
3D images, 119

12BF Holdings, 121, 122


Academic institutions. See also University laboratories patent process services for, 83

Accelerated examination support document (AESD) preparation, 80

Accidents, inevitability of, 146

Accountability, 170

Accountants, encouraging challenges from, 142-143

Accounting, 141, 142-143

Accounts receivable, 47

Accrual basis accounting, 47

Acquisitions biomedical field, 70

investment through, 129

Acrongenomics, 30

Acronyms, 182-183

Active shield, 190

Added value, 126

Adhesion, 190

Advertising expense, 50

Advisors, 47

Aerobotics, 190

Aerobots, 190

Agendia, 30

Agreement in Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, 78

Agriculture, nanotechnology products in, 25

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