Nonprofit Kit For Dummies, 6th Edition

Book description

Helping you successfully start a nonprofit organization the right way or strengthening the governing, financial, and capacity-building framework of your existing nonprofit organization!

Ready to do some good? Ready to give back to the community? You better be! Because in Nonprofit Kit For Dummies you’ll find the tools and strategies you need to organize and shift your nonprofit into high gear. Buckle up and hit the gas as you master the latest techniques in nonprofit startup, recruiting the right board members, identifying collaborative stakeholders, grant writing, online fundraising, and marketing. You’ll learn to improve your management practices, raise more money, give more effectively, and plan more creatively.

This book’s supplementary online resources include expertly written organization plans, financial procedure outlines and guides, and event planning tools you can implement immediately to help your nonprofit help more people. It also walks you through how to:

  • Find up-to-date info on the latest web-based campaign tools, like Kickstarter, Kiva, and others
  • Use templates, checklists, and plans to organize your nonprofit’s finances, employee relations, and legal structure
  • Survive and thrive during challenging times, like those caused by pandemics and natural disasters

Starting and running a nonprofit organization takes heart, courage, and know-how. You’ve got the first two taken care of. Let Nonprofit Kit For Dummies help you with the knowledge as you lift your nonprofit to new heights.

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Title Page
  3. Copyright
  4. Introduction
    1. About This Book
    2. Foolish Assumptions
    3. Icons Used in This Book
    4. Beyond the Book
    5. Where to Go from Here
  5. Part 1: Getting Familiar with the Nonprofit Framework
    1. Chapter 1: Journeying into the World of Nonprofit Organizations
      1. What Is a Nonprofit Organization?
      2. Knowing Your Mission Before Entering the Nonprofit World
      3. Embracing and Sharing Your Inspiration
      4. Finding the Resources to Do the Job
    2. Chapter 2: Understanding What It Takes to Start a Nonprofit
      1. Weighing the Pros and Cons of Starting a Nonprofit
      2. Doing Your Homework First
      3. Understanding Nonprofit Ownership
      4. Looking at the Many Varieties of Nonprofits
      5. Comparing Nonprofits and For-Profits
      6. Using a Fiscal Sponsor: An Alternative Approach
    3. Chapter 3: Prioritizing Building Your Board of Directors
      1. Appreciating the Duties of a Nonprofit Board of Directors
      2. Recruiting the Right People for Your Board
      3. Putting Staff Members on Your Board
      4. Using Your Board to Full Capacity
    4. Chapter 4: Creating Your Mission Statement and Vision Statement
      1. Honing Your Mission Statement
      2. Imagining Your Future with a Vision Statement
      3. Inviting Stakeholders to the Planning Table
      4. Living by Your Mission and Staying Fixed on the Vision
    5. Chapter 5: Incorporating and Applying for Tax-Exemption Status
      1. Creating a New Entity: The Nonprofit Corporation
      2. Writing the Articles of Incorporation
      3. Securing Your Employer Identification Number (EIN)
      4. Writing Your Organization’s Bylaws
      5. Holding Your First Board Meeting
      6. Applying for Tax Exemption
    6. Chapter 6: Adhering to Nonprofit Status Requirements
      1. Disclosing What You Need to Disclose
      2. Avoiding Excessive Payments and Politicking
      3. Reporting to the IRS
      4. Reporting to Your State, Territory, and Local Governments
  6. Part 2: Bringing Your A-Game to Nonprofit Management
    1. Chapter 7: From the Top: Examining the Nonprofit Management Structure
      1. Managing a Nonprofit: A Bird’s-Eye View
      2. Appreciating the Governing Board’s Role and Responsibilities
      3. Redefining the Nonprofit Founder's Role
      4. Adding an Advisory Board
      5. Expanding to Take On an Executive Director
    2. Chapter 8: Strategic Planning: Embracing the Ongoing Process
      1. Understanding the Importance of Planning
      2. Making Your Organization’s Strategic Plan
      3. Putting Plans into Action
      4. Planning for Programs
      5. Facility Planning: Finding a Place to Do Your Work
    3. Chapter 9: Evaluating Your Work: Are You Meeting Your Goals?
      1. Knowing the Importance of Evaluation
      2. Working Through the Evaluation Process
      3. Conducting Your Evaluation
      4. Analyzing Results and Putting Them to Work
    4. Chapter 10: You Can Count on Me! Working with Volunteers
      1. Knowing Why People Volunteer
      2. Designing a Volunteer Program
      3. Hunting for Volunteers
      4. Interviewing and Screening Volunteers
      5. Managing Your Volunteers
      6. Showing Appreciation for Your Volunteers
    5. Chapter 11: Working with Paid Staff and Contractors
      1. Determining Your Staffing Needs
      2. Getting Your Nonprofit Ready for Paid Employees
      3. Preparing to Hire
      4. Making the Hire
      5. Onboarding a New Hire
      6. Managing Employees
      7. Working with Independent Contractors
    6. Chapter 12: Money Matters: Preparing Budgets and Financial Reports
      1. Making a Budget = Having a Plan
      2. Creating Budgets for Programs or Departments
      3. Working Frequently with Your Budget
      4. Projecting Cash Flow
      5. Keeping Your Books Organized and Up to Date
      6. Reviewing the Numbers: Financial Statements and Audits
      7. Reading Your Financial Statements
      8. Managing Financial Systems
    7. Chapter 13: Marketing and Branding
      1. Taking Care of the Basics
      2. Discovering Who You Are: First Steps to Marketing
      3. Reaching Your Audience via Mass Media
      4. Using Social Media for Fun and Profit
  7. Part 3: Raising Funds Successfully
    1. Chapter 14: Creating a Fundraising Plan
      1. Recognizing Who Can Raise Funds
      2. Naming Possible Funding Sources
      3. Weighing Your Fundraising Capacity
      4. Drafting a Fundraising Plan
      5. Moving to an Action Plan
      6. Planting the Seeds for a New Nonprofit
    2. Chapter 15: Raising Funds from Individual Donors
      1. Understanding Why People Give
      2. Stating Your Case
      3. Creating an Elevator Speech
      4. Identifying Possible Donors
      5. Growing a Major Gift
      6. Raising Funds by Mail
      7. Raising Money the “E” Way (Easily and Electronically)
      8. Telemarketing: Dialing for Dollars
    3. Chapter 16: Planning Onsite and Virtual Special Events
      1. Thinking through the Whole Event
      2. Setting Up Your Timeline
      3. Spreading the Word
      4. After the Event is Over
    4. Chapter 17: Sleuthing for Grant Funding
      1. Assessing Your Nonprofit’s Grant-Seeking Readiness
      2. Planning for a Foundation Grant Proposal
      3. Going for a Government Grant
    5. Chapter 18: Writing an Award-Winning Grant Proposal
      1. Attending to Pre-Proposal Tasks
      2. The Pitch: Writing a Competitive Grant Proposal
      3. Familiarizing Yourself with Other Types of Written Funding Requests
      4. Following Through after Receiving Funding
    6. Chapter 19: Capital Campaigns: Finding Lasting Resources
      1. Beginning the Funding Plan
      2. Developing a Case Statement
      3. Building the Pyramid of Gifts
      4. Realizing the Benefits and Risks of Capital Campaigns
  8. Part 4: The Part of Tens
    1. Chapter 20: Ten Tips for Pivoting in Times of Uncertainty
      1. Create an Emergency Operations Plan
      2. Communicate When Making Hard Decisions
      3. Step Back and Regroup
      4. Set a Manageable Fundraising Goal
      5. Collaborate with Others in Your Field
      6. Share a Back Office
      7. Place a Program within Another Agency
      8. Merge with Another Nonprofit
      9. Close with Dignity If Necessary
      10. Complete the Government’s Closing Paperwork
    2. Chapter 21: Ten Tips for Raising Seed Money
      1. Ask
      2. Hit Up People You Know
      3. Tell Your Story and Don’t Ramble
      4. Show How You’re Improving Lives
      5. Use Numbers to Convey Urgency and Compassion
      6. Research, Research, Research
      7. Know Your Donors’ Point of View
      8. Build a Donor Pyramid
      9. Make It Easy to Respond
      10. Keep Good Records
    3. Chapter 22: Ten Tips for Protecting Your Nonprofit
      1. Assessing Your Risks
      2. Planning for Emergencies
      3. Filing Annual Federal Forms
      4. Filing Annual State Forms
      5. Paying Employment Taxes
      6. Reporting Payments to Consultants
      7. Maintaining Transparency
      8. Responding to Negative Press
      9. Protecting Your Online Reputation
      10. Determining Insurance Needs
  9. Part 5: Appendixes
    1. Appendix A: Glossary
    2. Appendix B: About the Online Content
  10. Index
  11. About the Authors
  12. Advertisement Page
  13. Connect with Dummies
  14. End User License Agreement

Product information

  • Title: Nonprofit Kit For Dummies, 6th Edition
  • Author(s): Beverly A. Browning, Stan Hutton, Frances N. Phillips
  • Release date: October 2021
  • Publisher(s): For Dummies
  • ISBN: 9781119835721