Microsoft Azure For .NET Developers

Video description

Unlock the power of Microsoft Azure with our comprehensive course designed specifically for .NET developers.

In this course, we will embark on an immersive journey through the Azure ecosystem, starting with essential navigation techniques within the Azure Portal. We will become adept at harnessing Azure CLI and Azure PowerShell to efficiently manage resources, mastering the art of provisioning virtual machines and leveraging Azure App Services. Learn to monitor web applications using Application Insights, scale applications based on load, configure deployment slots and establish continuous deployment pipelines with GitHub Actions and Azure Web App Services. We will also discover the secrets of managing application secrets within .NET applications.

We will delve into the world of data with Azure SQL, gain insight into different hosting models, and harness the capabilities of Azure Blob Storage and Azure Cosmos DB. Harness the power of Azure Service Bus and Queues, and dive into serverless computing with Azure Functions. Integrate advanced .NET application security with Azure AD and Azure AD B2C, enhancing your application’s resilience.

By the end of this course, you will be proficient in navigating Azure, provisioning and managing resources, building and deploying applications, optimizing data storage, and ensuring robust security.

What You Will Learn

  • Learn to create, provision, and manage Azure resources
  • Create .NET applications hosted on Azure
  • Deploy and utilize Azure SQL and Cosmos DB
  • Understand serverless concepts with Azure Functions
  • Seamlessly connect Azure AD, Blob, and Service Bus
  • Learn Azure AD and B2C integration for advanced security


This course is tailor-made for aspiring and seasoned .NET developers looking to extend their expertise into the realm of cloud computing with Microsoft Azure. If you are eager to harness Azure’s vast capabilities for building, hosting, and managing .NET applications, this course is your ideal choice.

Prerequisite knowledge includes a foundational understanding of .NET Core, ensuring that you can readily adapt to the course content. Additionally, access to an Azure account (or a Free Trial Account) is essential, as hands-on experience is integral to grasping the concepts covered.

About The Author

Trevoir Williams: Trevoir Williams is a software engineer, lecturer, and author. With a master’s degree in computer science, he has spent over a decade teaching web, software, and database development courses. He also has extensive industry experience in web application development, Azure cloud services, and server administration. He enjoys teaching IT and development courses and hopes to impart knowledge of the latest developments in industry standards and techniques to his students.

Table of contents

  1. Chapter 1 : Introduction
    1. Course Introduction
  2. Chapter 2 : Get Started with Microsoft Azure
    1. What Is Microsoft Azure?
    2. Getting Started with Azure
    3. Different Cloud Hosting Options
    4. Section Review
  3. Chapter 3 : Azure Resource Manager
    1. What Is Azure Resource Manager?
    2. Create Resources Through Azure Portal
    3. Understanding Azure PowerShell
    4. Understanding Azure CLI
    5. Section Review
  4. Chapter 4 : Azure App Service
    1. Section Overview
    2. Examining Azure App Service
    3. Create an Azure Web App
    4. Visual Studio Versus Visual Studio Code Setup
    5. ASP.NET Core Project Setup
    6. Deploy App Using Azure CLI
    7. Deploy App with UI Tools
    8. Deploy Using Continuous Delivery
    9. Logging and Monitoring
    10. Add Application Insights
    11. Configuration Settings
    12. Auto-Scaling Options
    13. Deployment Slots
    14. Health Checks and Auto-Heal
    15. Authentication and Authorization
    16. Resource Cleanup
    17. Section Review
  5. Chapter 5 : Azure SQL
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Azure SQL Database
    3. Provisioning an Azure SQL Database
    4. Connecting with Local Tools
    5. Connecting to ASP.NET Core App with EF Core
    6. Connecting to Azure Web App
    7. Section Review
  6. Chapter 6 : Azure Cosmos DB
    1. Section Overview
    2. Azure Cosmos DB Hosting Models
    3. Azure Cosmos DB Usage and Design
    4. Creating an Azure Cosmos DB Account
    5. Managing Containers and Items
    6. Local Emulation
    7. Azure Cosmos DB and SQL
    8. Creating Blazor Client App
    9. Using Azure Cosmos DB Client
    10. Implementing CRUD operations
    11. Section Review
  7. Chapter 7 : Azure Storage Accounts
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Azure Blob Storage
    3. Understanding Table and Queue Storage
    4. Create an Azure Storage Account
    5. Azure Storage Emulator
    6. Storage Account Management
    7. Storage Explorer
    8. Web Application Overview
    9. Create and Set Up .NET Core Project
    10. Add Table Storage Service
    11. Create Controllers and Views
    12. Testing table Storage CRUD
    13. Logs and Services Calls
    14. Add Blob Upload Service
    15. Test Blob Service Features
    16. Add Queue Service
    17. Test Queue Service
    18. Set Up Queue Message Reader
    19. Code Cleanup and Optimization
    20. Section Review
  8. Chapter 8 : Azure Service Bus
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Azure Service Bus
    3. Azure Service Bus Versus Queue Storage
    4. Create Azure Service Bus Service
    5. Sending Messages to Service Bus
    6. Consuming Messages from Service Bus
    7. Testing Our Sender and Receiver
    8. Topics and Subscriptions
    9. Resource Clean Up
    10. Section Review
  9. Chapter 9 : Azure Functions (Serverless Solutions)
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Serverless Solutions
    3. Create Azure Function App in Portal
    4. Set Up Local Development Tools
    5. Create Azure Functions App with VS Code - Part 1
    6. Create Azure Functions App with VS Code - Part 2
    7. Create Azure Functions App with Visual Studio
    8. Understanding Azure Functions
    9. Durable Functions
    10. Develop a Durable Function
    11. Deploying Azure Functions App
    12. Azure Resource Cleanup and Monitoring Essentials
  10. Chapter 10 : Azure Virtual Machines
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Infrastructure as a Service
    3. Create a Virtual Machine with Azure Wizard
    4. Connect to Virtual Machine
    5. Create Virtual Machine Using PowerShell
    6. Create Virtual Machine Using Bash Scripting
    7. Create Virtual Machine Using ARM Templates
    8. Section Review
  11. Chapter 11 : Azure Containers
    1. Section Overview
    2. Understanding Containers and Docker
    3. Setting Up Docker
    4. Create SQL Server container
    5. Set Up .NET Core Project and Dockerfile
    6. Containerization in .NET 7
    7. Using Docker Compose - Orchestration
    8. Create and Publish Container to Azure Container Registry
    9. Create Container Instance
    10. Azure Container Web App Service
    11. Understanding Kubernetes
    12. Resource Clean Up
    13. Section Review
  12. Chapter 12 : Microsoft Azure Active Directory
    1. Section Overview
    2. Explore Azure Active Directory
    3. Create Azure AD User
    4. Register Azure AD Application
    5. Create ASP.NET Core App with Azure AD Auth
    6. Set Up OAuth 2.0 Authorization Code Flow
    7. Secure API with Azure - Part 1
    8. Secure API with Azure - Part 2
    9. Set Up 'On Behalf of Flow' (API to API Communication) w/ Token
    10. Microsoft Azure AD (B2C) Overview
    11. Azure AD Versus Azure AD B2C
    12. Provision AD B2C Application
    13. Authenticate Using ASP.NET Core Application and B2C
    14. Section Review
  13. Chapter 13 : Conclusion
    1. Course Recap

Product information

  • Title: Microsoft Azure For .NET Developers
  • Author(s): Trevoir Williams
  • Release date: October 2023
  • Publisher(s): Packt Publishing
  • ISBN: 9781835465059