How This Book Is Organized
Moodle For Dummies is split into five parts and has a companion Web site. You don't have to read the book sequentially, and you don't even have to read all the sections in any particular chapter. You can use the Table of Contents and the index to find the information you need and quickly get your answer. In this section, I briefly describe what you find in each part.
Part I: Getting Started with Moodle
This part is a great place to find out everything there is to know about Moodle. Here you get a bird's-eye view that helps you understand the Moodle world and explain what's what to get started. You find many things you can do with Moodle, understand what it takes to design a great online course, and get clued in on terms like Digital Native, Generation X, and Generation Z. This part also gets you ready to begin building your very first Moodle front page, the first step in creating your online course. When you're through with this section, you can impress your friends and colleagues with your eLearning skills and Moodle knowledge.
The first and most important part of creating your online class is to not get carried away. Don't let the cool modules (such as RSS, embedded videos, and links to outside resources) compromise your teaching methods by trying to impress learners and colleagues. Identify your objectives and use Moodle to enhance your teaching methods, not alter or worse, hinder them.
Part II: Creating and Managing Course Content
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