Book description
NONLINEAR FILTERSDiscover the utility of using deep learning and (deep) reinforcement learning in deriving filtering algorithms with this insightful and powerful new resource
Nonlinear Filters: Theory and Applications delivers an insightful view on state and parameter estimation by merging ideas from control theory, statistical signal processing, and machine learning. Taking an algorithmic approach, the book covers both classic and machine learning-based filtering algorithms.
Readers of Nonlinear Filters will greatly benefit from the wide spectrum of presented topics including stability, robustness, computability, and algorithmic sufficiency. Readers will also enjoy:
- Organization that allows the book to act as a stand-alone, self-contained reference
- A thorough exploration of the notion of observability, nonlinear observers, and the theory of optimal nonlinear filtering that bridges the gap between different science and engineering disciplines
- A profound account of Bayesian filters including Kalman filter and its variants as well as particle filter
- A rigorous derivation of the smooth variable structure filter as a predictor-corrector estimator formulated based on a stability theorem, used to confine the estimated states within a neighborhood of their true values
- A concise tutorial on deep learning and reinforcement learning
- A detailed presentation of the expectation maximization algorithm and its machine learning-based variants, used for joint state and parameter estimation
- Guidelines for constructing nonparametric Bayesian models from parametric ones
Perfect for researchers, professors, and graduate students in engineering, computer science, applied mathematics, and artificial intelligence, Nonlinear Filters: Theory and Applications will also earn a place in the libraries of those studying or practicing in fields involving pandemic diseases, cybersecurity, information fusion, augmented reality, autonomous driving, urban traffic network, navigation and tracking, robotics, power systems, hybrid technologies, and finance.
Table of contents
- Cover
- Title Page
- Copyright
- Dedication
- List of Figures
- List of Table
- Preface
- Acknowledgments
- Acronyms
- 1 Introduction
2 Observability
- 2.1 Introduction
- 2.2 State‐Space Model
- 2.3 The Concept of Observability
- 2.4 Observability of Linear Time‐Invariant Systems
- 2.5 Observability of Linear Time‐Varying Systems
- 2.6 Observability of Nonlinear Systems
- 2.7 Observability of Stochastic Systems
- 2.8 Degree of Observability
- 2.9 Invertibility
- 2.10 Concluding Remarks
- 3 Observers
- 4 Bayesian Paradigm and Optimal Nonlinear Filtering
5 Kalman Filter
- 5.1 Introduction
- 5.2 Kalman Filter
- 5.3 Kalman Smoother
- 5.4 Information Filter
- 5.5 Extended Kalman Filter
- 5.6 Extended Information Filter
- 5.7 Divided‐Difference Filter
- 5.8 Unscented Kalman Filter
- 5.9 Cubature Kalman Filter
- 5.10 Generalized PID Filter
- 5.11 Gaussian‐Sum Filter
- 5.12 Applications
- 5.13 Concluding Remarks
- 6 Particle Filter
7 Smooth Variable‐Structure Filter
- 7.1 Introduction
- 7.2 The Switching Gain
- 7.3 Stability Analysis
- 7.4 Smoothing Subspace
- 7.5 Filter Corrective Term for Linear Systems
- 7.6 Filter Corrective Term for Nonlinear Systems
- 7.7 Bias Compensation
- 7.8 The Secondary Performance Indicator
- 7.9 Second‐Order Smooth Variable Structure Filter
- 7.10 Optimal Smoothing Boundary Design
- 7.11 Combination of SVSF with Other Filters
- 7.12 Applications
- 7.13 Concluding Remarks
8 Deep Learning
- 8.1 Introduction
- 8.2 Gradient Descent
- 8.3 Stochastic Gradient Descent
- 8.4 Natural Gradient Descent
- 8.5 Neural Networks
- 8.6 Backpropagation
- 8.7 Backpropagation Through Time
- 8.8 Regularization
- 8.9 Initialization
- 8.10 Convolutional Neural Network
- 8.11 Long Short‐Term Memory
- 8.12 Hebbian Learning
- 8.13 Gibbs Sampling
- 8.14 Boltzmann Machine
- 8.15 Autoencoder
- 8.16 Generative Adversarial Network
- 8.17 Transformer
- 8.18 Concluding Remarks
9 Deep Learning‐Based Filters
- 9.1 Introduction
- 9.2 Variational Inference
- 9.3 Amortized Variational Inference
- 9.4 Deep Kalman Filter
- 9.5 Backpropagation Kalman Filter
- 9.6 Differentiable Particle Filter
- 9.7 Deep Rao–Blackwellized Particle Filter
- 9.8 Deep Variational Bayes Filter
- 9.9 Kalman Variational Autoencoder
- 9.10 Deep Variational Information Bottleneck
- 9.11 Wasserstein Distributionally Robust Kalman Filter
- 9.12 Hierarchical Invertible Neural Transport
- 9.13 Applications
- 9.14 Concluding Remarks
10 Expectation Maximization
- 10.1 Introduction
- 10.2 Expectation Maximization Algorithm
- 10.3 Particle Expectation Maximization
- 10.4 Expectation Maximization for Gaussian Mixture Models
- 10.5 Neural Expectation Maximization
- 10.6 Relational Neural Expectation Maximization
- 10.7 Variational Filtering Expectation Maximization
- 10.8 Amortized Variational Filtering Expectation Maximization
- 10.9 Applications
- 10.10 Concluding Remarks
- 11 Reinforcement Learning‐Based Filter
12 Nonparametric Bayesian Models
- 12.1 Introduction
- 12.2 Parametric vs Nonparametric Models
- 12.3 Measure‐Theoretic Probability
- 12.4 Exchangeability
- 12.5 Kolmogorov Extension Theorem
- 12.6 Extension of Bayesian Models
- 12.7 Conjugacy
- 12.8 Construction of Nonparametric Bayesian Models
- 12.9 Posterior Computability
- 12.10 Algorithmic Sufficiency
- 12.11 Applications
- 12.12 Concluding Remarks
- References
- Index
- Wiley End User License Agreement
Product information
- Title: Nonlinear Filters
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 2022
- Publisher(s): Wiley
- ISBN: 9781118835814
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