs to collect data in the field, and syncing them with such popular PC programs as FileMaker and Microsoft Access.

  • Section Four covers the new Palm VII, the first one-piece, pocket-sized, wireless Internet device ever marketed, offering cell-network-based email and Web access anywhere in the country. As this section makes clear, any PalmPilot model can access the Net when equipped with the tiny PalmPilot modem. Such an arrangement is ideal for reading and replying to email--a great time-shifter for anyone who'd otherwise consider plane, train, or automobile time as downtime. Additional chapters cover the five Palm Web browsers, paging, faxing, and infrared beaming features.

  • Section Five explains simple ways to troubleshoot both software and hardware, including HotSync snafus and various software glitches. Special chapters cover Palm fans' options for upgrading and accessorizing their palmtops. Two new appendixes debut in this edition; one explains how to write Palm VII Web-querying applets; the other, for the first time, covers the PalmPilot's synergy with Unix and Linux machines.

PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide, 2nd Edition is the most comprehensive Palm-platform book yet written. With the cooperation of Palm Computing, and 3Com, bestselling computer-book author David Pogue succinctly answers every conceivable question, unlocks Palm features most users never suspected, and radiates the fun, passion, and sense of community shared by Piloteers the world over. The enclosed CD-ROM (for Windows 9x, NT, and the Macintosh) is a disc-based version of the #1 Palm-software Web site,, offering over 3,100 programs organized in a searchable, sortable database catalog with auto-install features and web links. PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide is the essential guide for the PalmPilot owner.

Table of contents

  1. PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide, 2nd Edition
    1. Foreword
    2. Preface
      1. The Palm Phenomenon
      2. Why a PalmPilot?
      3. The History of the PalmPilot
      4. “PalmPilot” in the Name—and the Title
      5. What’s New in the Second Edition
      6. Contents
      7. How to Contact Us
      8. Conventions Used in This Book
      9. Acknowledgments
    3. I. This Is Your PalmPilot Speaking
      1. 1. The 3 × 5-Inch Powerhouse
        1. PalmPilot Basics
          1. The Buttons
            1. The plastic buttons
            2. The glass buttons
          2. The Serial Port
        2. The Stylus, Screen, and Light
          1. Contrast Knob
          2. The Backlight
        3. Battery Notes
        4. The Lineup of Models
          1. Pilot 1000, Pilot 5000
          2. PalmPilot Personal, PalmPilot Professional
          3. Palm III
          4. IBM WorkPad
          5. Symbol SPT 1500, 1700
          6. Palm IIIx
          7. Palm V
          8. Palm VII
          9. Qualcomm pdQ
          10. Palm IIIe
          11. Handspring Visor
        5. Executive Tip Summary
      2. 2. Setup and Guided Tour
        1. Setting Up Your Palmtop
          1. Aligning the Screen Layers
          2. Setting the Time and Date
          3. The “Sleep” Interval and Sound Control Panel
          4. Time and Date Formats
          5. Shortcuts
          6. Remapping Your Buttons
          7. Redefining the “Ronomatic Stroke”
          8. Modem, Network, and Wireless
          9. Owner
        2. A Ten-Minute Tour
          1. Adding a Name
          2. Writing a To Do, Doing Some Math
        3. Executive Tip Summary
      3. 3. Typing Without a Keyboard
        1. Graffiti: The Sure-Fire Alphabet
          1. The Logic of Graffiti
            1. Letters versus numbers
            2. Space, backspace, return, and shift
            3. Punctuation
          2. How to Learn Graffiti
          3. Graffiti Tips and Tricks
        2. The Onscreen Keyboard
        3. Graffiti Alternatives
          1. Jot
          2. TealScript
          3. Fitaly
          4. T9
        4. The GoType Keyboard
        5. Doc Files
        6. ShortCuts: Little Strokes for Big Words
        7. The PalmPilot as Word Processor
        8. Executive Tip Summary
      4. 4. The Four Primary Programs
        1. The Date Book
          1. Viewing the Day’s Events
            1. Changing days
            2. Other onscreen elements
          2. Viewing the Week’s Events
          3. The Month View
          4. Setting Up Appointments
            1. Untimed events
            2. Changing the time of an appointment
            3. Changing the date of an appointment
            4. Recurring events
            5. Deleting an appointment
          5. The PalmPilot as Alarm Clock
            1. How the PalmPilot gets your attention
            2. Alarms for nontimed events
            3. Alarms for the alarm-obsessed
            4. Alarms for the silence lover
          6. Forgetting the Past
          7. Four Global Palm Features
            1. Attaching a note
            2. Finding a scrap of information
            3. Phone book cross-references
            4. Keeping your appointments private
        2. The Address Book
          1. Changing the Sort Order
          2. Adding Address Book Entries
            1. Changing the phone number labels
            2. Adding more blanks
            3. More information per blank
            4. Keeping addresses private
            5. Attaching a note to an address book entry
          3. Editing Address Book Entries
            1. Deleting Address Book entries
            2. If you live in a province, not a state
          4. Categories: A Universal Palm Feature
            1. Changing the available categories
            2. Switching category views
            3. Remembering the category selection when switching programs
            4. Manipulating categories
            5. Ignoring the category feature
        3. The To Do List
          1. Checking Off Tasks
            1. Delete items as they’re finished
            2. Delete completed tasks en masse
          2. Notating Your Deadlines
            1. Showing your deadlines
            2. Sorting by deadline
            3. Customizing your To Do list display
          3. Deleting a To Do Item
          4. Notes, Privacy, Phone Lookups, and Finding
        4. The Memo Pad
          1. Memo Pad’s Familiar Interface Elements
          2. Palm Scrollbars
          3. Sorting Your Memos
          4. Deleting a Memo
          5. Return of the Memo Pad
        5. Executive Tip Summary
      5. 5. The Other Built-In Programs
        1. Calculator
          1. Some Sample Calculations
        2. Giraffe
          1. Ten Rounds, Ten Levels
          2. Practice Rounds
        3. The Memory/Info Screen
          1. Records Versus Size
          2. Deleting Programs
        4. Security
          1. How to Flip the Hide/Show Switch
          2. How to Change or Delete Your Password
          3. Turn Off & Lock
        5. Expense
          1. Recording an Expense
            1. Recording an expense: The long way
            2. Recording an expense: The short way
            3. Recording miles
          2. Recording the Details
          3. Transferring Your Expenses to Excel
        6. Mail
        7. HotSync
        8. iMessenger and Clipper
        9. The 3Com Games Collection
          1. HardBall
          2. MineHunt
          3. Puzzle
          4. SubHunt
        10. Executive Tip Summary
    4. II. Palm Meets PC
      1. 6. HotSync, Step by Step
        1. Getting Ready to HotSync
          1. Installing the Desktop Software
          2. What the Installer Gives Everyone
          3. Setting Up the Hardware
          4. Setting Up the Software
        2. Performing a Local HotSync
          1. The First HotSync: Downloading Standardized Data
          2. How a HotSync Works
          3. The HotSync Log
        3. Specialized HotSyncs
          1. The Concept of Conduits
          2. One PalmPilot, Two PCs
          3. One PC, Two PalmPilots
          4. Backing Up Your Non-Palm Data
        4. Mastering the User-Named Folders
          1. Back Up Your Backup
          2. Transferring Data Between PalmPilots
            1. The official solution
            2. The better solution
          3. Solving Accidental Duplicate PalmPilot Names
          4. Transfer Your Graffiti Shortcuts
        5. HotSync by Modem
          1. How to Prepare the Desktop PC
            1. Windows
            2. Macintosh
          2. Setting Up the PalmPilot
            1. Modem pop-up menu
            2. Speed, string, flow control
            3. Speaker
            4. TouchTone or Rotary
            5. Specifying the phone number
            6. Specifying what data to HotSync
          3. Actually Performing the Modem HotSync
        6. Syncing with Your Favorite Windows Programs
          1. Choosing the Conduit Software
          2. A Day in the Life of a Third-Party Conduit
        7. Network HotSyncs
          1. LAN/WAN HotSyncs
          2. Remote-Access HotSyncs
          3. Network HotSync Setup
            1. Setting up the PalmPilot
            2. Setting up the networked computers
            3. Making the connection
        8. Executive Tip Summary
      2. 7. Installing New Palm Programs
        1. Installing Add-On Programs
          1. The Official Windows Installation Method
          2. The Official Macintosh Installation Method
          3. How the Install Tool Works (Windows)
          4. Outsmarting InstallApp
          5. More Program Installation Notes for Windows
            1. The .prc double-click time-saver
            2. Alternative installation applications
          6. How the Install Tool Works (Macintosh)
            1. Installing “Windows” Palm programs on a Mac
          7. The Secret Backups Folder
          8. How to Uninstall Programs
        2. Executive Tip Summary
      3. 8. Palm Desktop: Windows
        1. Palm Desktop Overview
          1. Advantages of Palm Desktop
          2. PC as PalmPilot
        2. Date Book
          1. Week View
          2. Day View
            1. The miniature To Do list
          3. Month View
          4. Editing an Event
            1. Changing the time
            2. Changing the date
            3. Note, Repeat, Alarm, Private
            4. Customizing the Date Book
          5. Printing Your Calendar
        3. Address Book
          1. Editing Addresses
          2. Adding New Addresses
          3. Fields, Sorting, Categories, and Other Options
          4. Grabbing Address Book Entries for Use Elsewhere
            1. Dragging to the clipboard
            2. Dragging to Microsoft Word
            3. Dragging to Microsoft Excel
          5. Printing from the Address Book
          6. Importing Addresses from Other Programs
            1. Understanding field order
        4. To Do
          1. The Drag To Icons
          2. Purging Completed Tasks
          3. Printing Your To Do List
        5. Memo Pad
          1. Printing Your Memos
        6. Expense
          1. Transferring Expense Data to Excel
          2. Palm Desktop’s Sneaky Storage Mechanism
        7. Archived Records
          1. How to Archive Deleted Data: From the PalmPilot
          2. How to Archive Deleted Data: From the PC
          3. How to Restore Archived Data
        8. Profiles and File Linking: Standardized Data, Multiple PalmPilots
          1. Profiles
          2. File Linking
        9. Executive Tip Summary
      4. 9. Palm Desktop: Macintosh
        1. The Story of Palm Desktop
          1. The Problem with Too Many Features
          2. What Palm Desktop Is Good For
        2. Controlling Palm Desktop
          1. Instant Palm Desktop
          2. The Palm Desktop Toolbar
        3. Date Book (Calendar)
          1. Weekly View
          2. Daily View
          3. Monthly View
          4. Editing an Event
            1. Changing the date
            2. Changing the time
            3. Repeats and alarms
          5. Printing Your Calendar
          6. What Doesn’t Get HotSynced
        4. Address Book (Contact List)
          1. Entering New Contacts
          2. Categories
          3. Anticipating the HotSync Process
          4. Fields, Sorting, Categories, and Other Options
          5. Printing and Copying Addresses
          6. What Doesn’t Get HotSynced
        5. To Do List ( Task List)
          1. What Doesn’t Get HotSynced
        6. Memo Pad (Note List)
          1. What Doesn’t Get HotSynced
        7. Expense Module
        8. Attachments and Notes
          1. Attaching Items Within Palm Desktop
            1. Drag one existing item onto another
            2. Use the Attach Existing Item menu command
            3. Drag an existing item onto the toolbar
            4. Using attachments
          2. Attaching Notes on the PalmPilot
          3. Attaching Notes in Palm Desktop
        9. HotSync Manager
        10. One Mac, Multiple PalmPilots
          1. Switching Palm Desktop Files
          2. Restoring Archived Data
          3. Sharing Palm Desktop Data Between Two PalmPilots
          4. Profiles
            1. Creating a Profile
            2. To load your Profiles onto new PalmPilots
        11. More Macintosh Conduits
        12. The Palm Extras
          1. Faster HotSync
          2. Infrared HotSyncing Software
          3. AppleScripts
            1. ClarisWorks Letter Link
            2. Create Claris Emailer Message
            3. Open in Web to URL
            4. PowerBook Palm Assistant
        13. Executive Tip Summary
    5. III. The Undiscovered PalmPilot
      1. 10. PalmPilot: The Electronic Book
        1. About Doc
          1. AportisDoc
          2. TealDoc
          3. SmartDoc
          4. Other Doc Readers
          5. What’s Up with Doc?
        2. Reading E-books
          1. Maximizing Reading Space (AportisDoc)
            1. Fixing ragged right edges (AportisDoc)
            2. Changing documents (all Doc readers)
        3. Scrolling
          1. Scrolling a Page at a Time
          2. Scrolling Smoothly
          3. Teleprompter Mode (Auto-Scrolling)
            1. AportisDoc
            2. TealDoc
            3. SmartDoc
        4. Jumping Around in Your Document
          1. The % Box or Scroll Bars
            1. Automatic bookmarks
            2. Prefab bookmarks
          3. The Find Command
            1. Searching your entire PalmPilot
        5. Editing with SmartDoc
          1. Avoiding Compression Delays
        6. Where to Get Doc Books
          1. E-books Included with This Book
          2. E-books on the Web
          3. E-books of Web Pages
        7. Making Your Own E-books
          1. Preparing the Original Word Processor File
          2. Using MakeDoc
        8. Executive Tip Summary
      2. 11. The Secret Multimedia World
        1. Photos on the PalmPilot
          1. Getting a Photo Ready for the PalmPilot Using ImageConverter
        2. Painting and Drawing
          1. Painting Programs
          2. Drawing Programs
          3. Palm Animation Software
        3. Music on the PalmPilot
          1. Where to Get More Art and Music
        4. Executive Tip Summary
      3. 12. Database and Number Crunching
        1. Palm Database Software
          1. HanDBase
            1. Creating a database
            2. Recording data
            3. Manipulating your data
          2. Transferring a HanDBase Database to the Desktop
            1. HanDBase Desktop (for Windows)
            2. HanDBase Desktop (for Macintosh)
            3. HanDJet
          3. JFile
            1. Creating a database
            2. Recording data
            3. Manipulating your data
          4. Transferring a JFile Database to the Desktop
            1. JFTrans
            2. JConvert
            3. JetFile Plus
            4. JFile View
            5. FMSync (for FileMaker on the Macintosh)
          5. MobileDB
            1. Creating a database
            2. Recording data
            3. Manipulating your data
          6. Transferring a MobileDB Database to the Desktop
        2. Spreadsheet Software
          1. Quicksheet
          2. Pilot MiniCalc (PiMC)
          3. TinySheet
          4. Documents To Go
        3. Executive Tip Summary
    6. IV. The PalmPilot Online
      1. 13. Email Anywhere
        1. The Two Routes to Email
          1. Setup 1: Getting Email from Your PC
          2. Getting Email Directly from the Internet (or AOL)
        2. Getting Email from Your PC
          1. Palm Mail
          2. Setting Up Palm Mail for Windows
          3. Setting Up Palm Mail for Macintosh
          4. Making the Transfer
          5. Reading and Answering Messages in Palm Mail
            1. The “folder menu”
            2. The Done button
            3. The Reply button
            4. Delete
            5. The Filed folder
          6. Composing a New Email Message
            1. Expandable fields
            2. Email address lookup
            3. Other email-sending options
          7. The Draft Folder
          8. The Outbox Folder
          9. Understanding the Folder-Movement Possibilities
          10. HotSync Options
          11. Palmeta Mail
          12. Eudora for Palm (pdQmail)
            1. Eudora via PC
            2. The Eudora feature list
          13. MultiMail
            1. MultiMail features
            2. Using MultiMail
        3. Getting Email Directly from the Internet
          1. Configuring Your Palmtop for Internet Access
            1. SMTP Configuration
            2. POP3 Configuration
          2. HandMail
          3. One-Touch Mail
          4. ProxiMail
          5. Eudora (pdQmail) and MultiMail
        4. Closing the Connection
        5. America Online
          1. PocketFlash
          2. TransAOL
          3. HandMail
          4. AOL Mail for Palm Organizers
        6. Executive Tip Summary
      2. 14. The Web in Your Palm
        1. The Principles of Palm Web Browsing
          1. Cached Pages
        2. Setting Up the PalmPilot for Web Browsing
        3. ProxiWeb (Top Gun Wingman)
          1. Storing Web Pages
          2. Forms and Buttons—They Work!
          3. Preferences
        4. HandWeb
          1. Using HandWeb
          2. Going Online
          3. Saving Pages
          4. Forms, Pop-Up Menus, and Saved Text
          5. Signing Off HandWeb
        5. pdQbrowser
        6. AvantGo
          1. AvantGo Via the Desktop
          2. AvantGo as a Direct Browser
        7. How to Make Your Web Site Palm-Friendly
        8. Executive Tip Summary
      3. 15. Paging, Faxing, Printing, and Beaming
        1. Paging
          1. How Paging Works
          2. No Vibrations
          3. More Ways to Page
            1. BeamLink
            2. PageNow
            3. Pilot Pager
        2. Faxing
          1. HandFax
            1. Setting up HandFax for the first time
            2. Sending a fax
            3. The three lists
            4. Your graphic logo
          2. DB Fax ( Fax)
            1. Setting up Fax
            2. Sending a fax with Fax
            3. Formatting your faxes
        3. Mobile WinFax
        4. Printing
          1. PalmPrint
          2. IrPrint
        5. Beaming
          1. What You Can Beam
            1. Programs
            2. Memo Pad pages
            3. To Do items
            4. Date Book appointments
            5. Address Book entries
          2. The Beaming Process, Step by Step
          3. Other Uses for the Infrared Port
            1. Communicating with your desktop PC
            2. Communicating with your cell phone
            3. Communicating with your pager
            4. Communicating with your printer
            5. Communicating with your boss
            6. Communicating with your TV
          4. Beaming Ear to Ear
        6. Executive Tip Summary
      4. 16. Palm VII: Wireless Email, Wireless Web
        1. Palm VII: The Hardware
          1. The NiCad Battery
          2. Charging the NiCad
          3. The Antenna
            1. Positioning the antenna
            2. Removing the antenna
        2. Palm VII: The Service
          1. Activating the Service
          2. Getting Signal
        3. Palm VII: The Software
          1. Wireless Email: iMessenger
            1. How iMessenger is like Palm Mail
            2. How iMessenger is different
          2. Kilobyte Management
            1. Overcoming iMessenger’s limitations
        4. Wireless Web: Clipper
          1. Where to Get Palm Query Applications (PQAs)
          2. Making Your Own Web Query Applications
          3. Using a PQA
          4. The Preinstalled PQAs
            1. ABC News (real-world web page:)
            2. Activate (real-world web page: )
            3. E*trade (real-world web page: )
            4. (real-world web page: )
            5. MapQuest (real-world web page: )
            6. Palm.Net (real-world web page: )
            7. People Search (real-world web page: )
            8. Travelocity (real-world web page: )
            9. (real-world web page: )
            10. Weather (real-world web page: )
          5. PQAs on the Palm VII CD
            1. ATM Locator (real-world web page: )
            2. ATMs—Visa (real-world web page: )
            3. BofA (real-world web page: )
            4. Dictionary (real-world web page: )
            5. EtakTraffic (real-world web page: )
            6. Fodor’s (real-world web page: )
            7. Frommer’s (real-world web page: )
            8. moviefone (real-world web page: )
            9. OAG Flights (real-world web page: )
            10. TheStreet (real-world web page: )
            11. )
            12. UPS (real-world web page: )
            13. USA Today (real-world web page: )
            14. Yellow Pages (real-world web page: )
          6. Life in the Wireless Age
        5. Executive Tip Summary
    7. V. Troubleshooting and Upgrading
      1. 17. Troubleshooting
        1. What to Do When Disaster Strikes
        2. The Importance of Resetting
          1. Soft Reset
          2. Warm Reset
          3. Hard Reset
        3. Graffiti-Recognition Problems
        4. HotSync Problems
          1. The First Steps to Take
          2. Testing the HotSync Cradle
            1. Windows 9x
            2. Macintosh
          3. The Windows Nightmare: COM Port Management
            1. Finding out about your COM ports
            2. Getting more ports
          4. Modem HotSync Troubleshooting
        5. Palm Desktop Problems in Windows
          1. Word and Excel Macro Icons not Visible or Not Working
          2. Excel Doesn’t Launch When You Click the Expense Icon
          3. Error Message: String Too Long”
          4. Some Expense Categories Don’t Show
          5. Error Message About " AWFXCG32.DLL Problems”
          6. Goofy Text at the End of Email Messages
          7. Error Messages with Microsoft Exchange
        6. Macintosh: Problems with the MacPac 2
          1. HotSync Gives Up
          2. You Bought the 2MB Upgrade Card and Can’t HotSync to Your Mac
        7. Software Troubles on the PalmPilot
          1. Mail Messages Deleted
          2. To Do Items Shift by One Day
          3. Ignoring the Dial Tone
          4. Wrong Answers in Calculator
          5. HotSyncing Takes Longer and Longer, and ShortCuts Are Incredibly Slow
          6. I’m Worried About the Year 2000
          7. Disappearing or Shifting Date Book Entries
        8. Hardware Troubles
          1. My Screen Is Completely Blank!
          2. My Screen Is Still Completely Blank!
          3. Humming Sounds from the PalmPilot
          4. Beaming Problems
          5. Power Button Needs to Be Pressed Twice
          6. Screen Taps Don’t Do Anything
          7. One of the Silkscreened Button Icons Doesn’t Do Anything
          8. Buttons Stick
          9. Oily or Sticky Film On the Screen
          10. The Battery Drains Too Fast
          11. There’s a Dark Spot on the Screen
          12. The Palm V Turns On by Itself and Chatters
          13. The Palm IIIx Screen Has a Ghosting Grid
        9. Understanding Palm Memory
          1. Memory Troubleshooting
          2. The Greatest Memory Secret Ever Told
        10. Battery Management
          1. What Happens as the Batteries Run Down
          2. How to Change Batteries
          3. Of Alkalines, NiCads, and Renewals
          4. The NiMH Future
        11. Executive Tip Summary
      2. 18. The Palm Family, Model by Model
        1. First Generation: Pilot 1000, Pilot 5000
        2. Second Generation: PalmPilot Personal, PalmPilot Professional
          1. PalmPilot Professional
          2. Smaller Enhancements on Both Models
            1. Universal features
            2. The Date Book
            3. The Memo Pad
            4. Graffiti and stylus gestures
            5. Memory, the Applications screen, and Preferences
            6. To Do
            7. Pilot Desktop 2.0
            8. How to upgrade a PalmPilot
        3. Third Generation: Palm III and Palm Clones
          1. How to upgrade a Palm III
          2. IBM, Symbol, Qualcomm, TRG, and HandSpring
        4. Fourth Generation: Palm IIIx and Palm V
          1. Palm IIIx, Palm IIIe
          2. Palm V
        5. Fifth Generation: Palm VII
        6. Memory Upgrades
        7. Executive Tip Summary
    8. VI. Appendixes
      1. A. 100 Programs Worth Knowing About
        1. How to Use This Appendix
          1. Applications
          2. Calculators/Math
          3. Cutesy
          4. Communications/Internet
          5. Database Programs
          6. Development
          7. Document/Memo/Editors/Outliners/Viewers
          8. Drawing/Graphics
          9. Educational
          10. Foreign Language
          11. Games
          12. Gaming/Sport Rules/Aids
          13. Hacks
          14. Health/Fitness
          15. Info
          16. Law
          17. Literary
          18. Mapping/Navigation
          19. Medical
          20. Music/Sound
          21. Religion
          22. Restaurants
          23. Synchronization/Installation
          24. Support Apps
          25. Time/Date
          26. Travel/Entertainment
          27. Utilities
      2. B. PalmPilot Accessories
        1. 3Com Attachments
          1. Palm Modem
          2. HotSync Cable
          3. HotSync Cradle
          4. Macintosh Serial Adapter
          5. Modem Cable
        2. Other Attachments
          1. TaleLight
          2. TaleVibes
          3. Minstrel Wireless Modems
          4. Earthmate
          5. CardScan
          6. GoType Keyboard
          7. Palm Navigator
          8. Unimount
          9. JetTalker
        3. Screen Protection and Stylus Replacements
          1. Concept Kitchen Stuff
          2. Scotch Tape
          3. Combination Pen/Stylus
          4. The Color Pack
        4. Carrying Cases
      3. C. Piloteers in Cyberspace
        1. Electronic Newsletters
          1. Shopping
          2. Software
          3. Reading Material
          4. PalmPilot Magazines
          5. Palm Discussions
          6. Help and Answers
          7. Pilot Exploration: the Web Ring
          8. PalmPilot User Groups
      4. D. Writing a Palm VII Query Application (PQA)
        1. General Procedure
        2. Three Kinds of PQA
          1. Self-Contained
          2. WWW Links
          3. Server-Supported
        3. Step 1: Create the HTML Document
          1. Keep It Small
          2. Creating the CGI Script
          3. Icons
          4. Notes for HTML Coders
          5. Cool New Tags
            1. Random notes
        4. Step 2: Run QABuilder
        5. Conclusion
      5. E. Unix, Linux, and Palm
        1. Desktop Alternatives
        2. The pilot-link Package
        3. Installation Directions and “Gotchas”
          1. pilot-link Advantages
            1. Usage
            2. Example
          2. pilot-link Disadvantages
        4. KPilot
          1. Installation Directions and “Gotchas”
          2. KPilot Advantages
          3. KPilot Disadvantages
        5. PilotManager
          1. Installation Directions and “Gotchas”
          2. PilotManager Advantages
          3. PilotManager Disadvantages
        6. gnome-pilot
        7. Other Tools and Software
          1. Pyrite
          2. MakeDoc
          3. Z-doc
          4. Linux on Palm
        8. Where to Go from Here
    9. F. Graffiti Quick Reference
      1. Alphanumeric
      2. Punctuation
      3. Extended Punctuation
      4. Accented Characters
    10. Index
    11. Colophon

Product information

  • Title: PalmPilot: The Ultimate Guide, Second Edition
  • Author(s): David Pogue
  • Release date: May 2000
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781565926004