1Eileen Maybin and Kevan Bundell, “After the Prawn Rush: The Human and Environmental Costs of Commercial Prawn Farming,” Christian Aid, May, 1996,
2Alexander Cockburn, “Message in a Bottle,” The Nation, April 14, 2005.
3“Asian Cities and Regions of the Future 2005–06,” fDi, December 12, 2005, 2005_06.html.
4“Tamil Nadu Most Preferred Destination for Foreign Investors, Says Jayalalithaa,” Hindu, February 18, 2006.
5Methil Renuka with Stephen David and Amarnath K. Menon, “Surging South,” India Today, May 29, 2000.
6G. H. Hardy, cited in Gina Kolata, “Remembering a ‘Magical Genius,’” Science 236 (1987): 1,519.
7Sebastian Mallaby, “Detroit's Next Big Threat,” Washington Post, December 15, 2005, A21. Tamil Nadu has won the Deming Prize, awarded for manufacturing excellence by a Japanese committee. Reports say that Chennai's business leaders use Japanese management lingo extensively.
8P. Sainath, “The Anatomy of a Tiger: India High and Low,” Hindu, November 12, 2006.
9Robert Zoellick, “Globalization, Trade and Economic Security,” Remarks at the National Press Club, October 1, 2002,
10Eyal Press, “Rebel with a Cause,” Nation, May 23, 2002. Of course, Chinese growth has not been without its own problems.
11According to Richard Blackhurst and Kym Anderson, GATT Annual Report (Geneva: GATT, 1991), cited in ...
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