Chapter 10
Building a Custom World with Redstone
In This Chapter
Understanding custom worlds
Engineering for an audience
Constructing rules and challenges for players
Managing an adventure
Some Minecraft players enjoy adventuring and monster-slaying more than building and construction — other players build worlds that offer them this experience. Because Minecraft worlds are stored in individual files that can be copied, shared, and downloaded between players, some players craft special worlds that contain interesting places, challenges, and adventures that invite other players to download and explore their worlds. These worlds have to be downloaded online or accessed through a server address, but there are tons of websites and forums through which players can share their creations for others to download and experience.
This chapter shows you some ways to use redstone (particularly the command block, as explained in Chapters 7 and 8) to construct these worlds.
Introducing Custom Worlds
Building custom worlds for other players is an interesting art — each custom world is a game in ...
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