List of Algorithms
Algorithm 9.1 Inner Product of Two Vectors 164
Algorithm 9.2 Frobenius Norm 164
Algorithm 9.3 Product of Two Matrices 165
Algorithm 9.4 Solving an Upper Triangular System 169
Algorithm 9.5 Solving a Lower Triangular System 169
Algorithm 9.6 The Thomas Algorithm 173
Algorithm 11.1 LU Decomposition Without a Zero on the Diagonal 216
Algorithm 11.2 Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting 223
Algorithm 11.3 Solve Ax = b for Multiple Right-Hand Sides 226
Algorithm 11.4 Iterative Improvement 229
Algorithm 12.1 Cubic Spline Approximation 255
Algorithm 13.1 Computing the LU Decomposition of a Tridiagonal Matrix 265
Algorithm 13.2 Solve a Factored Tridiagonal System 266
Algorithm 13.3 The Cholesky Decomposition 271
Algorithm 14.1 ...
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