M. Jork, A. Atlas and L. Fang, LDP IGP synchronization, draft-ietf-mpls-igp-sync-00.txt (work in progress)
T. Nadeau and G. Swallow, Detecting MPLS Data Plane Failures in Inter-AS and inter-provider Scenarios, draft-ietf-mpls-interas- lspping-02.txt (work in progress)
N. Bahadur, K. Kompella, Mechanism for performing LSP-Ping over MPLS tunnels, draft-nitinb-lsp-ping-over-mpls-tunnel-01.txt (work in progress)
R. Aggarwal, K. Kompella, T. Nadeau and G. Swallow, BFD Fo r MPLS LSPs, draft-ietf-bfd-mpls-05.txt (work in progress)
T. Nadeau, MPLS Network Management: MIBs, Tools, and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann, 2003
S. Yasukawa, A. Farrel, Z. Ali and B. Fenner, Detecting data plane failures in point-to-multipoint MPLS Traffic Engineering - extensions to LSP Ping, draft-ietf-mpls-p2mp-lsp-ping-05.txt (work in progress)
T. Nadeau et al., Pseudo wire (PW) OAM message mapping, draft-ietf-pwe3-oam-msg-map-05.txt (work in progress)
E. Rosen et al., MPLS Label Stack Encoding, RFC 3032, January 2001
K. Kompella and G. Swallow, Detecting MPLS data plane failures, RFC 4379, February 2006.
J.P. Vasseur, J.L. Le Roux et al., Routing extensions for discovery of Multipro-tocol (MPLS) Label Switch Router (LSR) Traffic Engineering (TE) mesh membership, RFC4972, July 2007
T. Nadeau, C. Pignataro, et al., Pseudowire Virtual Circuit Connectivity Verification ...
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