Negus Live Linux Series Live Linux CDs: Building and Customizing Bootables

Book description

 Dream the perfect computer system, then build it to run on a Linux live CD!

A Linux live CD is more than just a Linux system you carry around. Start with a live CD that has all your favorite applications. Include and play photo slideshows, presentations, Web content, and music collections. Incorporate your own designs, colors, and images to appear everywhere from the boot prompt to the desktop.

When you are done, you have a perfectly customized CD or DVD that can run on almost any PC that you can reboot. In Live Linux® CDs, bestselling Linux author Christopher Negus guides you through the free software tools and toys you need to try out and create specialized Linux live CDs for security, presentations, gaming, multimedia, firewalls, and clustering. It is the first start-to-finish guide to using, creating, building, and remastering your own live Linux distributions.

Working from live CD technology on the accompanying DVD, you can

  • Boot and run live Linux versions of KNOPPIX, SLAX, Gentoo, Damn Small Linux, and other live CDs

  • Burn and boot Linux live CD ISO images of Ubuntu, KNOPPIX, SLAX, MoviX, BackTrack, and more

  • Build your own live CDs from instructions based on KNOPPIX (Debian), Fedora, Gentoo, Damn Small Linux, and SLAX

  • Create multimedia players that are customized to include your own video or music

  • Customize live CD rescue toolkits to analyze and repair data on compromised networks, Windows PCs, and Linux systems

  • Configure personal firewalls to protect from Internet intruders

  • Control the processing power of a group of computers, using live CD clusters

  • Whether you want to customize the perfect live Linux for your own use or distribute it to the world, Live Linux® CDs gives you all the knowledge, tools, and software you need.

    Table of contents

    1. Copyright
      1. Dedication
    2. Negus Live Linux Series
    3. Acknowledgments
    4. About the Author
    5. Introduction
      1. Audience for This Book
      2. Organization of This Book
      3. About the DVD for This Book
      4. What You Need to Use This Book
    6. I. Beginning with Bootable Live Linuxes
      1. 1. Starting Up with Live Linux CDs
        1. Understanding Live Linux CDs
        2. Running a Live Linux CD
        3. Overcoming the First Hurdles to Linux
        4. Using Different Types of Live CDs
          1. Desktop Live CDs
          2. Gaming Live CDs
          3. Clustering Live CDs
          4. Multimedia Player Live CDs
          5. Multimedia Production Live CDs
          6. Recovery and Security Live CDs
          7. Firewall Live CDs
          8. Live CDs for Developing, Testing, and Showcasing Applications
          9. Specialty Presentation Live CDs
          10. Disaster Center Live CD
        5. Selecting Bootable Media
          1. Getting the Most from a Live CD
        6. Building a Live Linux CD
          1. Choosing a Base Linux System
          2. Knoppix and Debian-Based Live CDs
          3. Fedora-Based Live CDs
          4. Gentoo-Based Live CDs
        7. Trying Other Live CDs
        8. Learning about Live CDs
          1. Using Boot Loaders
          2. Choosing Compression Techniques and File System Types
          3. Understanding Hardware Detection
          4. Configuring System Services
          5. Choosing Software Packaging
          6. Selecting a Desktop Environment
        9. Burning and Fancying Up Your Live CD
        10. Summary
      2. 2. Playing with Live Linux CDs
        1. Before Booting a Live CD
        2. Starting from the DVD
        3. Running a Desktop Live CD (Knoppix)
          1. Touring Knoppix
          2. CD, Floppy, and USB Memory Drives
          3. Hard-Disk Partitions
          4. KDE and Knoppix Menus
          5. Panel Buttons
          6. Desktop Pager and Taskbar
          7. System Tray
          8. Konqueror File Manager
          9. The Shell
        4. Running a Gaming Live CD
          1. Using Gaming Emulators
          2. Trying Games in Linux
            1. Running NetHack and Traditional Free Software Games
            2. Running Beneath a Steel Sky and Now-Free Commercial Games
            3. Running Card Game, Board Game, and Strategy Game Clones
        5. Running a Multimedia Live CD (MoviX and Dynebolic)
          1. Playing Video, Music, and Images with MoviX
          2. Creating Multimedia Content with Dynebolic
            1. Touring Dynebolic
            2. Trying Multimedia Applications in Dynebolic
        6. Running a Security Live CD (BackTrack)
          1. Using BackTrack
          2. Trying Security Applications
        7. Getting a Live CD Working Just Right
        8. Summary
      3. 3. Customizing a Live CD
        1. Customizing a Live CD
          1. Making Desktop Customizations
            1. Creating a Custom Theme
            2. Making Custom Menus
            3. Autostarting Applications
            4. Changing Other Features
            5. Locking Down KDE
            6. Using a Live CD as a Kiosk
          2. Making Server Customizations
            1. Adding a Simple Firewall
            2. Adding a Remote Login Server (sshd)
            3. Adding a Simple Web Server
        2. Keeping Your Customized Files and Settings
          1. Setting Up a Persistent Desktop
          2. Keeping Just Configuration Files
        3. Booting with Customized Files and Settings
        4. Saving and Using Custom Settings on Other Live CDs
          1. Saving Data in Damn Small Linux
            1. Backing Up Data Files
            2. Adding DSL Applications
            3. Restoring Files and Applications
          2. Saving Data in Dynebolic
            1. Saving Data in Puppy Linux
        5. Adding Damn Small Linux to a USB Flash Drive
        6. Summary
    7. II. Creating a Custom Bootable Linux
      1. 4. Understanding How Live Linux CDs Work
        1. Understanding the Boot Process
        2. From BIOS to Boot Loader
          1. Checking and Changing the BIOS
          2. Starting from BIOS
          3. Proceeding to the Boot Loader
        3. Booting the Live Linux System
          1. Linux Kernel and Initial RAM Disk
          2. The linuxrc Script
          3. Starting init (and the inittab File)
        4. Understanding the Running Live Linux System
          1. Understanding knoppix-autoconfig
          2. Watching the Live CD Boot Progress
          3. Checking the Running Live CD
        5. Summary
      2. 5. Looking Inside Live CD Components
        1. Using Boot Loaders in Live CDs
          1. Using the Isolinux Boot Loader
            1. Understanding Isolinux
            2. Setting Up the isolinux Directory
            3. Creating Boot Screens
            4. Creating Different Boot Labels
            5. Other Files in the isolinux Directory
          2. Using the GRUB Boot Loader for a Live CD
        2. Understanding File Systems for Live CDs
          1. Using the UnionFS File System
          2. Using the Cloop Driver
          3. Using the Squashfs File System
        3. Choosing an Approach to Creating Your Own Live CD
          1. Using dpkg and apt-get Software Tools for Knoppix
          2. Using yum and rpm to Manage Fedora Software
          3. Using emerge to Manage Software in Gentoo
          4. Building Live CDs Using Linux Installers
        4. Summary
      3. 6. Building a Custom Knoppix Live CD
        1. Understanding Knoppix Remastering
        2. Choosing a Knoppix Distribution to Customize
        3. Setting Up the Build Machine
        4. Remastering Knoppix
          1. Preparing for Remastering
          2. Working in the chroot Environment
            1. Updating, Adding, and Removing Software
            2. Testing Applications
            3. Configuring the Desktop and User Environment
            4. Changing or Adding System Start-Up Services
            5. Cleaning Up the chroot Environment
            6. Making the Compressed File-System Image
          3. Modifying Boot Files
            1. Changing Isolinux Files
            2. Understanding Kernel Image and Initial RAM Disk
          4. Creating the Final CD Image
          5. Testing and Burning the CD Image
        5. Trying Other Knoppix Remastering Techniques
          1. Using Other Remastering Howtos
          2. Checking Out Custom Remastering Scripts
        6. Summary
      4. 7. Building a Basic Fedora Live CD
        1. Understanding How to Build a Fedora Live CD
        2. Setting Up to Build a Fedora CD
        3. Installing Fedora Core
        4. Installing Kadischi Tools
        5. Setting Up the Fedora Core Repository
          1. Setting Up the Fedora Core Repository on Hard Disk
          2. Creating a Custom Software Repository
        6. Trying a Test Build
        7. Burn the Image to CD or DVD
        8. Customizing a Fedora Live CD
          1. Changing Scripts and Configuration Files
          2. Changing Boot Parameters and Splash Screens
          3. Building from a Kickstart File
          4. Adding Post-Install Scripts
        9. Summary
      5. 8. Building a Basic Gentoo Live CD
        1. About Gentoo Linux
        2. Setting Up to Build a Gentoo Live CD
        3. Installing Gentoo
          1. Running the Installer
          2. Configuring the Installed System
          3. Adding More Software
        4. Creating the Gentoo Live CD Remastering Environment
        5. Working in the chroot Environment
        6. Making the Live CD Image
        7. Testing the Live CD Image
        8. Creating a Gentoo Live CD with Catalyst
          1. Setting Up the Build Environment
          2. Configuring the catalyst.conf File
          3. Understanding the Directory Structure
          4. Creating the livecd-stage1 Archive
          5. Creating the livecd-stage2 Archive
        9. Summary
    8. III. Making a Specialized Bootable Linux
      1. 9. Customizing a Security Live Linux CD
        1. Exploring Security Live CDs
          1. Booting the BackTrack Security Live CD
            1. Boot Components
            2. The linuxrc Script
            3. Customizing the Boot Process
          2. The Initial System State
            1. Default Run Level
            2. Customizing the init Process
          3. Logging In
          4. Configuring the Desktop
            1. Desktop Environment or Window Manager
            2. Backtrack Menu
            3. KDE Settings
          5. Configuring Network Interfaces
        2. Running Security Tools
          1. Running Enumeration Tools
            1. Checking Domain Information
            2. Checking LDAP Information
            3. Determining Operating Systems
            4. Determining Network Routing
            5. Finding Windows (Samba) Shares
            6. Finding E-Mail Server Information
            7. Finding Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) Information
            8. Finding Web Server Information
          2. Using Exploit Archives
          3. Scanning Network Ports
          4. VPN Scanning Tools
          5. Vulnerability Scanning Tools
          6. Password Attack Tools
            1. Offline Password Attacks
            2. Online Password Attacks
          7. Running Fuzzers
          8. Doing Spoofing
          9. Network Sniffers
          10. Wireless Network Tools
          11. BlueTooth Device Tools
          12. Cisco Router Tools
          13. Database-Analysis Tools
          14. Forensic Tools
          15. Acquiring Tools
          16. Running Services
          17. Miscellaneous Services
        3. Adding Software to a BackTrack Live CD
        4. Summary
      2. 10. Customizing a Presentation Live Linux CD
        1. Trying Out the PuppetiX Presentation Live CD
          1. Playing GQview Slideshows
          2. Playing Impress Presentations
        2. Remastering a Presentation Live CD
          1. Setting Up the GRUB Boot Loader
          2. Starting the Presentation
          3. A Custom Fluxbox Theme
          4. Adding Content to the Live CD
        3. Summary
      3. 11. Customizing a Gaming Live Linux CD
        1. Finding Linux Gaming Live CDs
          1. GamesKnoppix Live CD and DVD
          2. PCLinuxOS SuperGamer
        2. Running the Linux Live Game Project Live CD
          1. Adventure Games
          2. Arcade Games
          3. Board Games
          4. Card Games
          5. Kids Games
          6. Sports
          7. Strategy
          8. Other Gaming Categories
        3. Commercial Games Licenses
        4. Creating a Fedora Gaming Live CD
        5. Summary
      4. 12. Customizing a Multimedia Live Linux CD
        1. Understanding Multimedia Copyright and Patent Issues
        2. Multimedia Player Live CD
          1. Running GeeXboX Open Media Center
          2. Using Multimedia Hardware
          3. Using GeeXboX Controls
          4. Regenerating GeeXboX
          5. Exploring Other Multimedia Center Live CDs
        3. Creating a Multimedia Production Live CD
          1. Understanding Dynebolic
          2. Running Multimedia Applications
            1. Using Video Applications
            2. Using Audio Applications
            3. Using Image-Manipulation Applications
            4. Using Supporting Applications
        4. Summary
      5. 13. Customizing a Firewall Live Linux CD
        1. Choosing a Firewall Computer and Live CD
        2. Getting Devil Linux
        3. Booting the Devil Linux Live CD
        4. Logging In and Setting Up Devil Linux
        5. Setting Up Firewall Rules
        6. Creating a New CD
        7. Other Firewall Distros
        8. Summary
      6. 14. Customizing a Cluster Live Linux CD
        1. What’s a Cluster?
          1. High Availability (HA)
          2. Load Balancing
          3. High-Performance Computing (HPC)
          4. Grid Computing
        2. ParallelKnoppix
          1. Starting ParallelKnoppix
          2. Setting Up Swap Space
          3. Using Applications from the PK Live CD
          4. Saving Settings
          5. Running ParallelKnoppix in Qemu
        3. Managing Nodes and Starting Your Cluster
          1. Adding Nodes to the Cluster
          2. Testing the Cluster
        4. Remastering ParallelKnoppix
        5. Summary
    9. IV. Appendices
      1. A. On the DVD
        1. Booting Live CDs From the DVD
          1. Choosing Which Live CD to Boot
          2. Starting the DVD
        2. Using Live CD ISOs from the DVD
          1. About Knoppix
          2. About MoviX2
          3. About BackTrack
          4. About Devil Linux
          5. About GeeXboX
          6. About Gentoo Live CD
          7. About Damn Small Linux
          8. About Live Linux Gaming Project
          9. About SLAX KillBill
          10. About ParallelKnoppix
          11. About Ubuntu Live CD
          12. About Presentation Live CD
      2. B. Building, Testing, and Burning ISOs
        1. Building an ISO Image with mkisofs
          1. Using mkisofs
          2. Including and Excluding Files from Your ISO
          3. Adding Information to the ISO Volume Header
        2. Testing an ISO Image with QEMU
          1. Starting with QEMU
          2. Working with QEMU
          3. Using QEMU in Windows
        3. Testing ISO Images with VMware Player
        4. Burning ISO Images with cdrecord or K3b
          1. Burning CDs and DVDs with cdrecord
          2. Burning CDs and DVDs with K3b

    Product information

    • Title: Negus Live Linux Series Live Linux CDs: Building and Customizing Bootables
    • Author(s): Christopher Negus
    • Release date: November 2006
    • Publisher(s): Pearson
    • ISBN: 9780132432740