Chapter 22. Server Administration

22.0 Introduction

This chapter covers how to perform operations involved in administering a MySQL server:

  • General server configuration

  • The plug-in interface

  • Controlling server logging

  • Configuring storage engines

The chapter doesn’t cover managing MySQL user accounts. That is an administrative task and is covered in Chapter 24.


Many of the techniques shown here require administrative access, such as the ability to modify tables in the mysql system database or use statements that require the SUPER privilege. For this reason, to carry out the operations described here, you’ll likely need to connect to the server as root rather than as cbuser.

22.1 Configuring the Server


You want to change the server settings and also verify that your changes took effect.


To change settings, specify them at server startup or at runtime. To verify the changes, examine the relevant system variables at runtime.


The MySQL server places many configuration parameters under your control. For example, resources that require memory can be adjusted up or down to tailor resource usage. A heavily used server requires more memory; a lightly used one, less. You can set command options and system variables at server startup, and many system variables are settable at runtime as well. You can also examine your settings at runtime to verify that the configuration is as you intend.

Configuration control at server startup

To configure the server at startup time, specify ...

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