Chapter 1

Journeying into the World of Nonprofit Organizations


Bullet Defining the nonprofit sector

Bullet Getting started with a nonprofit

Bullet Encouraging volunteerism

Bullet Acquiring the resources your nonprofit needs

It’s a typical day in your hometown. Your alarm wakes you from a restful sleep and you switch on your radio to hear the latest news from your local public radio station. You hear that a research institute’s study reports that economic indicators are on the rise and that a health clinic across town is testing a new regimen for arthritis. Plato, your golden retriever/Labrador mix, adopted from the animal shelter when he was 5 months old, bounds onto your bed to let you know it’s time for breakfast and a walk. Plato is followed by Cynthia, your 4-year-old daughter, who wants to help you walk Plato before she’s dropped off at her preschool housed in the community center. You remember that you promised to bring canned goods to the food bank that’s next-door to Cynthia’s school. You haven’t even had coffee yet, but already your morning is filled with news and services provided ...

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