Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies Administrator's Pocket Consultant

Book description

Portable and precise, this pocket-sized guide delivers immediate answers for the day-to-day administration of Microsoft Windows® SharePoint Services 3.0 and Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007. Designed as a quick reference that administrators and support professionals can carry wherever they go, this POCKET CONSULTANT focuses on the administrative tasks they perform most often. It covers essential topics for administering SharePoint Products and Technologies, deployment, site configuration, enterprise content management, search and indexing, workflows, shared service providers, information management policies, scalability, availability, security, logging and processing analysis, and backup and recovery. Featuring easy-to-scan tables, step-by-step instructions, and handy lists, this book offers the streamlined, straightforward information you need to solve problems and get the job done—whether you’re at your desk or in the field!

Table of contents

  1. Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies Administrator's Pocket Consultant
    1. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly
    2. Acknowledgments
    3. Introduction
      1. For Whom Is This Book Designed?
      2. How Is This Book Organized?
      3. Conventions Used in This Book
      4. Questions and Support
    4. I. SharePoint Products and Technologies Fundamentals
      1. 1. Overview of SharePoint Products and Technologies Administration
        1. SharePoint Products and Your Hardware
          1. Memory
          2. CPU
          3. Disk Drives
        2. Applications and Services
          1. Operating System Services
          2. Windows SharePoint Services 3.0
          3. Microsoft Office SharePoint Server 2007
        3. Administration Overview
          1. Graphical Administration Tool
          2. Command-Line Tool
      2. 2. Deploying SharePoint Products and Technologies
        1. Preparing for Installation
          1. Software Requirements
          2. Security Accounts
          3. SQL Server Security Accounts
        2. Installing the First Windows SharePoint Services Server in the Farm
          1. Active Directory Account Creation Mode
          2. Using the Configuration Wizard
          3. Central Administration Setup
            1. Start the Windows SharePoint Services Search Service
            2. Configure the Farm Administrators Group
            3. Configure Outgoing E-mail Settings
            4. Create a Web Application to Host Site Collections
            5. Create a Site Collection at the Root of the Web Application
            6. Update IIS Configuration
              1. Assigning IP Addresses to Web Applications
            7. Perform a Backup
          4. Understanding the Databases Created During Installation
        3. Installing the First SharePoint Server 2007 Server in the Farm
          1. The Installation Wizard
            1. Advanced
            2. SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard
            3. Central Administration Post-Installation Tasks
          2. SharePoint Server Databases Created During Installation
          3. IIS Web Applications Created During Installation
        4. Upgrading Windows SharePoint Services to SharePoint Server
    5. II. SharePoint Core Administration
      1. 3. Central Administration
        1. Server Farm Operations
          1. Defining SharePoint Server 2007 Farm Services
          2. E-mail Configuration
            1. Outgoing E-mail Settings
            2. Incoming E-mail Settings
          3. Managing Service Accounts
          4. Enabling Information Rights Management
          5. Updating the Farm Administrator's Group
          6. Understanding Timer Jobs
          7. Alternate Access Mappings
          8. Quiesce Farm
        2. Application Management
          1. Creating Web Applications
          2. Defining Managed Paths
          3. Configuring Web Application Outgoing E-mail Settings
          4. Managing Content Databases
          5. SharePoint Server Document Conversion
          6. Workflow Settings
      2. 4. Creating Site Collections
        1. Site Creation Modes
          1. Determining Which Mode to Use
            1. Enabling Self-Service Site Creation
              1. Enabling Self-Service Site Creation
          2. Site Use Confirmation and Deletion
            1. Enabling Site Use Confirmation and Deletion
              1. Enabling Site Use Confirmation and Deletion
        2. Creating Site Collections
          1. Creating a Site Collection from Central Administration
            1. Creating a Site Collection from Central Administration
              1. Creating a Site Collection from Central Administration
              2. Creating a Site Collection Through the Self-Service URL
          2. Site Collection Quotas and Locks
            1. Quota Template Management
              1. Creating a New Quota Template
              2. Modifying an Existing Quota Template
            2. Site Locks
              1. Changing the Lock Status of a Site Collection
          3. Site Collection Administrators
          4. Creating Subsites and Workspaces
            1. Creating a Subsite or Workspace
              1. Creating a Subsite or Workspace
        3. Site Settings
          1. Users and Permissions
            1. Creating a Custom Site Group
              1. Creating a Custom Site Group
              2. Adding a User to a Site
              3. Modifying User Properties and Permissions
          2. Regional Settings
          3. Creating Document Libraries
            1. Creating a Document Library
              1. Creating a Document Library
            2. Managing Check In and Check Out Settings
              1. Set a Document Library to Require Check Out
            3. Managing Acceptable Document Types and Sizes
              1. Adding a File to the Blocked File Types List
            4. Setting Size Limitations on Documents
            5. Using Content Types in Document Libraries
              1. Adding a Content Type to a Document Library
          4. Creating and Managing Lists
            1. Creating a List
              1. Creating a List
            2. Shared List Columns (Field Definitions)
              1. Creating a Shared List Column
              2. Adding a Shared List Column to a List
            3. Content Types
              1. Creating a New Content Type
          5. User Alerts
            1. Creating an Alert
              1. Creating an Alert
              2. Managing Alerts for the Current User
          6. Discussions
            1. Creating a Discussion
              1. Creating a Discussion
              2. Creating a Discussion Topic
              3. Posting a Reply to a Discussion Topic
          7. RSS (Really Simple Syndication)
            1. Viewing a List Using RSS
              1. Viewing a List Using RSS
          8. Recycle Bin
            1. User-Level Recycle Bin
            2. Administrator-Level Recycle Bin
              1. Restore an Item from the User-Level Recycle Bin
              2. Delete an Item from the User-Level Recycle Bin
            3. Managing the Site Collection Recycle Bin
            4. Recycle Bin Settings
      3. 5. Customizing Sites
        1. Using the Default Site Collection Templates
          1. Collaboration Site Templates
          2. Meeting Site Templates
          3. Enterprise Site Templates
          4. Publishing Site Templates
        2. Customizing the Default Templates
          1. Modifying the Common Look And Feel
            1. Title, Description, and Icon
            2. Tree View
            3. Site Theme
            4. Top Link Bar
            5. Quick Launch
          2. Saving a Site as a Template
          3. Resetting a Site
          4. Managing the Site Template Gallery
            1. Exporting a Site Template
            2. Adding a Site Template
            3. Editing and Deleting Site Templates
          5. Managing the Central Template Gallery
            1. Listing the Templates in the Central Gallery
            2. Adding a Template to the Central Gallery
            3. Deleting a Template from the Central Gallery
        3. Web Part Pages
          1. Creating a Web Part Page
          2. Editing a Web Part Page
            1. Editing the Web Part Page Title Bar
            2. Adding Web Parts on Web Part Page
            3. Add Web Part Advanced Options
        4. Web Parts
          1. Editing Web Parts
            1. Appearance
            2. Layout
            3. Advanced
          2. Connecting Web Parts
        5. Web Part Galleries
          1. Managing Web Parts
            1. Previewing a Web Part
            2. New
            3. Editing Web Parts
            4. Importing Web Parts
          2. Importing Web Part Assembly Files
            1. Adding Web Parts Using Stsadm.exe
            2. Deleting Web Part Packages Using Stsadm.exe
            3. Adding Web Part Assembly Files to the Bin
          3. Web Part Maintenance View
      4. 6. Using Workflows and Information Management Policies
        1. Automating Document Management in SharePoint Server 2007
          1. Workflow Automation
          2. Information Management Policies
        2. Creating and Configuring Workflows
          1. Creating a New Workflow
            1. Creating a New Workflow
              1. Creating a New Workflow
              2. Starting a Workflow
          2. Completing a Workflow Assignment
            1. Canceling a Running Workflow
              1. Canceling a Running Workflow
          3. Approval Workflow
            1. Enabling Content Approval on a List or Library
              1. Enabling Content Approval on a List or Library
              2. Configuring an Approval Workflow
          4. Collect Feedback Workflow
          5. Collect Signatures Workflow
            1. Adding a Digital Signature Line to a Document
              1. Adding a Digital Signature Line to a Document
              2. Starting a Collect Signatures Workflow
          6. Three-State Workflow
            1. Configuring a List for the Three-State Workflow
              1. Adding a Custom Choice Column to a List
            2. Configuring a Three-State Workflow
          7. Translation Management Workflow
            1. Activating the Translation Management Workflow
              1. Activating the Translation Management Workflow
            2. Configuring a Translation Management Workflow
            3. The Translators List
              1. Starting a Translation Management Workflow
          8. Disposition Approval Workflow
            1. Configuring a Disposition Approval Workflow
            2. Starting a Disposition Approval Workflow
            3. Completing a Disposition Approval Workflow
          9. Custom Workflows
            1. Creating Workflows Using SharePoint Designer
              1. Creating Workflows Using SharePoint Designer
          10. Monitoring and Reporting on Workflows
            1. Viewing the Status of a Single Workflow
              1. Viewing the Status of a Single Workflow
              2. Viewing the Performance of All Workflows on a List
              3. Monitoring Workflows in the Site Collection
        3. Defining Information Management Policies
          1. Label Policy
          2. Auditing Policy
          3. Expiration Policy
          4. Barcodes Policy
          5. Creating Policies
            1. To Create an Information Management Policy
              1. To Create an Information Management Policy
          6. Creating Policy Templates
            1. Creating a Site Collection Policy Template
              1. Creating a Site Collection Policy Template
              2. Applying a Site Collection Policy
        4. Using Content Types
          1. Understanding Content Types
          2. Configuring Workflows on a Content Type
            1. Associating a Workflow with a Content Type
              1. Associating a Workflow with a Content Type
          3. Configuring Information Management Policies on a Content Type
            1. Associating an Information Management Policy with a Content Type
              1. Associating an Information Management Policy with a Content Type
        5. Tracking Information Management Policy Use
          1. Viewing the Audit Reports
            1. Viewing the Audit Reports
              1. Viewing the Audit Reports
              2. Enabling Information Management Policy Usage Reporting
              3. Viewing Policy Reports
      5. 7. Implementing Security for SharePoint Products
        1. Securing Web Applications
          1. Internet Information Services
            1. Secure Sockets Layer
            2. Integrated Authentication
            3. Basic Authentication
            4. Enabling Anonymous Access
            5. Configuring User Permissions for Web Applications
          2. Configuring Antivirus Settings
          3. Managing Single Sign-on
          4. Configuring Blocked File Types
          5. Updating the Farm Administrator's Group
        2. Site Collection Security
          1. Site Collection Administrators
          2. Permission Levels
            1. Users and User Groups
            2. Site Access Groups
            3. Enabling Folder and Per-Item Permissions
        3. Server Farm Security
          1. Surface Area
          2. Server Placement
    6. III. Working with SharePoint Server 2007
      1. 8. Deploying SharePoint Server Shared Services
        1. Creating a Shared Services Provider
          1. Web Application Creation
          2. Editing a Shared Services Provider
          3. Changing Web Application Associations
        2. Configuring Shared Services
          1. Assigning Administrators
          2. Managing User Profiles
            1. Defining Import Sources and Connections
            2. Setting the Default Import Source
            3. Configuring Custom Import Sources
            4. Viewing Import Log
            5. Modifying User Profiles
            6. Configuring User Profile Properties
            7. Adding New Properties
          3. Using Personalization Services
            1. Published Links to Office Client Applications
            2. Personalization Site Links
          4. Configuring Audiences
            1. Creating Audiences
            2. Using Audiences
          5. Office SharePoint Usage Reporting
      2. 9. Configuring SharePoint Server Portals
        1. Creating Departmental Portals
        2. Creating Corporate Intranet Portals
          1. Creating a Corporate Intranet Portal
            1. Creating a Corporate Intranet Portal
              1. Creating a Corporate Intranet Portal
          2. Customizing Portal Navigation
            1. Modifying Portal Navigation Settings
            2. Configuring Top-Level Portal Navigation
            3. Configuring Portal Subsite Navigation
          3. Using the Site Directory
            1. Creating Sites Beneath the Site Directory
            2. Adding Links to the Site Directory
            3. Managing the Site Directory Using the Sites List
            4. Finding Broken Links
              1. Scanning for Broken Links at the Site Collection Level
              2. Scanning for Broken Links from Central Administration
            5. Modifying the Sites List
              1. Changing the Options for Division and Region in the Site Directory
              2. Adding a Custom Category to the Site Directory
              3. Configuring the Site Map Web Part's Content Options
              4. Configuring the Site Map Web Part's Organization Options
          4. Using the Reports Center
            1. Creating a KPI List
              1. Creating a KPI List
            2. Creating Key Performance Indicators
              1. Creating a KPI Using Data in SharePoint List
              2. Creating an Indicator Using Data in Excel Workbook
              3. Creating an Indicator Using Data Using Manually Entered Information
            3. Configuring Common KPI Properties
            4. Creating Dashboards
            5. Configuring Dashboards
          5. Using Online Editing in Portals
            1. Using the Page Drop-Down Menu
            2. Advanced Editing Using the Content Editor
          6. Managing Content and Structure
            1. Navigating to the Site Content And Structure Page
              1. Navigating to the Site Content And Structure Page
              2. View the Content And Structure Reports
              3. Copying or Moving Items Using the Content And Structure Page
              4. Deleting Items Using the Content And Structure Page
              5. Selecting Multiple Items Using the Content And Structure Page
              6. Discarding Checkout Using the Content And Structure Page
              7. Showing Related Resources Using the Content And Structure Page
          7. Using Internet Portals
            1. Creating an Internet Portal by Applying the Publishing Template
              1. Creating an Internet Portal by Applying the Publishing Template
              2. Enabling Anonymous Access in Central Administration
              3. Enabling Anonymous Access for a Site Collection
          8. Enabling ASP.NET Forms-Based Authentication
        3. Managing My Sites
          1. Personalizing the Top Link Bar from the Shared Services Provider
          2. Choosing a My Site Naming Format
      3. 10. Configuring Office SharePoint Server Enterprise Content Management
        1. Understanding and Working with Content Types
          1. Creating Content Types
            1. Creating Content Types
              1. Creating Content Types
          2. Working with Site Columns
          3. Creating and Using Document Information Panels
          4. Creating a Custom Document Information Panel
            1. Creating a Custom Document Information Panel
              1. Creating a Custom Document Information Panel
          5. Updating a Custom Document Information Panel When the Associated Content Type Changes
            1. Updating a Document Information Panel Schema from InfoPath
            2. Updating a Document Information Panel Schema from SharePoint
          6. Dealing with Content Type Dependencies
          7. Creating and Using Document Parsers
        2. Managing Official Records
          1. Setting Up a File Plan
            1. Creating Record Routing Types
              1. Creating Record Routing Types
          2. Configuring the Default Send To Location
          3. Sending Content from a SharePoint Site
          4. Managing Holds
        3. Managing Web Content
          1. Working with Master Pages and Page Layouts
            1. Creating a Page Layout in SharePoint Designer 2007
              1. Creating a Page Layout in SharePoint Designer 2007
          2. Deploying Page Layouts
          3. Customizing the Authoring Experience
            1. Customizing the Page Editing Toolbar
            2. Customizing the HTML Editor Field Control
            3. Customizing the Asset Picker
          4. Converting Documents into Web Pages
            1. Enabling Document Conversions for a Web Application
            2. Configuring a Document Converter
        4. Managing Electronic Forms
          1. Creating Browser-Compatible InfoPath Forms
          2. Deploying Forms That Do Not Require Full Trust
          3. Deploying Forms That Require Full Trust
            1. Preparing a Form Template for Deployment
              1. Preparing a Form Template for Deployment
              2. Uploading a Prepared Form Template to an InfoPath Forms Services Server
            2. Activating a Form Template to a Site Collection from Central Administration
              1. Activating a Form Template to a Site Collection from Site Settings
      4. 11. Configuring Office SharePoint Server Excel Calculation Services
        1. Getting Started with Excel Calculation Services
          1. Key Planning Concepts
          2. Implementation Checklist
        2. Configuring Excel Servers in the Farm
          1. Enabling Excel Calculation Services
            1. Enabling Excel Calculation Services
              1. Enabling Excel Calculation Services
          2. Single-Server and Small Farm Deployment
          3. Dedicated Excel Server Deployment
            1. Configuring a Dedicated Excel Calculation Server
              1. Configuring a Dedicated Excel Calculation Server
          4. Load-Balanced Excel Server Deployment
        3. Configuring Trusted File Locations
          1. Creating a Trusted File Location
          2. Trusted Location Settings
            1. Location
            2. Session Management
            3. Workbook Properties
            4. Calculation Behavior
            5. External Data
            6. User-Defined Functions
        4. Workbook Security
        5. Publishing Office Excel 2007 Workbooks
          1. Publishing a Workbook to Excel Calculation Services
            1. Publishing a Workbook to Excel Calculation Services
              1. Publishing a Workbook to Excel Calculation Services
          2. Configuring Excel Calculation Services Publishing Options
            1. Restricting Visibility
            2. Defining Parameters
          3. Opening Excel Workbooks in the Browser
            1. Viewing a Workbook in the Browser
              1. Viewing a Workbook in the Browser
              2. Configure the Default Click Action to Open in a Browser
          4. The Excel Web Access Web Part
            1. Adding an Excel Web Access Web Part to a Dashboard
              1. Adding an Excel Web Access Web Part to a Dashboard
        6. Configuring Excel Services Settings
          1. Modifying Excel Services Settings
            1. Modifying Excel Services Settings
              1. Modifying Excel Services Settings
          2. Security
          3. File Access Method
          4. Connection Encryption
          5. Load Balancing
            1. Load-Balancing Scheme
            2. Retry Interval
          6. Session Management
          7. Memory Utilization
          8. Workbook Cache Location
          9. External Data
        7. Configuring Trusted Data Connection Libraries
          1. Configuring a Data Connection Library as Trusted
            1. Configuring a Data Connection Library as Trusted
              1. Configuring a Data Connection Library as Trusted
        8. Configuring Trusted Data Providers
          1. Adding a Trusted Data Provider
            1. Adding a Trusted Data Provider
              1. Adding a Trusted Data Provider
        9. Configuring User-Defined Function Assemblies
          1. Configuring a User-Defined Function Assembly
            1. Configuring a User-Defined Function Assembly
              1. Configuring a User-Defined Function Assembly
      5. 12. Configuring SharePoint Server Search and Indexing
        1. Creating and Managing Content Sources and Crawl Settings
          1. Content Source Types
          2. Crawl Settings
            1. Crawl Rules
            2. Managing File Types
          3. Crawl Logs
          4. Metadata Property Mappings
          5. Server Name Mappings
          6. Search Results Removal
        2. Creating and Managing Search Scopes
        3. Configuring Crawler Impact Rules
        4. Configuring Relevance Settings Through Authoritative Pages
        5. Configuring the Thesaurus and Noise Word Files
          1. Configuring the Thesaurus
          2. Configuring the Noise Word File
        6. Working with Query Reporting
          1. Understanding Query Reporting
          2. Working with Keywords and Best Bets
    7. IV. SharePoint Performance and Operations
      1. 13. Scaling Out to a SharePoint Technologies Server Farm
        1. Preparing for Scaling Out to a Server Farm
          1. Windows SharePoint Services Farm Topology Examples
            1. Small Farm
            2. Medium Farm
            3. Large Farm
          2. SharePoint Server Farm Topology Examples
            1. Small Farm
            2. Medium Farm
            3. Large Farm
            4. Enterprise Farm
        2. Scaling Out Windows SharePoint Services
          1. Adding Web Front-End Servers
            1. Web Parts and Custom Code
            2. Internet Information Services
          2. Configuring Multiple Windows SharePoint Services Search Servers
        3. Scaling Out SharePoint Server
          1. Adding Web Front-End Servers
          2. Deploying Multiple SharePoint Server Query Servers
          3. Deploying Multiple SharePoint Server Index Servers
          4. Scaling SharePoint Server Excel Calculation Services
          5. Adding and Load Balancing Document Converter Services
        4. Creating Multiple Shared Services Providers
          1. Intra-Farm Shared Services
          2. Inter-Farm Shared Services
          3. Configuring Multiple My Site Providers
      2. 14. Backup and Restore of SharePoint Products and Technologies
        1. Content Recovery
          1. Document Versioning
          2. Configuring the Recycle Bin
            1. Configuring the Recycle Bin Global Settings
            2. Modifying the Global Recycle Bin Settings for a Web Application
            3. Configuring the Second Stage of the Recycle Bin
              1. Configuring the Second Stage of the Recycle Bin
            4. Managing the Recycle Bin in a Site Collection
          3. Using the Migration Tool
        2. Disaster Recovery
          1. Using Central Administration Backup and Restore
            1. Performing a Farm-Level Backup from the GUI
              1. Performing a Farm-Level Backup from the GUI
              2. Deleting a Failed Backup/Restore Job
              3. Restoring Items from an Existing Backup
          2. Command-Line Farm-Level Backup and Restore
            1. Automating SharePoint Products and Technologies Backups
              1. Automating SharePoint Products and Technologies Backups
              2. Restoring a Server Farm from a Farm-Level Backup
          3. Command-Line Site Collection Backup and Restore
          4. Restoring Application Server Roles to the Farm
            1. Restoring Index Servers
              1. Resetting and Re-crawling All Content Sources After a Failure
              2. Restoring a Shared Services Provider and the Associated Content Index
            2. Restoring Query Servers
            3. Generic Application Servers
          5. Backing Up Other Required Content
            1. Operating System Files
            2. IIS Metabase
              1. Backing Up the IIS Metabase
              2. Backing Up and Restoring the IIS Metabase from the Command Line
      3. 15. Logging and Processing Analysis
        1. Using Performance Monitor
          1. Monitoring Performance Objects
            1. Monitoring Performance Objects
              1. Monitoring Performance Objects
          2. Counter Logs
            1. Configuring Counter Logs
              1. Configuring Counter Logs
          3. Trace Logs
          4. Alerts
        2. Performance Monitoring Best Practices
          1. Baselining Your Servers
          2. Windows Server 2003 Critical Counters
            1. CPU
            2. Memory
            3. Disk
          3. SharePoint Server Counters
          4. Internet Information Services (IIS) Logging
        3. Configuring Event Logs and Diagnostic Logging
          1. Selecting the Type of Events to Log
            1. Selecting the Type of Events to Log
              1. Selecting the Type of Events to Log
          2. Event Throttling
            1. Configuring Event Logging
              1. Configuring Event Logging
          3. Configuring Logging and Reporting
          4. Trace Logs
          5. Site Collection Auditing
        4. Best Practices Analyzer for Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server
    8. A. Command-Line Options
    9. Index
    10. SPECIAL OFFER: Upgrade this ebook with O’Reilly

Product information

  • Title: Microsoft® SharePoint® Products and Technologies Administrator's Pocket Consultant
  • Author(s): Ben Curry
  • Release date: May 2007
  • Publisher(s): Microsoft Press
  • ISBN: 9780735623828