Deciding When Not to Use Mockito
You likely now have a good grasp of cases for which Mockito is useful. But when is it not the best idea to use Mockito? Let’s explore that question.
If you look in the book’s GitHub repository, you’ll find a test for the getAstroResponse method in the AstroGateway:
| @Test |
| void testDeserializeToRecords() { |
| AstroResponse result = gateway.getResponse(); |
| result.getPeople().forEach(System.out::println); |
| assertAll( |
| () -> assertTrue(result.getNumber() >= 0), |
| () -> assertEquals(result.getPeople().size(), result.getNumber()) |
| ); |
| } |
The test instantiates the class and invokes its getResponse method. Then the data is checked to confirm that the number property of the AstroResponse record ...
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