
I would like to express my gratitude to my colleagues, Dr. H.A. Talebi and Dr. A. Dostmohammadi, for their great assistance in editing the manuscript. Also, I would like to express my gratitude to some of my former PhD students for their contributions to dynamic system stability theorems that constitute the main part of this book; namely, Dr. Suratgar, Dr. Vali, Dr. Fathabadi, Dr. Dehghani, Dr. Meigoli, and Dr. Mahboobi, who are presently academic members of various universities in Iran.

I am also indebted to some of my former MSc and/or current PhD students whose work have enriched this book; namely, Aghili Ashtiani, Shamaghdari, Sangrody, and Alaviani.

I would also like to express my deepest thanks to Dr. V. Maghsoodi and M.M. ...

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