2NDHB-Model/RT: Nonlinear Dynamic Human Behavior Model with Realtime Constraints
The purpose of this chapter is to integrate the three fundamental constructs of O-SCFT (MSA, BIH and SMT), briefly introduced in Chapter 1, into a unity. The following sections provide more detailed explanations of the fundamental constructs, then define the Nonlinear Dynamic Human Behavior Model with Realtime Constraints (NDHB-model/RT).
2.1. Maximum satisfaction architecture
As described in section 1.1.3, MSA is about the realization of the purpose of living, libido – it maximizes efforts on the autonomous system. It deals with how autonomous systems achieve goals under constraints defined by BIH and SMT [KIT 07].
MSA consists of the following three parts:
- 1) happiness goals, i.e. basic living purposes of human beings;
- 2) human brain;
- 3) society.
2.1.1. Happiness goals
MSA assumes that the human brain pursues one of the 17 happiness goals defined by Morris [MOR 06] at every moment, and switches when appropriate by evaluating the current circumstances. Table 2.1 lists each of the happiness goals along with the name of type associated with it, and describe their relationships to social layers.
Table 2.1. Happiness goals and their relation to social layers. + denotes the degree of relevance of each goal to each layer, i.e. Individual, Community, and Social system, respectively. +++: most relevant, ++: moderately relevant, and +: weakly relevant
happiness | Types | Individual level | Community ... |
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