1. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2000. Strict profiles: why and how. Procs Third Intl. Conf. on the Unified Modeling Language, LNCS1939. Springer-Verlag. 309–322.
2. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2000. Meta-level independent modelling. International Workshop on Model Engineering at the 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming. Sophia Antipolis and Cannes, France.
3. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2001. The essence of multilevel metamodelling. In: M. Gogolla & C. Kobryn (eds). UML2001 – The Unified Modeling Language. Modeling Languages, Concepts and Tools, LNCS 2185. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 19–33.
4. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2001. Processes and products in a multi-level metamodelling architecture. Int. J. Software Eng. and Knowledge Eng. 11(6): 761–783.
5. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2002. Rearchitecting the UML Infrastructure. ACM Trans. Modeling and Computer Simulation. 12(4): 290–321. Available at
6. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2003. Model-Driven Development: a Metamodeling Foundation. IEEE Software. 20(5): 36–41.
7. Atkinson, C. & Kühne, T. 2005. Concepts for comparing modeling tool architectures. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems. LNCS 3713. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. Berlin. 398–413.
8. Atkinson, C., Kühne, T. & Henderson-Sellers, ...
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