Mitsubishi FX Programmable Logic Controllers, 2nd Edition

Book description

John Ridley provides comprehensive information on usage, design and programming for the Mitsubishi FX range of programmable logic controllers, in this step-by-step, practical guide.Professional engineers working with Mitsubishi PLCs, as well as students following courses focusing on these devices, will find this book to be an essential resource for this popular PLC family. Numerous worked examples and assignments are included, to reinforce the practical application of these devices, widely used in industry.Fully updated throughout from coverage of the FX PLC to now cover the FxN PLC family from Mitsubishi, John Ridley also focuses on use of the Fx2N - the most powerful and diverse in function of this PLC group. The second edition contains advanced topics along with numerous ladder diagrams and illustrative examples.
  • A hands-on approach to the programming, design and application of FX PLC based systems
  • Programmed using GX Developer software - used worldwide for the whole range of the FX PLC family
  • Covers Ladder Logic tester - the GX developer simulator that enables students and designers to test and debug their programs without a PLC

Table of contents

  1. Cover (1/2)
  2. Cover (2/2)
  3. Contents (1/2)
  4. Contents (2/2)
  5. Preface
  6. Acknowledgements
  7. Resources
  8. Glossary
  9. Introduction to PLCs
    1. Basic PLC units
    2. Comparison of PLC and RELAYsystems
    3. PLC sof t war e
    4. Gx-Developer software
    5. Hardware configuration
    6. Base unit,extension units and extension blocks
    7. PLC voltage supplies
    8. Smaller FX2NPLCs
    9. Larger FX2NPLCs
    10. 5 V DC suppl y
    11. Special unit power supply requirements
    12. Part number
    13. Serial number
    14. PLC inputs
    15. AC i nputs
    16. PLC outputs
    17. Source - sink inputs
    18. The source/sink - S/S connection
    19. Source inputs - blockdiagram
    20. Sink inputs - block diagram
    21. Proximity sensors
    22. S/S terminal configurations
    23. PLC ladder diagramsymbols
    24. PLC address ranges
    25. Basic operation of a PLC system
    26. Block diagram - basic operation of a PLC system
    27. Principle of operation
  10. Gx-Developer – startup procedure
    1. Opening a newproject
    2. Display settings - Zoom
    3. Ladder diagramnumbers
    4. Project data list
  11. Producing a ladder diagram
    1. PLC program - FLASH1
    2. Entering a ladder diagram
    3. Conversion to an instruction program
    4. Saving the project
    5. Program error check
    6. Instruction programming
    7. Program search (1/2)
    8. Program search (2/2)
  12. Modifications to an existing project
    1. Copying a project
    2. Modification of the ladder diagramFLASH2
    3. Modification details
    4. Deleting
  13. Serial transfer of programs
    1. Downloading a project to a PLC unit
    2. Executing the project
    3. Reducing the number of steps transferred to the PLC
    4. Communication setup
    5. System image
    6. Change of communications port
    7. Verification
    8. Uploading a project from a PLC
  14. Monitoring
    1. Ladder diagram monitoring
    2. Entry data monitoring
    3. Combined ladder and entry data monitoring
  15. Basic PLC programs
    1. Traffic light controller - TRAF1
    2. Furnace temperature controller - FURN1
    3. Interlock circuit - INTLK1
    4. Latch relays
    5. Counters
    6. Online programming
    7. Batch counter BATCH1
    8. Assignment - BATCH2
    9. Master control - MC1
  16. PLC sequence controller
    1. Sequence function chart - SFC
    2. Ladder diagram - PNEU1
    3. Simulation - PNEU1
    4. Pneumatic panel operation
    5. Forced input/output
    6. Assignment - PNEU2
  17. Free line drawing
    1. Inserting an output in parallel with an existing output
    2. Delete free line drawing
  18. Safety
    1. Emergency stop requirements
    2. Safety relay specification
    3. Emergency stop circuit - PNEU1
    4. Safety relay - fault conditions
    5. Systemstart-up check
  19. Documentation
    1. Comments (1/2)
    2. Comments (2/2)
    3. Statements
    4. Display of comments and statements
    5. Comment display - 15/16 character format
    6. Comment display - 32 character format
    7. Notes
    8. Segment/note - block edit
    9. Ladder diagram search using statements
    10. Change of colour display
    11. Display of comments, statements and notes
    12. Printouts
    13. Multiple printing
    14. Saving comments in the PLC
  20. Entry ladder monitoring
    1. Ladder diagram - PNEU1
    2. Principle of operation - entry ladder monitoring
    3. Deleting the entry ladder monitor diagram
  21. Converting a MEDOC project to Gx-Developer
    1. Importing a MEDOC file into Gx-Developer
  22. Change of PLC type
  23. Diagnostic fault finding
    1. CPU errors
    2. Battery error
    3. Program errors
    4. Help display program errors
    5. Program error check
  24. Special M coils
    1. Device batch monitoring
    2. Option setup
    3. Monitoring the Xinputs
  25. Set–reset programming
    1. PNEU 4
    2. Sequence of operation automatic cycle
    3. Sequence function chart PNEU4
    4. Ladder diagram PNEU4
    5. Principle of operation
    6. Simulation and monitoring procedure
    7. Monitoring PNEU4
  26. Trace
    1. Principle of operation
    2. Ladder diagram PNEU4
    3. Trace setup procedure
    4. Trace data
    5. Trace conditions
    6. Transfer Trace data to PLC
    7. Saving theTrace setup data
    8. Reading the Trace setup data from file
    9. Start Trace operation
    10. Start trigger X0
    11. Obtaining theTrace waveforms
    12. Trace results
    13. Measuring the time delay T0
    14. Calculation of elapsed time
  27. Data registers
    1. Number representation - binary/decimal
    2. Converting a binary number to its decimal equivalent
    3. Binary numbers and binary coded decimal
    4. Advanced programming instructions
  28. Introduction to programs using data registers
    1. Binary counter - COUNT3
    2. BCD counter - COUNT4
    3. Multiplication program - MATHS1
    4. RPM counter - REV1
    5. Timing control of a bakery mixer - MIXER1
  29. Ladder logic tester
    1. Introduction
    2. Program execution
    3. Input simulation
    4. Device memory monitor
    5. Timing charts
    6. Producing the timing chart waveforms
    7. Resetting the timing chart display
    8. Saving the setup details
    9. I/O system settings
    10. Procedure - I/O system setting
    11. Entering the Conditions and Input No.settings
    12. Executing the I/O system
    13. Resetting a data register using the I/O system
    14. LLT2 modification
    15. Simulating PNEU1using ladder logic tester
    16. PNEU1 procedure using ladder logic tester
    17. Monitoring procedure
  30. Bi-directional counters
    1. Ladder diagram – COUNT5
    2. Special memory coils M8200–M8234
    3. Principle of operation – COUNT5
    4. Operating procedure
    5. Monitoring – COUNT5
  31. High-speed counters
    1. Introduction
    2. Types of high-speed counters
    3. FX range of high-speed counters
    4. High-speed counter inputs
    5. Up/down counting
    6. Selecting the high-speed counter
    7. Maximum total counting frequency
    8. High-speed counter - HSC1
    9. Decade divider - HSC2
    10. Motor controller - HSC3
    11. A/B phase counter - HSC4
  32. Floating point numbers
    1. Floating point number range
    2. Number representation
    3. Floating point instructions
    4. Storing floating point numbers - FLT1
    5. Monitor - ladder diagram FLT1
    6. Device batch monitoring
    7. Floating point format
    8. Obtaining the floating point value
    9. Device batch monitoring - floating point numbers
    10. Area of a circle - FLT2
    11. Ladder diagram - FLT2
    12. Principle of operation - FLT2
    13. Monitored results - FLT2
    14. Floating point - ladder logic tester
  33. Master control – nesting
    1. Nesting level
    2. Ladder diagram MC2
    3. Principle of operation
  34. Shift registers
    1. Shift register applications
    2. Basic shift register operation
    3. Ladder diagram - SHIFT1
    4. Principle of operation - SHIFT1
    5. Operating procedure
    6. Monitoring - SHIFT1
  35. Rotary indexing table
    1. Index table system - plan view
    2. System requirements
    3. Shift register layout
    4. Ladder diagram - ROTARY1
    5. Principle of operation - ROTARY1
    6. Monitoring procedures
    7. Instruction scan and execution
  36. Index registers V and Z
    1. Index register instructions
    2. Stock control application INDEX1
    3. System block diagram
    4. Warehouse - look-up table
    5. Ladder diagram - INDEX1
    6. Principle of operation
    7. Monitoring - INDEX1
  37. Recipe application – BREW1
    1. System diagram
    2. Sequence of operation
    3. Recipe look-up tables
    4. Entering values into a look-up table (DWR)
    5. Downloading the recipe look-up table
    6. Selecting the device memory range
    7. Monitoring the recipe look-up table values
    8. Ladder diagram - BREW1
    9. Principle of operation - BREW1
    10. Monitoring - BREW1
    11. Test results
    12. Excel spreadsheet - recipe1
  38. Sub-routines
    1. Sub-routine program flow
    2. Principle of operation
    3. Temperature conversion - SUB1
    4. Ladder diagram - SUB1
    5. Labels
    6. Principle of operation - SUB1
    7. The sub-routine instructions
    8. Monitoring - SUB1
  39. Interrupts
    1. Interrupt application
    2. Interrupt project - INT1
    3. Sequence of operation - automatic cycle
    4. Waveforms
    5. Ladder diagram - INT1
    6. Principle of operation - INT1
    7. Interrupt service routine
    8. Monitoring - INT1
  40. Step counter programming
    1. Ladder diagram - STEP_CNTR1
    2. Principle of operation - STEP_CNTR1
    3. Simulation and monitoring procedure
    4. Entry data monitoring - STEP_CNTR1
    5. Pneumatic panel operation
  41. Automatic queuing system
    1. System hardware
    2. FIFO memory stack
    3. Software diagram
    4. Ladder diagram - QUEUE1
    5. Principle of operation - QUEUE1 (1/2)
    6. Principle of operation - QUEUE1 (2/2)
    7. Testing - QUEUE1
    8. Monitoring - QUEUE1
    9. Analysis of results
  42. Analogue to digital conversion FX2N-4AD
    1. Introduction
    2. FX2N-4AD buffer memory addresses and assignments
    3. Voltage and current conversion
    4. Resolution - maximum input voltage
    5. Resolution - maximum input current
    6. Relationship between Vin and digital output
    7. ADC equations
    8. Resolution - independent of input voltage
    9. Highest possible resolution
    10. Example - voltage conversion
    11. Example - current conversion
    12. Count averaging
    13. Positioning the analogue unit
    14. ADC wiring diagram
    15. Hexadecimal numbering system for special units
    16. Channel initialisation
    17. TO and FROM instructions
    18. ADC errors - BFM 29
    19. Buffer memory - EEPROM
    20. Software programming of offset and gain
    21. Detecting an open circuit
    22. Voltage/current specification
    23. Ladder diagram - ADC1
    24. Principle of operation - ADC1
    25. Practical - analogue to digital conversion
    26. ADC results
    27. Monitoring using buffer memory batch
    28. Test results
  43. Digital to analogue conversion FX2N-4DA
    1. Introduction
    2. Voltage resolution
    3. FX2N-4DA buffer memory addresses and assignments
    4. Error codes - BFM 29
    5. Hardware diagram
    6. DAC special unit no.1
    7. Output mode select
    8. Ladder diagram - DAC1
    9. Principle of operation - DAC
    10. Practical - digital to analogue conversion
  44. Assignments (1/2)
  45. Assignments (2/2)
  46. Index (1/3)
  47. Index (2/3)
  48. Index (3/3)

Product information

  • Title: Mitsubishi FX Programmable Logic Controllers, 2nd Edition
  • Author(s): John Ridley
  • Release date: July 2004
  • Publisher(s): Newnes
  • ISBN: 9780080473475