Mobile IPv6 Protocol
The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one. –Mark Twain
In this chapter, we begin to examine the details of the Mobile IPv6 protocol, which can naturally be broken down into several related parts:
• Binding Cache management
• Return Routability procedure for route optimization
• Security management and RFC 3776
• Delivering packets to the care-of address
• Movement detection and link establishment
• Home agent discovery
These will provide a good recipe for organizing the protocol details. Our intention is not to duplicate the protocol specification in [9] but instead to explain each part, along with the design rationale, in a way that does not typically belong in the specification itself.
Certain details about IPv6 will also need explanation along the way. In addition to locating these details separately in a preceding chapter, we will explain the relevant IPv6 features along the way as they are needed.
Mobile IPv6 can be understood as a way of managing route table entries in nodes that need to send packets to a mobile node. These route table entries have the mobile node’s home address as the destination and provide information about how to deliver packets to that address. When the ...
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