Mobile 3D Graphics

Book description

Graphics and game developers must learn to program for mobility. This book will teach you how.

"This book - written by some of the key technical experts...provides a comprehensive but practical and easily understood introduction for any software engineer seeking to delight the consumer with rich 3D interactive experiences on their phone. Like the OpenGL ES and M3G standards it covers, this book is destined to become an enduring standard for many years to come."
- Lincoln Wallen, CTO, Electronic Arts, Mobile

“This book is an escalator, which takes the field to new levels. This is especially true because the text ensures that the topic is easily accessible to everyone with some background in computer science...The foundations of this book are clear, and the authors are extremely knowledgeable about the subject.”
- Tomas Akenine-Möller, bestselling author and Professor of Computer Science at Lund University

"This book is an excellent introduction to M3G. The authors are all experienced M3G users and developers, and they do a great job of conveying that experience, as well as plenty of practical advice that has been proven in the field."
- Sean Ellis, Consultant Graphics Engineer, ARM Ltd

The exploding popularity of mobile computing is undeniable. From cell phones to portable gaming systems, the global demand for multifunctional mobile devices is driving amazing hardware and software developments. 3D graphics are becoming an integral part of these ubiquitous devices, and as a result, Mobile 3D Graphics is arguably the most rapidly advancing area of the computer graphics discipline.

Mobile 3D Graphics is about writing real-time 3D graphics applications for mobile devices. The programming interfaces explained and demonstrated in this must-have reference enable dynamic 3D media on cell phones, GPS systems, portable gaming consoles and media players.

The text begins by providing thorough coverage of background essentials, then presents detailed hands-on examples, including extensive working code in both of the dominant mobile APIs, OpenGL ES and M3G.

C/C++ and Java Developers, graphic artists, students, and enthusiasts would do well to have a programmable mobile phone on hand to try out the techniques described in this book.

The authors, industry experts who helped to develop the OpenGL ES and M3G standards, distill their years of accumulated knowledge within these pages, offering their insights into everything from sound mobile design principles and constraints, to efficient rendering, mixing 2D and 3D, lighting, texture mapping, skinning and morphing.

Along the way, readers will benefit from the hundreds of included tips, tricks and caveats.
  • Written by experts at Nokia whose workshops at industry conferences are blockbusters
  • The programs used in the examples are featured in thousands of professional courses each year

Table of contents

  1. Cover
  2. Contents (1/2)
  3. Contents (2/2)
  4. Preface
  5. About the Authors
  6. Acknowledgments
  7. Chapter 1. Introduction
    1. 1.1 About This Book
    2. 1.2 Graphics on Handheld Devices (1/2)
    3. 1.2 Graphics on Handheld Devices (2/2)
    4. 1.3 Mobile Graphics Standards (1/3)
    5. 1.3 Mobile Graphics Standards (2/3)
    6. 1.3 Mobile Graphics Standards (3/3)
  8. Part I: Anatomy of a Graphics Engine
    1. Chapter 2. Linear Algebra for 3D Graphics
      1. 2.1 Coordinate Systems
      2. 2.2 Matrices
      3. 2.3 Affine Transformations (1/2)
      4. 2.3 Affine Transformations (2/2)
      5. 2.4 Eye Coordinate System
      6. 2.5 Projections (1/2)
      7. 2.5 Projections (2/2)
      8. 2.6 Viewport and 2D Coordinate Systems
    2. Chapter 3. Low-Level Rendering
      1. 3.1 Rendering Primitives
      2. 3.2 Lighting (1/2)
      3. 3.2 Lighting (2/2)
      4. 3.3 Culling and Clipping
      5. 3.4 Rasterization (1/4)
      6. 3.4 Rasterization (2/4)
      7. 3.4 Rasterization (3/4)
      8. 3.4 Rasterization (4/4)
      9. 3.5 Per-Fragment Operations (1/2)
      10. 3.5 Per-Fragment Operations (2/2)
      11. 3.6 Life Cycle of a Frame
    3. Chapter 4. Animation
      1. 4.1 Keyframe Animation
      2. 4.2 Deforming Meshes
    4. Chapter 5. Scene Management
      1. 5.1 Triangle Meshes
      2. 5.2 Scene Graphs (1/2)
      3. 5.2 Scene Graphs (2/2)
      4. 5.3 Retained Mode Rendering
    5. Chapter 6. Performance and Scalability
      1. 6.1 Scalability
      2. 6.2 Performance Optimization (1/2)
      3. 6.2 Performance Optimization (2/2)
      4. 6.3 Changing and Querying the State
      5. 6.4 Model Data
      6. 6.5 Transformation Pipeline
      7. 6.6 Lighting
      8. 6.7 Textures
  9. Part II: OpenGL ES and EGL
    1. Chapter 7. Introducing OpenGL ES
      1. 7.1 Khronos Group and OpenGL ES
      2. 7.2 Design Principles
      3. 7.3 Resources
      4. 7.4 API Overview (1/2)
      5. 7.4 API Overview (2/2)
      6. 7.5 Hello, OpenGL ES!
    2. Chapter 8. OpenGL ES Transformation and Lighting
      1. 8.1 Drawing Primitives
      2. 8.2 Vertex Transformation Pipeline (1/2)
      3. 8.2 Vertex Transformation Pipeline (2/2)
      4. 8.3 Colors and Lighting (1/2)
      5. 8.3 Colors and Lighting (2/2)
    3. Chapter 9. OpenGL ES Rasterization and Fragment Processing
      1. 9.1 Back-Face Culling
      2. 9.2 Texture Mapping (1/3)
      3. 9.2 Texture Mapping (2/3)
      4. 9.2 Texture Mapping (3/3)
      5. 9.3 Fog
      6. 9.4 Antialiasing
      7. 9.5 Pixel Tests
      8. 9.6 Applying Fragments to the Color Buffer
    4. Chapter 10. Miscellaneous OpenGL ES Features
      1. 10.1 Frame Buffer Operations
      2. 10.2 State Queries (1/2)
      3. 10.2 State Queries (2/2)
      4. 10.3 Hints
      5. 10.4 Extensions (1/2)
      6. 10.4 Extensions (2/2)
    5. Chapter 11. EGL
      1. 11.1 API Overview
      2. 11.2 Configuration
      3. 11.3 Surfaces
      4. 11.4 Contexts
      5. 11.5 Extensions
      6. 11.6 Rendering into Textures
      7. 11.7 Writing High-Performance EGL Code
      8. 11.8 Mixing OpenGL ES and 2D Rendering
      9. 11.9 Optimizing Power Usage
      10. 11.10 Example on EGL Configuration Selection
  10. Part III: M3G
    1. Chapter 12. Introducing M3G
      1. 12.1 Overview (1/2)
      2. 12.1 Overview (2/2)
      3. 12.2 Design Principles and Conventions (1/2)
      4. 12.2 Design Principles and Conventions (2/2)
      5. 12.3 M3G 1.1
    2. Chapter 13. Basic M3G Concepts
      1. 13.1 Graphics3D (1/2)
      2. 13.1 Graphics3D (2/2)
      3. 13.2 Image2D
      4. 13.3 Matrices and Transformations (1/2)
      5. 13.3 Matrices and Transformations (2/2)
      6. 13.4 Object3D
      7. 13.5 Importing Content (1/2)
      8. 13.5 Importing Content (2/2)
    3. Chapter 14. Low-Level Modeling in M3G
      1. 14.1 Building Meshes
      2. 14.2 Adding Color and Light: Appearance (1/3)
      3. 14.2 Adding Color and Light: Appearance (2/3)
      4. 14.2 Adding Color and Light: Appearance (3/3)
      5. 14.3 Lights and Camera (1/2)
      6. 14.3 Lights and Camera (2/2)
      7. 14.4 2D Primitives (1/2)
      8. 14.4 2D Primitives (2/2)
    4. Chapter 15. The M3G Scene Graph
      1. 15.1 Scene Graph Basics: Node, Group, and World
      2. 15.2 Mesh Objects
      3. 15.3 Transforming Objects (1/2)
      4. 15.3 Transforming Objects (2/2)
      5. 15.4 Layering and Multi-Pass Effects
      6. 15.5 Picking
      7. 15.6 Optimizing Performance
    5. Chapter 16. Animation in M3G
      1. 16.1 Keyframe Animation: KeyframeSequence
      2. 16.2 Animation Targets: AnimationTrack
      3. 16.3 Timing and Speed: AnimationController
      4. 16.4 Animation Execution
      5. 16.5 Advanced Animation (1/3)
      6. 16.5 Advanced Animation (2/3)
      7. 16.5 Advanced Animation (3/3)
  11. Part IV: Appendix
    1. Appendix A. Fixed-Point Mathematics
      1. A.1 Fixed-Point Methods in C
      2. A.2 Fixed-Point Methods in Assembly Language
      3. A.3 Fixed-Point Methods in Java
    2. Appendix B. Java Performance Tuning
      1. B.1 Virtual Machines
      2. B.2 Bytecode Optimization
      3. B.3 Garbage Collection
      4. B.4 Memory Accesses
      5. B.5 Method Calls
    3. Appendix C. Glossary
  12. Bibliography (1/2)
  13. Bibliography (2/2)
  14. Index (1/3)
  15. Index (2/3)
  16. Index (3/3)
  17. Color Plate (1/2)
  18. Color Plate (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Mobile 3D Graphics
  • Author(s): Kari Pulli, Tomi Aarnio, Ville Miettinen, Kimmo Roimela, Jani Vaarala
  • Release date: November 2007
  • Publisher(s): Morgan Kaufmann
  • ISBN: 9780080555911