Having presented the fundamentals of MATLAB in Section 2.8, let us now return to the problem we addressed in Section 2.7 on obtaining the inverse Laplace transform using partial fraction expansion. However, in this section, we will obtain the partial fraction expansion using MATLAB.

Table 2.2. Commands and Functions used by MATLAB [6]

Commands and Matrix Functions Description
angle Phase angle
ans Answer when expression is not assigned
asin Arcsine
atan Arctangent
axis Manual axis scaling on plots
bode Plot Bode diagram (available only with Control SystemToolbox, and the Student Edition of MATLAB)
clear Remove items from memory and clear workspace
clg Clear graph’s screen
conj Complex conjugate
conv Multiplication; convolution
cos Cosine
cosh Hyperbolic cosine
cov Covariance
deconv Division; deconvolution
det Determinant
disp Display text or matrix
end Terminates scope or “for,” “while,” and “if” statements
exit Terminates program
exp Exponential base e
eye Identity matrix
figure Opens new graphic window by creating figure object
grid Draws grid lines for 2-D and 3-D plots
help Online help for MATLAB functions and m-files
hold Hold the current graph
home Sends the cursor “home” to the upper left of the screen
imag Imaginary part
inf Infinity
inv Matrix inverse
length Length of vector
linspace Generate linearly spaced vectors
log Natural logarithm ...

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