Book 2

Word 365

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Speed Techniques for Using Word
    1. Introducing the Word Screen
    2. Creating a New Document
    3. Getting a Better Look at Your Documents
    4. Selecting Text in Speedy Ways
    5. Moving Around Quickly in Documents
    6. Inserting a Whole File into a Document
    7. Getting Word to Read It
    8. Entering Information Quickly in a Computerized Form
  2. Chapter 2: Laying Out Text and Pages
    1. Paragraphs and Formatting
    2. Inserting a Section Break for Formatting Purposes
    3. Breaking a Line
    4. Starting a New Page
    5. Setting Up and Changing the Margins
    6. Indenting Paragraphs and First Lines
    7. Numbering the Pages
    8. Putting Headers and Footers on Pages
    9. Adjusting the Space Between Lines
    10. Adjusting the Space Between Paragraphs
    11. Creating Numbered and Bulleted Lists
    12. Working with Tabs
    13. Hyphenating Text
  3. Chapter 3: Word Styles
    1. All About Styles
    2. Applying Styles to Text and Paragraphs
    3. Creating a New Style
    4. Modifying a Style
    5. Creating and Managing Templates
  4. Chapter 4: Constructing the Perfect Table
    1. Talking Table Jargon
    2. Creating a Table
    3. Entering the Text and Numbers
    4. Selecting Different Parts of a Table
    5. Laying Out Your Table
    6. Aligning Text in Columns and Rows
    7. Merging and Splitting Cells
    8. Repeating Header Rows on Subsequent Pages
    9. Formatting Your Table
    10. Using Math Formulas in Tables
    11. Neat Table Tricks
  5. Chapter 5: Taking Advantage of the Proofing Tools
    1. Correcting Your Spelling Errors
    2. Correcting Grammatical Errors
    3. Refining Your Work with the Editor
    4. Finding and Replacing Text
    5. Finding the Right Word with the Thesaurus
    6. Proofing Text ...

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