Oracle Database 12c Release 2 In-Memory: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Performance

Book description

Master Oracle Database 12c Release 2’s powerful In-Memory option

This Oracle Press guide shows, step-by-step, how to optimize database performance and cut transaction processing time using Oracle Database 12c Release 2 In-Memory. Oracle Database 12c Release 2 In-Memory: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Performance features hands-on instructions, best practices, and expert tips from an Oracle enterprise architect. You will learn how to deploy the software, use In-Memory Advisor, build queries, and interoperate with Oracle RAC and Multitenant. A complete chapter of case studies illustrates real-world applications.

• Configure Oracle Database 12c and construct In-Memory enabled databases
• Edit and control In-Memory options from the graphical interface
• Implement In-Memory with Oracle Real Application Clusters
• Use the In-Memory Advisor to determine what objects to keep In-Memory
• Optimize In-Memory queries using groups, expressions, and aggregations
• Maximize performance using Oracle Exadata Database Machine and In-Memory option
• Use Swingbench to create data and simulate real-life system workloads

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright Page
  4. Dedication
  5. About the Author
  6. Contents
  7. Acknowledgments
  8. Introduction
  9. 1 Database Architecture
    1. Oracle Database and Instance
    2. Storage Structure of a Database
      1. Physical Structure
      2. Logical Structure
    3. Memory Structure
      1. System Global Area (SGA)
      2. Program Global Area (PGA)
    4. Process Structure
      1. Process Monitor (PMON)
      2. System Monitor (SMON)
      3. Database Writer (DBWn)
      4. Log Writer (LGWR)
      5. Checkpoint (CKPT)
      6. Recoverer (RECO)
      7. Other Processes
    5. Summary
  10. 2 In-Memory Architecture
    1. Row vs. Column Processing
    2. Database In-Memory Architecture
      1. In-Memory Storage Units
      1. Syntax
      2. SIMD Vector Processing
    4. Data Load in In-Memory Column Store
      1. IM FastStart
      2. In-Memory with Automatic Data Optimization (ADO)
      3. Restrictions and Usage
    5. Summary
  11. 3 Implementing In-Memory
    1. Allocating the In-Memory Area
    2. Initialization Parameters for In-Memory
    3. Populating Data in the IMCS
    4. Enabling the IMCS at the Database Level
    5. Enabling/Disabling IMCS for Tables
    6. Enabling/Disabling IMCS for a Virtual Column
    7. Enabling/Disabling IMCS for a Tablespace
    8. Enabling/Disabling IMCS for a Materialized View
    9. Enabling IM FastStart
    10. Enabling ADO and In-Memory
    11. IMCS and Data Pump
    12. Objects that Cannot Be Populated in IMCS
    13. In-Memory Views
    14. Summary
  12. 4 How Database In-Memory Works with RAC and Multitenant
    1. RAC Basics
      1. RAC Architecture and Concepts
      2. RAC Background Processes
    2. Parallel Execution with RAC
      1. Degree of Parallelism (DOP)
    3. Memory Requirement for RAC
    4. RAC and DBIM
      1. IMCS Data Population in RAC
      2. IMCS Data and Services
    5. Multitenant and IMDB
    6. Summary
  13. 5 Database In-Memory Advisor
    1. Installing the In-Memory Advisor
    2. Running the In-Memory Advisor
    3. Implementing Advisor Recommendations and Comparing Results
    4. Summary
  14. 6 Optimizing Database In-Memory Queries
    1. Using Join Groups
      1. Creating a Join Group
    2. Using IM Expressions
    3. Using In-Memory Aggregations
    4. Summary
  15. 7 In-Memory and Engineering Systems
    1. Advantages of Exadata
    2. Exadata Architecture
      1. Database Servers or Compute Nodes
      2. Exadata Storage Cells or Exadata Storage Servers
      3. InfiniBand
    3. Exadata Hardware Configurations
    4. Exadata Features
      1. Hybrid Columnar Compression
      2. Advantages of HCC and Database In-Memory
    5. Smart Scans vs. Traditional Architecture
      1. Storage Index
    6. Exadata Smart Flash Cache
      1. Database In-Memory Fault Tolerance for Exadata
    7. Summary
  16. 8 In-Memory Lab
    1. View the Server Memory Specification
    2. Load Data Using SwingBench
      1. Generate Data for Sales History
      2. Check Memory-Related Parameters
      3. Start Data Population
      4. Create a Materialized View
    3. Edit an Object’s In-Memory Attributes and Settings
    4. Disabling the In-Memory Option
    5. Install the In-Memory Advisor
      1. Run a Workload
    6. Summary
  17. A Installing the Oracle Database and Enabling In-Memory
    1. Preinstallation Steps
      1. Disk Space in Temporary File System
      2. SWAP Space Relative to RAM
      3. Oracle Inventory Directory
      4. Users and Groups
      5. Environmental Variables
      6. Root Access
      7. Oracle Software Location
      8. Grid Infrastructure (Conditional)
      9. Staging the Software
    2. Running Oracle Universal Installer
    3. Post-Installation Steps
    4. Enabling the In-Memory Option
    5. Summary
  18. Index

Product information

  • Title: Oracle Database 12c Release 2 In-Memory: Tips and Techniques for Maximum Performance
  • Author(s): Joyjeet Banerjee
  • Release date: February 2017
  • Publisher(s): Oracle Press
  • ISBN: 9781259586170