4.7. Resources


[ Christiansen+ 98] Christiansen, Tom, and Nathan Torkington. Perl Cookbook. Recipes to do all types of tasks in Perl.

[Conway 99] Conway, Damien. Object-Oriented Perl. A complete introduction to the object-oriented features of Perl. A must-read for those wanting to learn how to use Perl for object-oriented programming.

[ Friedl 02] Friedl, Jeffrey E. F. Mastering Regular Expressions. An excellent book covering a complex topic—a must have for those of us creating complex regexes.

[Hall+ 98] Hall, Joseph N., and Randal Schwartz. Effective Perl Programming: Writing Better Programs with Perl. A very good book discussing many advanced features of Perl, including references and modules.

[Schilli 98] Schilli, Michael. Perl ...

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