Video description
This course is a comprehensive introduction to JavaScript, covering everything from the basics of variables, data types, and methods, to more advanced topics such as asynchronous programming, object-oriented programming, and unit testing.
Starting with the fundamentals of the language, the course progresses through a series of carefully structured sections that build on each other to give you a solid understanding of JavaScript’s capabilities and how to use them effectively. You will learn how to work with arrays and objects, write functions, and use logic and control flow to create more complex programs.
From there, the course dives into more advanced topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, and asynchronous programming, teaching you how to use these techniques to create responsive and interactive web applications. You will also learn about object-oriented programming in JavaScript, including constructors, prototypes, and classes, and build several projects along the way to put your new skills into practice.
The course also covers more advanced topics such as modules, iterators, and generators, as well as unit testing and data structures. Additionally, you will get hands-on experience with tools like Webpack and Node.js, giving you a well-rounded understanding of modern JavaScript development.
By the end of the course, you will have a solid foundation in JavaScript and be able to build dynamic, interactive web applications using the language. Whether you are just starting out with programming or are looking to expand your skillset, this course is the perfect way to learn JavaScript from the ground up.
What You Will Learn
- Create and manipulate variables, data types, methods, and objects
- Understand control flow, loops, and iteration in JavaScript
- Build web applications using DOM manipulation and event handling
- Use asynchronous JavaScript to make web applications more efficient
- Implement object-oriented programming principles in JavaScript
- Build real-world projects such as a shopping list app and movie app
This course is designed for beginners who are new to programming and have little to no experience with JavaScript. It is also suitable for anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge of JavaScript and its fundamentals. This course is ideal for web developers who want to enhance their skills and build dynamic and interactive web applications. Additionally, anyone interested in pursuing a career in front-end development or web design would find this course helpful. Finally, those who want to gain experience with modern JavaScript tools and frameworks, such as Node.js and React, would benefit from this course as it provides a strong foundation in JavaScript programming.
About The Author
Brad Traversy: Brad Traversy has been programming for around 12 years and teaching for almost 5 years. He is the owner of Traversy Media, which is a successful web development YouTube channel and specializes in everything from HTML5 to front-end frameworks such as Angular as well as server-side technologies such as Node.js, PHP, and Python. Brad has mastered explaining overly complex topics in a simple manner that is understandable. Invest in your knowledge by watching Brad’s courses.
Table of contents
- Chapter 1 : Course Introduction
Chapter 2 : Variables, Data Types, Methods, and More
- Section Introduction
- The Sandbox Files
- Using the Console
- Comments and Shortcuts
- Variables and Constants
- Data Types
- Primitive Versus Reference Types
- Type Conversion
- Operators
- Type Coercion
- Working with Strings
- Capitalize Challenge
- Working with Numbers
- The Math Object
- Number Challenge
- Dates and Times
- Date Methods and DateTimeFormat API
- Chapter 3 : Arrays and Objects
- Chapter 4 : Functions, Scope, and Execution Context
- Chapter 5 : Logic and Control Flow
- Chapter 6 : Loops, Iteration, and High-Order Array Methods
Chapter 7 : DOM Manipulation
- Section Introduction
- Introduction to the DOM
- Document Element Properties
- DOM Selectors - Single Elements
- DOM Selectors - Multiple Elements
- Traversing the DOM - Elements
- Traversing the DOM - All Nodes
- Create and Append Elements
- InnerHTML Versus createElement()
- Refactor to Multiple Functions
- Insert Elements, Text, and HTML
- Custom insertAfter() Challenge
- Replace Elements
- Remove Elements
- Manipulating Styles and Classes
- Chapter 8 : Events
Chapter 9 : Shopping List Project
- Section Introduction
- Add Items to List (DOM Only)
- Setting Up Git and GitHub (Optional)
- Remove and Clear Items
- Clear UI State
- Filter Items
- Local Storage Crash Course
- Add Items to Local Storage
- Display Items from Local Storage
- Remove Items from Local Storage
- Set Item to Edit
- Update Item and Reset State
- Prevent Duplicate Items
- Deploy to Netlify
Chapter 10 : Asynchronous JavaScript
- Section Introduction
- Under the Hood: Thread of Execution
- Under the Hood: How Async JS Works
- setTimeout and clearTimeout Functions
- setInterval and clearInterval Functions
- Callbacks
- Crash Course on HTTP Requests
- DevTools Network Tab
- AJAX and XHR Object
- Joke Generator Project Challenge
- Callback Hell
- Promises
- Callback to Promise Refactor
- Promise Chaining
- Promises Versus Callback Hell
- Handling Multiple Promises with promise.all()
Chapter 11 : Fetch API and Async Await
- Section Introduction
- Fetch Basics
- Random User Mini-Project
- Fetch Options - Method, Body Headers
- Typicode Todos Mini-Project - Part 1
- Typicode Todos Mini-Project - Part 2
- Fetch API Error Handling
- Async and Await
- Try...Catch Statements
- Error Handling with Async and Await
- Multiple Promises with Async and Await
- Chapter 12 : Flixx Movie App Project
Chapter 13 : Web Browser APIs
- Section Introduction
- GeoLocation API
- Show Location on a Map
- Canvas Element and API
- requestAnimationFrame() Method
- Animated Clock - Part 1
- Animated Clock - Part 2
- Web Audio API
- Music Player Project
- Drum Machine Project
- Video API
- Video Player Project
- Web Animations API - Ball Project
- Speech Recognition API - Color Say Project
- Speech Synthesis API - Text to Speech
Chapter 14 : OOP - Constructors and Prototypes
- Section Introduction
- What Is OOP?
- Basic Principles of OOP
- More on Object Literals and this Keyword
- Constructor Functions
- Literals Versus Built-In Constructors
- Working with Object Properties
- Prototypes and the Prototype Chain
- Adding Methods to the Prototype
- Using Object.create()
- Prototypical Inheritance and call()
- OOP Game Challenge
- Chapter 15 : OOP - Classes, Getters, Setters, and Private Properties
Chapter 16 : Tracalorie App (OOP Project)
- Project Introduction
- UI Theme Setup
- Project Planning and Diagram
- Base Tracker, Meal, and Workout Class
- Display Tracker Stats
- Progress Bar and Calorie Alert
- App Class, New Meal, and Workout
- Refactor to Single _newItem Method
- Display New Meal and Workout
- Remove Meal and Workout
- Filter and Reset
- Set Calorie Limit
- Storage Class and Calorie Limit Persist
- Persist Total Calories to Local Storage
- Save Meals to Local Storage
- Save Workouts to Local Storage
- Remove Meals and Workouts from Local Storage
- Clear Storage Items
Chapter 17 : Modules and Tooling
- Project Introduction
- What Are Modules?
- Installing and Using Node.js
- CommonJS Modules
- NPM Packages/Modules
- ES Modules
- Module Bundlers
- Webpack Basic Setup
- CSS and Style Loaders
- HTML Webpack Plugin
- Webpack DevServer Plugin
- Babel Setup
- CSS Minify Extract Plugin
- Tracalorie Refactor to Use Webpack
- Deploy Tracalorie to Netlify
- Chapter 18 : Iterators, Generators, and Data Structures
- Chapter 19 : Unit Testing Algorithms
- Chapter 20 : Node.js Modules (Bonus Module)
- Chapter 21 : RandomIdeas Project - Backend REST API (Bonus Project)
- Chapter 22 : RandomIdeas Project - Webpack Frontend (Bonus Project)
Product information
- Title: Modern JavaScript from the Beginning - Second Edition
- Author(s):
- Release date: April 2023
- Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
- ISBN: 9781805127826
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