About the Author

Tim McCarthy is a freelance consultant who architects, designs and builds highly scalable layered web and smart client applications utilizing the latest Microsoft platforms and technologies. Tim is a Microsoft MVP in Solutions Architecture, and his expertise covers a wide range of Microsoft technologies, including, but not limited to, the following: .NET Framework (ASP.NET/Smart Clients/VSTO/Workflow/Web Services, Windows Presentation Foundation), SQL Server, Active Directory, MS Exchange development, UDDI, SharePoint, and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) applications. Tim has worked as both a project technical lead/member as well as being in a technical consulting role for several Fortune 500 companies. He has held the Microsoft Certified Solution Developer (MCSD) and Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) certifications for several years, and was one of the first wave of developers to earn the Microsoft Certified Application Developer (MCAD) for .NET and MCSD for .NET certifications. He also holds the Microsoft Certified Database Administrator certification for SQL Server 2000. Tim is also certified as an IEEE Certified Software Development Professional, and he is one of only 550 people to hold this certification in the world.

Tim has been an author and technical reviewer for several books from Wrox Press. His other books include being a lead author on Professional VB 2005, several editions of Professional VB.NET, Professional Commerce Server 2000, and Professional ...

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