Book description
Buy the print version of¿Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Unleashed and get the eBook version for free! eBook version includes chapters 44-60 not included in the print. See inside the book for access code and details.
With up-to-the-minute content, this is the industry’s most complete, useful guide to SQL Server 2012.
You’ll find start-to-finish coverage of SQL Server’s core database server and management capabilities: all the real-world information, tips, guidelines, and samples you’ll need to create and manage complex database solutions. The additional online chapters add extensive coverage of SQL Server Integration Services, Reporting Services, Analysis Services, T-SQL programming, .NET Framework integration, and much more.
Authored by four expert SQL Server administrators, designers, developers, architects, and consultants, this book reflects immense experience with SQL Server in production environments. Intended for intermediate-to-advanced-level SQL Server professionals, it focuses on the product’s most complex and powerful capabilities, and its newest tools and features.
Understand SQL Server 2012’s newest features, licensing changes, and capabilities of each edition
Manage SQL Server 2012 more effectively with SQL Server Management Studio, the SQLCMD command-line query tool, and Powershell
Use Policy-Based Management to centrally configure and operate SQL Server
Utilize the new Extended Events trace capabilities within SSMS
Maximize performance by optimizing design, queries, analysis, and workload management
Implement new best practices for SQL Server high availability
Deploy AlwaysOn Availability Groups and Failover Cluster Instances to achieve enterprise-class availability and disaster recovery
Leverage new business intelligence improvements, including Master Data Services, Data Quality Services and Parallel Data Warehouse
Deliver better full-text search with SQL Server 2012’s new Semantic Search
Improve reporting with new SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services features
Download the following from Sample databases and code examples
Table of contents
- About This eBook
- Title Page
- Copyright Page
- Contents at a Glance
- Table of Contents
- About the Authors
- About the Contributing Author
- Dedication
- Acknowledgments
- We Want to Hear from You!
- Reader Services
- Introduction
Part I: Welcome to Microsoft SQL Server
Chapter 1. SQL Server 2012 Overview
SQL Server Components and Features
- The SQL Server Database Engine
- SQL Server 2012 Administration and Management Tools
- Replication
- Merge Replication
- Database Mirroring
- SQL Server AlwaysOn Features
- SQL Server Service Broker
- Full-Text and Semantic Search
- SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
- SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS)
- SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
- Master Data Services
- Data Quality Services
- SQL Server 2012 Editions
- SQL Server Licensing Models
- Summary
SQL Server Components and Features
- Chapter 2. What’s New in SQL Server 2012
- Chapter 3. Examples of SQL Server Implementations
Chapter 1. SQL Server 2012 Overview
Part II: SQL Server Tools and Utilities
- Chapter 4. SQL Server Management Studio
- Chapter 5. SQL Server Command-Line Utilities
- Chapter 6. SQL Server Profiler
Part III: SQL Server Administration
- Chapter 7. SQL Server System and Database Administration
- Chapter 8. Installing SQL Server 2012
- Chapter 9. Upgrading to SQL Server 2012
- Chapter 10. Client Installation and Configuration
- Chapter 11. Database Backup and Restore
- Chapter 12. Database Mail
- Chapter 13. SQL Server Agent
Chapter 14. Administering SQL Server 2012 with PowerShell
- What’s New with PowerShell
- Overview of PowerShell
PowerShell Scripting Basics
- A Few Basic Cmdlets
- Creating a PowerShell Script
- Adding Comments
- Variables
- Escaping Characters
- Special Variable $_
- Joining Variables and Strings
- Passing Arguments
- Using Param
- Arrays
- Operators
- Conditional Statements
- Functions
- Looping Statements
- Filtering Cmdlets
- Formatting Cmdlets
- Dealing with CSV Files
- Dealing with Dates and Times
- -WhatIf/-Confirm Parameters
- PowerShell in SQL Server 2012
Step-by-Step Examples
- General Tasks
- Scheduling Scripts
- Common OS-Related Tasks
- SQL Server-Specific Tasks
- Using the Provider
- Creating a Database Table
- Performing a Database Backup
- Checking Server Settings
- Checking the Database Usage
- Getting Table Properties
- Cmdlet Example: Invoke-SqlCmd
- Cmdlet Example: Invoke-PolicyEvaluation
- Joining Columns
- Retrieving an Entry
- Summary
- Chapter 15. SQL Server Policy-Based Management
Part IV: SQL Server Security Administration
- Chapter 16. Security and Compliance
Chapter 17. Security and User Administration
- What’s New in Security and User Administration
- An Overview of SQL Server Security
- Authentication Methods
- Managing Principals
- Managing Securables
- Managing Permissions
- Managing SQL Server Logins
- Managing SQL Server Users
- Managing Database Roles
- Managing Server Roles
- Managing SQL Server Permissions
- The Execution Context
- Summary
- Chapter 18. Data Encryption
Part V: Database Administration
- Chapter 19. Creating and Managing Databases
- Chapter 20. Creating and Managing Tables
- Chapter 21. Creating and Managing Indexes
- Chapter 22. Implementing Data Integrity
- Chapter 23. Creating and Managing Views
Chapter 24. Creating and Managing Stored Procedures
- What’s New in Creating and Managing Stored Procedures
- Advantages of Stored Procedures
- Creating Stored Procedures
- Executing Stored Procedures
- Deferred Name Resolution
- Viewing Stored Procedures
- Modifying Stored Procedures
- Using Input Parameters
- Using Output Parameters
- Returning Procedure Status
- Debugging Stored Procedures Using SQL Server Management Studio
- Using System Stored Procedures
- Startup Procedures
- Summary
- Chapter 25. Creating and Managing User-Defined Functions
- Chapter 26. Creating and Managing Triggers
Chapter 27. Transaction Management and the Transaction Log
- What’s New in Transaction Management
- What Is a Transaction?
- How SQL Server Manages Transactions
- Defining Transactions
- Transactions and Batches
- Transactions and Stored Procedures
- Transactions and Triggers
- Transactions and Locking
- Coding Effective Transactions
- Transaction Logging and the Recovery Process
- Long-Running Transactions
- Distributed Transactions
- Summary
Chapter 28. Database Snapshots
- What’s New with Database Snapshots
- What Are Database Snapshots?
- Limitations and Restrictions of Database Snapshots
- Copy-on-Write Technology
- When to Use Database Snapshots
- Setup and Breakdown of a Database Snapshot
- Reverting to a Database Snapshot for Recovery
- Database Snapshots Maintenance and Security Considerations
- Summary
- Chapter 29. Database Maintenance
Part VI: SQL Server Performance and Optimization
Chapter 30. Data Structures, Indexes, and Performance
- What’s New for Data Structures, Indexes, and Performance
- Understanding Data Structures
- Database Files and Filegroups
- Database Pages
- Space Allocation Structures
- Data Compression
- Understanding Table Structures
- Understanding Index Structures
- Data Modification and Performance
- Index Utilization
- Index Selection
- Evaluating Index Usefulness
- Index Statistics
- SQL Server Index Maintenance
- Index Design Guidelines
- Indexed Views
- Indexes on Computed Columns
- Filtered Indexes and Statistics
- Choosing Indexes: Query Versus Update Performance
- Identifying Missing Indexes
- Identifying Unused Indexes
- Summary
Chapter 31. Understanding Query Optimization
- What’s New in Query Optimization
- What Is the Query Optimizer?
- Query Compilation and Optimization
- Query Analysis
- Row Estimation and Index Selection
- Join Selection
- Execution Plan Selection
- Query Plan Caching
- Other Query Processing Strategies
- Parallel Query Processing
- Common Query Optimization Problems
- Managing the Optimizer
- Summary
- Chapter 32. Query Analysis
Chapter 33. Locking and Performance
- What’s New in Locking and Performance
- The Need for Locking
- Transaction Isolation Levels in SQL Server
- The Lock Manager
- Monitoring Lock Activity in SQL Server
- SQL Server Lock Types
- SQL Server Lock Granularity
- Lock Compatibility
- Locking Contention and Deadlocks
- Table Hints for Locking
- Optimistic Locking
- Summary
- Chapter 34. Database Design and Performance
- Chapter 35. Monitoring SQL Server Performance
- Chapter 36. SQL Server Database Engine Tuning Advisor
- Chapter 37. Managing Workloads with the Resource Governor
- Chapter 38. A Performance and Tuning Methodology
Chapter 30. Data Structures, Indexes, and Performance
Part VII: SQL Server High Availability
- Chapter 39. SQL Server High Availability Fundamentals
Chapter 40. Data Replication
- What’s New in Data Replication
- What Is Replication?
- The Publisher, Distributor, and Subscriber Magazine Metaphor
Replication Scenarios
- The Central Publisher Replication Model
- The Central Publisher with Remote Distributor Replication Model
- The Publishing Subscriber Replication Model
- The Central Subscriber Replication Model
- The Multiple Publishers with Multiple Subscribers Replication Model
- The Updating Subscribers Replication Model
- The Peer-to-Peer Replication Model
- Subscriptions
- Replication Agents
- Planning for SQL Server Data Replication
- SQL Server Replication Types
- Basing the Replication Design on User Requirements
- Setting Up Replication
- Scripting Replication
Monitoring Replication
- Replication Monitoring SQL Statements
- Monitoring Replication within SQL Server Management Studio
- Troubleshooting Replication Failures
- Peer-to-Peer Replication
- The Performance Monitor
- Replication in Heterogeneous Environments
- Backup and Recovery in a Replication Configuration
- Some Thoughts on Performance
- Log Shipping
- Data Replication and Database Mirroring or AlwaysOn Features for Fault Tolerance and High Availability
- Change Data Capture
- The Change Data Capture Tables
- Enabling CDC for a Database
- Enabling CDC for a Table
- Querying the CDC Tables
- CDC and DDL Changes to Source Tables
- CDC and AlwaysOn Availability Groups
- Change Tracking
- Summary
Chapter 41. Database Mirroring
- What’s New in Database Mirroring
- What Is Database Mirroring?
- Roles of the Database Mirroring Configuration
- Setting Up and Configuring Database Mirroring
- Testing Failover from the Principal to the Mirror
- Client Setup and Configuration for Database Mirroring
- Using Replication and Database Mirroring Together
- Using Database Snapshots from a Mirror for Reporting
- Summary
- Chapter 42. SQL Server Failover Clustering
- Chapter 43. SQL Server AlwaysOn and Availability Groups
Part VIII: SQL Server Application Development
- Chapter 44. What’s New for Transact-SQL in SQL Server 2012
Chapter 45. Transact-SQL Programming Guidelines, Tips, and Tricks
- General T-SQL Coding Recommendations
- General T-SQL Performance Recommendations
- In Case You Missed It: Recently Added T-SQL Features
- TOP Enhancements
- The OUTPUT Clause
- MERGE Statement
- Insert over DML
- Common Table Expressions
- Using the Hierarchyid Data Type
- Using Row Numbers for Paging Results
- De-Duping Data with Ranking Functions
- The APPLY Operator
- Variable Assignment in DECLARE Statements
- Compound Assignment Operators
- GROUP BY Clause Enhancements
- General T-SQL Tips and Tricks
- Summary
- Chapter 46. Advanced Stored Procedure Programming and Optimization
- Chapter 47. SQL Server and the .NET Framework
Chapter 48. SQLCLR: Developing SQL Server Objects in .NET
- What’s New for SQLCLR in SQL Server 2012
Developing Custom Managed Database Objects
- An Introduction to Custom Managed Database Objects
- Managed Object Permissions
- Developing Managed Objects with Visual Studio 2012
- Developing Managed Stored Procedures
- Developing Managed User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
- Developing Managed User-Defined Types (UDTs)
- Developing Managed User-Defined Aggregates (UDAs)
- Developing Managed Triggers
- Using Transactions
- Using the Related System Catalogs
- Summary
- Chapter 49. Using XML in SQL Server 2012
- Chapter 50. SQL Server Service Broker
Chapter 51. SQL Server Full-Text Search
- What’s New in SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Search
- Installing SQL FTS
- Upgrade Options in SQL Server 2012
- How SQL Server FTS Works
- Implementing SQL Server 2012 Full-Text Catalogs
- Setting Up a Full-Text Index
- Full-Text Searches
- Semantic Search
- Full-Text Search Maintenance
- Full-Text Search Performance
- Full-Text Search Troubleshooting
- Summary
- Chapter 52. Working with SQL Azure
Part IX: SQL Server Business Intelligence Features
Chapter 53. SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services
- What’s New in SSAS
- Understanding SSAS and OLAP
- Understanding the SSAS Environment Wizards
- An Analytics Design Methodology
An OLAP Requirements Example: CompSales International
- CompSales International Requirements
- OLAP Cube Creation
- Using SQL Server SSDT
- Creating an OLAP Database
- Defining Dimensions and Hierarchies
- Creating the Other Dimensions
- Creating the Cube
- Building and Deploying the Cube
- Populating the Cube with Data
- Aggregating Data Within the Cube
- Browsing Data in the Cube
- Delivering Data to Users
- Query Analysis and Optimization
- Generating a Relational Database
- Summary
- Chapter 54. SQL Server Integration Services
Chapter 55. SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services
- What’s New in SSRS 2012
- Reporting Services Architecture
- Installing and Configuring SSRS
Developing Reports
- Tools of the Trade
- Report Basics
- Overview of the Report Development Process
- Data Planning and Preparation
- Using Shared Data Sources
- Using Datasets
- Using Shared Datasets
- Developing Reports Using SSDT
- Working with the Tablix
- Understanding Expressions
- Report Design Fundamentals
- Designing Reports Using Report Builder
- Report Builder and Report Model Security
- Enabling Report Builder
- Management and Security
- Performance and Monitoring
- Summary
- Chapter 56. Master Data Services and Data Quality Services
- Chapter 57. Parallel Data Warehouse
Chapter 53. SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services
Part X: Bonus Chapters
Chapter 58. Managing Linked Servers
- What’s New in Managing Linked Servers
- Linked Servers
- Adding, Dropping, and Configuring Linked Servers
- Mapping Local Logins to Logins on Linked Servers
- Obtaining General Information About Linked Servers
- Executing a Stored Procedure via a Linked Server
- Setting Up Linked Servers Using SQL Server Management Studio
- Summary
- Chapter 59. SQL Server Disaster Recovery Planning
Chapter 60. SQL Server Configuration Options
- What’s New in Configuring, Tuning, and Optimizing SQL Server Options
- SQL Server Instance Architecture
- Configuration Options
- Fixing an Incorrect Option Setting
- Setting Configuration Options with SSMS
- Obsolete Configuration Options
Configuration Options and Performance
- access check cache bucket count
- access check cache quota
- ad hoc distributed queries
- affinity I/O mask
- affinity mask
- Agent XP
- backup compression default
- blocked process threshold
- c2 audit mode
- clr enabled
- common criteria compliance enabled
- contained database authentication
- cost threshold for parallelism
- cross db ownership chaining
- cursor threshold
- Database Mail XPs
- default full-text language
- default language
- default trace enabled
- disallow results from triggers
- EKM provider enabled
- filestream_access_level
- fill factor
- index create memory
- in-doubt xact resolution
- lightweight pooling
- locks
- max degree of parallelism
- max server memory and min server memory
- max text repl size
- max worker threads
- media retention
- min memory per query
- nested triggers
- network packet size
- Ole Automation Procedures
- optimize for ad hoc workloads
- PH_timeout
- priority boost
- query governor cost limit
- query wait
- recovery interval
- remote access
- remote admin connections
- remote login timeout
- remote proc trans
- remote query timeout
- scan for startup procs
- show advanced options
- user connections
- user options
- XP-Related Configuration Options
- Summary
Chapter 58. Managing Linked Servers
- Index
Product information
- Title: Microsoft® SQL Server 2012 Unleashed
- Author(s):
- Release date: December 2013
- Publisher(s): Sams
- ISBN: 9780133408539
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