Chapter 15 Business combinations and goodwill

1 Introduction

   1.1 Background

   1.2 The FRS 102 approach to business combinations and goodwill

2 Comparison between Section 19, previous UK GAAP and IFRS

   2.1 Key differences between Section 19 and previous UK GAAP

       2.1.1 Method of accounting

       2.1.2 Definition of a business combination

       2.1.3 Definition of a business

       2.1.4 Identifying an acquirer

       2.1.5 Cost of a business combination

  1. 2.1.5.A Acquisition expenses
  2. 2.1.5.B Contingent consideration
  3. 2.1.5.C Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders

       2.1.6 Measurement period

       2.1.7 Initial measurement of acquiree’s assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities

       2.1.8 Recognition of intangible assets separate from goodwill

       2.1.9 Deferred tax

       2.1.10 Step acquisitions

       2.1.11 Non-controlling interests in a business combination

       2.1.12 Subsequent accounting for goodwill

       2.1.13 Disclosures

   2.2 Key differences between Section 19 and IFRS

       2.2.1 Method of accounting

       2.2.2 Definition of a business combination

       2.2.3 Definition of a business

       2.2.4 Identifying an acquirer

       2.2.5 Cost of a business combination

  1. 2.2.5.A Acquisition expenses
  2. 2.2.5.B Contingent consideration
  3. 2.2.5.C Contingent payments to employees or selling shareholders

       2.2.6 Measurement period

       2.2.7 Initial measurement of acquiree’s assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities ...

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