Chapter 9First‐order differentials and Jacobian matrices
We begin this chapter with some notational issues. We shall strongly argue for a particular way of displaying the partial derivatives ∂fst(X)/∂xij of a matrix function F(X), one which generalizes the notion of a Jacobian matrix of a vector function to a Jacobian matrix of a matrix function.
For vector functions there is no controversy. Let f : S → ℝm be a vector function, defined on a set S in ℝn with values in ℝm. We have seen that if f is differentiable at a point x ∈ S, then its derivative D
f(x) is an m × n matrix, also denoted by ∂f(x)/∂x′:
with, as a special case, for the scalar function ϕ (where m = 1):
The notation ∂f(x)/∂x′ has the advantage of bringing out the dimension: we differentiate m elements of a column with respect to n elements of a row, and the result is an m × n matrix. This is just handy notation, it is not conceptual.
However, the fact that the partial derivatives ∂fs(x)/∂xi are organized in an m × n matrix and not, for example, in an n × m matrix or an mn‐vector is conceptual and it matters. All mathematics texts define vector derivatives in this way. There is no controversy about vector derivatives; there is, however, some controversy about matrix derivatives and this needs to be resolved. ...
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