Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager

Book description

Part of a series of specialized guides on System Center - this book delivers a focused drilldown on troubleshooting Configuration Manager.

Table of contents

  1. Cover Page
  2. Copyright Page
  3. Table of Contents
  4. Foreword
  5. Introduction
  6. Chapter 1 Configuration Manager site hierarchy and distribution points
    1. Configuration Manager site hierarchy
      1. Central administration site
      2. Primary sites
      3. Secondary sites
    2. Determining when to use a central administration site
    3. Determining when to use a primary site
    4. Determining when to use a secondary site
    5. Understanding site-to-site replication
      1. Global and site data
      2. Database replication
      3. File-based replication
    6. Understanding distribution points
    7. Active Directory requirements for sites
      1. Active Directory schema extension
      2. Disjoint namespaces
      3. Single label domains
      4. Extending the schema for Configuration Manager
    8. Forest Discovery and Publishing
    9. Boundaries and boundary groups
      1. Boundaries
      2. Boundary groups
    10. Cross-forest scenarios
      1. Cross-forest tips
      2. Client approval
    11. Using Prerequisite Checker
    12. Best practices for installing a central administration site or primary site
      1. Security rights
      2. Site naming
      3. Evaluation media
    13. Best practices for installing a secondary site
      1. Security rights
      2. Other considerations
    14. Unattended installation of a central administration site or primary site
    15. Troubleshooting database replication and console issues
      1. Troubleshooting database replication
      2. Step 1: Using Replication Link Analyzer
      3. Step 2: Examining the log files
      4. Step 3: Performing SQL queries
      5. Step 4: Reinitiating replication
    16. Troubleshooting the Configuration Manager console
  7. Chapter 2 Understanding Configuration Manager components
    1. Content distribution
      1. Sending packages/applications to distribution points
      2. Examining the log files
      3. Package Transfer Manager
      4. Monitoring distribution of content to remote distribution points
    2. Pull distribution points
      1. Installing a pull distribution point
      2. Troubleshooting pull distribution point installation
    3. Software update points
      1. Troubleshooting installation of software update points
      2. Synchronizing software update points with Microsoft Update
      3. Troubleshooting synchronization with Microsoft Update
      4. Troubleshooting rotating management point and SUP failover
    4. Application deployment troubleshooting
      1. Enabling verbose logging
      2. Troubleshooting application deployment
  8. Chapter 3 Configuration Manager log files and troubleshooting scenarios
    1. Software updates
      1. Software update log files
      2. Software update workflow
      3. Troubleshooting software update issues
      4. Software distribution
      5. Software distribution log files
      6. Troubleshooting software distribution
    2. Data replication
      1. Troubleshooting data replication issues
      2. Using Replication Link Analyzer
      3. Understanding the replication process
    3. Operating system deployment
      1. Operating system deployment log files
      2. Using error messages for troubleshooting
      3. Troubleshooting disk issues
      4. Troubleshooting network issues
      5. Troubleshooting XML errors
      6. Troubleshooting media issues
    4. Application management
      1. Application management log files
      2. Troubleshooting application deployment
    5. Workflow of application deployment for Macintosh clients

Product information

  • Title: Microsoft System Center: Troubleshooting Configuration Manager
  • Author(s): Rushi Faldu, Manoj Kumar Pal, Andre Della Monica, Kaushal Pandey, Mitch Tulloch
  • Release date: November 2013
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780735683020