Chapter 20

Getting Advanced with Outlook


Bullet Reducin’ the ribbon

Bullet Concentrating on columns

Bullet Hiding this and showing that

Bullet Using advanced search

Bullet Understanding Outlook preferences

Bullet Looking for something new?

This chapter shows you some Outlook tips and tricks not covered elsewhere in this book. First, we cover some ways you can customize Outlook to suit your own style and needs. We also discuss some app preferences and how you can use them, too, to customize Outlook. Finally, you find out how to synchronize your contacts, events, and notes in Outlook with macOS Contacts, Calendar, and iCloud, and we tell you why you might want to do so.

Customizing: It’s Not Just for Hot Rods Anymore

Like the other apps in Office for Mac, Outlook sports a ribbon interface — along with the familiar toolbar and menu system, you’re often confronted with a huge number of various icons, pop-up ...

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