C.1. C++ Operator Precedence
Table C.1 arranges the C++ operators according to their precedence (order of evaluation). Operators that appear at the top of the table evaluate earlier than those below. Operators at the same precedence level (between horizontal lines) evaluate left to right or right to left, according to their associativity.
Operator | Meaning | Associativity | Use |
:: | global scope | right to left | ::name |
:: | class, namespace scope | left to right | name::member |
. | direct member | left to right | object.member |
-> | indirect member | left to right | pointer->member |
[] | subscript | left to right | pointer[expr] |
() | function call | left to right | expr(arg) |
() | type construction | left to right | type(expr) |
++ | postfix increment | left to ... |
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