
1 Michael Hechter. “Values research in the social and behavioral sciences.” In Michael Hechter, Lynn Nadel, and Richard E. Michod, (eds.). The Origin of Values. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 1993.

2 Gordon W. Allport, P.E.Vernon, and Garnder Lindzey, Study of Values. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1960.; Chris Argyris and Don Schon, Theory in Practice Learning. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1982.; Clyde Kluckhohn. “Values and Value-Orientations in the Theory of Action.” In Talcott Parson and E.A. Shils, eds. Toward a General Theory of Action. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1951. pp. 388-433.; Florence Kluckhohn and Fred Strodtbeck. Variations in Value Orientations. Evanston, IL: Row, Peterson & Co, 1961.; Milton Rokeach, ...

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