Control Your Home Theater

You know that stack of infrared (IR) remotes that’s always spilling onto the floor? Your Palm can take the place of all of them.

You need software to convert your Palm into an infrared (IR) remote. Two choices are OmniRemote ( and NoviiRemote ( You should lookat the home theater devices that these two programs support and pick the one that is compatible with your gear.

If neither program covers all of your devices, then you have a couple of choices. If you have the remotes for your devices, and you are looking at simplifying down to just your PDA, then you can switch the applications into learning mode. Line up the remote and your Palm device on a flat surface with the IR end of the remote pointed at the IR port on your PDA and run through all of the important buttons on the remote. Save the buttons for each device under a unique name.

If you are missing some of the remotes, then you can try to find an IR code library on the Web. One good source is RemoteCentral (, which has IR files under the Files tab on the home page. The files for the Philips Pronto can be used with OmniRemote by using a converter from the OmniRemote web site. If you can’t find your specific device, then try to find a similar device by the same manufacturer.

Once you have all the codes for the devices you want to control, it is time to create button layouts. There are a variety of interesting button layouts ...

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