ah Expected real return on home currency loan
af Expected real return on a foreign currency loan
ADR American depository receipt
APV Adjusted present value
B/L Bill of lading
β Beta coefficient, a measure of an asset's riskiness
β* All-equity beta
βe Levered β
C1 Local currency cash flows in period t
C Cost
C(E) Price of a foreign currency call option
d Amount of currency devalution
D Forward discount
Df Amount of foreign currency debt
et Nominal exchange rate at time t
e′t Real exchange rate at time t
E (a) Exercise price on a call option or (b) Amount of equity
Ef Foreign subsidiary retained earnings
ft t-period forward exchange rate
g (a) Expected dividend growth rate or
(b) Expected rate of foreign currency appreciation against the dollar
HC Home currency
if (a) Expected rate of foreign inflation per period or
(b) Before-tax cost of foreign debt
ih Expected rate of home country inflation per period
id Before-tax cost of domestic debt
Io Initial investment
IRPT Interest rate parity theory
k Cost of capital
k0 Weighted cost of capital
ke Cost of equity capital given the firm's degree of leverage
k1 Weighted cost of capital for a project
k* Cost of equity capital if all equity financed
L Parent's target debt ratio
LC Local currency
L/C Letter of credit
LDC Less-developed country

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