
  1. 1. Case based on: John Gallagher, “Whole Foods Co-CEO Vows No Half Steps at Midtown Detroit Store,” Detroit Free Press, http://www.freep.com, accessed April 14, 2012; John Bussed, “Whole Foods’ Detroit Gamble,” Wall Street Journal, http://online.wsj.com, accessed March 8, 2012; Michael Wayland, “CEO: If Successful, Detroit Whole Foods Store Could Become Blueprint for Other Cities,” Live, http://blog.mlive.com, accessed April 14, 2012; Jeff Karoo, “Detroit Sees Whole Foods as Proof of Progress,” Time, http://newsfeed.time.com, accessed April 14, 2012; Whole Foods, “Welcome to the Midtown Detroit Store,” Stores: Michigan, http://wholefoodsmarket.com, accessed April 30, 2012.

  2. 2. For an excellent discussion of various decisions that ...

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