Chapter 2

Exploring Azure Resource Manager


Bullet Getting to know Azure Resource Manager

Bullet Familiarizing yourself with Azure regions

Bullet Learning the Azure management tools

Bullet Connecting to Azure from the desktop

In this chapter, I take you on a quick drive through the nuts and bolts of the back-end services that make up the Microsoft Azure public cloud. As you read this chapter, you may find the discussion of REST APIs a bit overwhelming (and too much in the coding weeds). But stay with me, please! No matter what level Azure professional you are — Azure newbie, Microsoft MVP, or somewhere in between — you will be exposed to APIs in the Azure Resource Manager. After all, the API is the underpinning to all Azure-based services.

Introducing Azure Resource Manager

Azure Resource Manager (most often abbreviated ARM and pronounced like the body part) is the deployment and management service underneath Microsoft Azure. Every action you take in Azure, regardless of the tool you use, calls the ARM REST APIs. The Azure portal is simply a web front end that abstracts ARM REST API requests ...

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