Microsoft® Visual Web Developer™ 2005 Express Edition: Build a Web Site Now!

Book description

With this lively, eye-opening, and hands-on book, all you need is a computer and the desire to learn how to create Web pages now using Visual Web Developer Express Edition! Featuring a full working edition of the software, this fun and highly visual guide walks you through a complete Web page project from set-up to launch. Youâ??ll get an introduction to the Microsoft Visual Studio® environment and learn how to put the lightweight, easy-to-use tools in Visual Web Developer Express to work right away--building your first, dynamic Web pages with Microsoft ASP.NET 2.0. Youâ??ll get expert tips, coaching, and visual examples at each step of the way, along with pointers to additional learning resources.

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Table of contents

  1. Cover
    1. Copyright Page
  2. Contents
  3. Introduction
    1. Who Is This Book For?
    2. How This Book Is Organized
    3. Bonus Material
    4. Conventions and Features in This Book
    5. System Requirements
    6. Obtaining the Sample Web Site
    7. Running the Exercises and Sample Web Site
    8. Removing the Sample Web Site
    9. Prerelease Software
    10. Technology Updates
    11. Support for This Book
    12. Questions and Comments
  4. About the Author
    1. Jim Buyens
    2. Dedication
  5. Chapter 1: Introducing Microsoft Visual Web Developer 2005 Express Edition
    1. What to Expect From This Book
    2. Deciding Whether Visual Web Developer is the Product for You
    3. What You’ll Need for Testing
    4. Choosing a Provider for Your Public Web Site
    5. Dealing with ISO Image Files
    6. Approaching the User Interface
  6. Chapter 2: Presenting the ASP.NET 2.0 Programming Model
    1. Following a Web Page through ASP.NET 2.0
      1. A Hierarchy of Controls
      2. Dealing with Events
      3. Reviewing the Page Life Cycle
    2. Categorizing ASP.NET Server Controls
  7. Chapter 3: Creating a New Web Site
    1. Choosing Where to Put the Working Copy of Your Site
    2. Creating an Empty Web Site
      1. Creating a File System Web Site
      2. Creating a Local IIS Web Site
      3. Creating a Remote IIS Web Site
      4. Creating an FTP-Accessible Web Site
  8. Chapter 4: Opening an Existing Web Site
    1. Opening a Recently-Used Web Site
    2. Opening an Arbitrary Web Site
      1. Opening a File System Web Site
      2. Opening a Local IIS Web Site
      3. Opening an FTP-Accessible Web Site
      4. Opening a Remote Web Site
  9. Chapter 5: Copying Your Web Site
    1. Specifying the Source and Remote Web Sites
    2. Selecting and Copying Files
  10. Chapter 6: Creating and Modifying Web Pages
    1. Working with Web Page Views
    2. Adding Controls
      1. Adding Controls from the Toolbox
      2. Adding Tables and Layers from the Menu Bar
      3. Adding Controls from Solution Explorer
    3. Setting Control Properties
      1. Setting Properties with the Properties Window
      2. Setting Properties with the Mouse
      3. Setting Properties with Smart Tags
      4. Setting Properties with the Format Menu
      5. Setting Properties with Toolbars
    4. Adding or Modifying Hyperlinks
  11. Chapter 7: Working with Source Code
    1. Using the Text Editor
      1. Using Outlining
      2. Using Split View
      3. Using Go To, Bookmarks, and the Task List
      4. Making Sense of IntelliSense
      5. Detecting Syntax Errors
      6. Finding and Replacing Text
      7. Formatting Source Code
      8. Locating More Editing Commands
    2. Storing, Compiling, and Publishing Program Code
  12. Chapter 8: Creating and Using Web User Controls
    1. Creating and Designing Web User Controls
    2. Adding Web User Controls to a Page
    3. Using Web User Controls Effectively
      1. Understanding Web User Control Tags
      2. Using CSS Styles in Web User Controls
      3. Adjusting Relative URLs
      4. Coding Attributes for Web User Controls
  13. Chapter 9: Using Master Pages to Centralize Page Layout
    1. Creating a Master Page
    2. Applying Master Pages to Content Pages
    3. Using Master Pages Effectively
      1. Looking Inside Master Pages
      2. Modifying Existing Pages to Use Master Pages
      3. Adjusting Relative URLs
      4. Modifying Header Information
  14. Chapter 10: Using Cascading Style Sheets
    1. Formatting Page Elements Individually
    2. Using Named Styles Across Several Pages
      1. Creating a New Style Sheet File
      2. Creating Style Sheet Rules
      3. Adding Properties to Style Sheet Rules
      4. Using Shared Styles in Your Web Pages
  15. Chapter 11: Controlling Appearance with ASP.NET Themes
    1. Creating ASP.NET Themes
    2. Adding Skins to an ASP.NET Theme
    3. Adding CSS Style Sheets to an ASP.NET Theme
    4. Applying Themes to Pages and Sites
  16. Chapter 12: Linking the Pages in Your Site Automatically
    1. Creating a Site Map for Your Web Site
    2. Creating Drop-Down and Fly-Out Menus
    3. Creating Tree View Menus
    4. Providing Breadcrumbs
  17. Chapter 13: Creating and Connecting to Databases
    1. Administering Data Access
    2. Connecting to an Existing Database
    3. Creating a New Database
    4. Adding and Modifying Database Tables
    5. Viewing and Updating Database Table Content
  18. Chapter 14: Displaying Database Information
    1. Using Data Sources
    2. Configuring Data Sources
    3. Displaying Database Information
    4. Configuring a GridView Control (1/2)
    5. Configuring a GridView Control (2/2)
  19. Chapter 15: Maintaining Database Information
    1. Using a GridView Control to Update and Delete Records
    2. Using a DetailsView Control to Add Records
  20. Chapter 16: Publishing Your Database
    1. Copying a SQL Server Database
    2. Understanding and Connecting to SQL Server
      1. Using Connection Strings
      2. Sharing a Single Copy of SQL Server
      3. Administering Shared SQL Servers
      4. Server Instances
      5. User Instances
      6. Attaching Database Files
      7. Understanding Logins
      8. How Visual Web Developer Uses SQL Server
  21. Index (1/2)
  22. Index (2/2)

Product information

  • Title: Microsoft® Visual Web Developer™ 2005 Express Edition: Build a Web Site Now!
  • Author(s): Jim Buyens
  • Release date: November 2005
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780735622128