Chapter 8. Maps and Navigation

Think of your Xoom as The Great Navigator. It’s got the spectacular mapping app, Google Maps, built into it, and more amazing still, it’s got a full-blown GPS navigation system as well. Wherever you are, the Xoom can lead to your destination with ease. Read on to find out more about these two great apps.

Using Google Maps

Google Maps on your Xoom is the mobile version of the renowned Google Maps website ( In fact, the Xoom’s Maps app is even more powerful than the Web version, since it can incorporate GPS information. And your Xoom has full 3D graphics, so you see eye-popping three-dimensional views as well.

Type any address or point of interest in the U.S. (or many places all over the world), and you see a map. You can choose a street map, an aerial satellite photo, or a combination of the two. You can also find nearby businesses, points of interest, and traffic congestion. Maps can also give you turn-by-turn directions, even including public transportation in some cities.


The Maps app on your Xoom may vary somewhat from what you see explained here. Google frequently updates Maps. The Maps app described here is the latest version as of the writing of this book. So if you have an older or newer version of Maps, it may vary.

Browsing Google Maps

Tap the Maps icon in the App Menu, and Google Maps launches. At first launch, if it finds your location, it shows a map of your neighborhood with a pointer to your location. As you walk, ...

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