Mastering Spring Framework Fundamentals

Video description

This course takes you head first into the exciting world of Spring development!

It gets you up and running working with existing Spring applications, and gives you the confidence to start building your own. In this course we don't waste time going into the esoteric parts of the Spring Framework you'll never encounter. Instead, we focus on the stuff you need to get the job done and develop applications.

You'll get to know all the major parts of the core framework, such as:

  • The Spring container and how it manages your beans for you and delivers a flexible runtime environment for applications
  • The concept of dependency injection—how it works and how it is applied in Spring
  • Inversion of Control—what it is and why it's so useful
  • Spring property management and how to manage application properties and state
  • Profiles in Spring and how they are used and applied
  • Proxies and proxying—and how they work to magically do things such as making service methods transactional
  • The various lifecycle and callback interfaces and events you need to know to integrate with and access lower-level components of the Spring container
  • Spring JDBC and how to work with databases
  • Working with Spring Aspects to apply Aspect Oriented Programming in the container
  • Spring MVC and web application development with Spring

and much much more!

Distributed by Manning Publications

This course was created independently by Matt Speake and is distributed by Manning through our exclusive liveVideo platform.

About the Technology
Spring is the most in-demand skill for Java developers beyond knowledge of the Java programming language itself. The open-source Spring Framework is a lightweight and flexible infrastructure for developing applications in Java. Spring is built around dependency injection, which means it reduces the coupling—and dependencies—between app layers so development is faster and less tedious.

About the Video

What's Inside
  • Confidently use the Spring Framework container in the workplace
  • Practical understanding of the concepts of dependency injection, inversion of control, and autowiring and the Spring container
  • Use XML, annotation-based, and Java-based configuration to create Spring-managed beans in the container
  • Understand how the Spring container is used in modern Java applications
  • Use properties in Spring applications
  • Apply profiles in Spring applications to manage environment-specific property sets
  • Work with the Spring framework and its dependency injection and autowiring features
  • Use the Spring JDBC to work with databases
  • Apply Spring Aspects to tackle cross-cutting project concerns
  • Spring MVC and web development with Spring

About the Reader
  • Basic Java skills
  • An understanding of the basic concepts of object-oriented programming

About the Author

Matt Speake is a professional Java software engineer and have been programming for more than 20 years, working everywhere from small startups to large investment banks.

He started JavaEasily in 2018 so he could produce courses focused on teaching Java technology to students all around the world.

Since then he has been busy creating the Java Easily website and publishing courses and articles on different aspects of Java.

Feel free to check out the JavaEasily YouTube channel and follow it on Facebook and Twitter.


Table of contents

  1. Getting Started
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Key Spring Resources you Need to Know
    3. Configuring a project’s dependencies to use Spring
    4. Adding the Spring BOM to Better Manage Dependency Versions
  2. Creating the Spring Container with Application Contexts
    1. Section Introduction
    2. A Look at the Application Context (aka The Spring Container)
    3. Creating the File System XML Application Context
    4. Configuring Autocomplete when Writing Spring XML Configuration Files
  3. Creating, Retrieving and Using Spring-Managed Beans
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Creating a Bean Managed with Spring’s XML Container Configuration
    3. Retrieving and Using a Bean from the Spring Container
    4. Using the Classpath XML Application Context
    5. Understanding Singleton Scope
    6. Understanding Prototype Scope
    7. Understanding How Spring Creates Stateless Beans
  4. Understanding Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Coding Beans to Use Constructor Dependency Injection
    3. Interpreting a Spring Container Exception
    4. Applying Constructor Dependency Injection to XML Configuration
    5. Verifying the Constructor Dependency Injection with the Debugger
    6. The Shareability of Beans in an IoC Container
    7. The Benefits of Dependency Injection in an IoC Container
    8. The Hollywood Principle
    9. Coding Beans to Use Setter Dependency Injection
    10. Applying Setter Dependency Injection in XML Configuration
    11. Verifying the Setter Dependency Injection with the Debugger
  5. Autowiring Dependencies in the Spring Container
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Adding Component Scanning to Autodetect Spring Managed Bean Annotations
    3. Coding Beans to be Automanaged and Autowired by Spring via Annotations
    4. The Advantage of Annotation-based Configuration over XML Configuration
    5. Verifying the Annotation-driven Autowired Beans
    6. Spring’s Stereotype Annotations for Better Code Readability
    7. Setter Dependency Injection with Annotations
    8. Constructor Dependency Injection with Annotations
    9. Using the Annotation-Based Application Context
    10. Creating a Java Configuration Class
    11. Applying Java-based configuration with @Bean
    12. Using Scopes with Java-based Configuration
    13. Modeling a More Complex Application to Demonstrate Autowiring Ambiguity Issues
    14. Resolving Ambiguous Arguments of the Same Type by Narrowing the Reference Type
    15. Resolving Ambiguous Arguments of the Same Type by Using @Qualifier
  6. Using Properties and Profiles in Spring Projects
    1. Section Introduction
    2. Injecting Properties read from a File with @Value in Spring Managed Beans
    3. Exploring Property Overriding in Spring
    4. Accessing and using properties with Property Placeholder in XML Configuration
    5. Specifying default properties for property values
    6. Exceptions for Missing property keys in Spring
    7. Resolving and Using a Property Value in a Bean definition in XML Configuration
    8. Accessing the Current Active Profiles with the Environment interface
    9. Setting current active profile programmatically and through a property switch
    10. Creating Profile-specific bean configuration
    11. Conditional Beans with @Profile
  7. Getting to Know the Spring Container
    1. The Proxy Design Pattern
    2. Seeing Proxies in Action
    3. The Disadvantages of a Regular Proxy
    4. Understanding JDK Dynamic Proxies
    5. Dynamic Proxies in Spring
    6. Understanding How Spring Makes Service Methods Transactional using Proxies
    7. Spring Managed Bean Lifecycle Callback Methods
    8. JDK Standard Lifecycle Annotations (@PostConstruct and @PreDestroy)
    9. The Sequence of Spring Container Callbacks on a Spring Managed Bean
    10. Application Container Callbacks and Events
    11. Using the Aware Interfaces to Access Lower-Level Spring Framework Components
  8. Accessing Databases with Spring
    1. Creating and Configuring Data Sources
    2. Creating a Data Acces Object to Access a Database
    3. Connection Pool Data Sources in Spring
    4. Creating a JDBC Template to Access a Database
    5. Using JDBC Templates to Insert and Query Data
    6. Using JDBC DAO Support to Remove Boilerplate JDBC Code
  9. Aspect-Oriented Programming with Spring
    1. Preparing a Spring Project to Use Aspects
    2. Creating a Spring Managed Bean to be Intercepted
    3. Advising Beans in Spring
    4. Understanding Pointcuts and Joinpoints
    5. Accessing Joinpoints Programmatically within an Aspect
    6. Coding Dynamic Advice with Around
  10. Web Application Development in Spring
    1. Preparing a Maven Project to Use Spring MVC
    2. Registering the Dispatcher Servlet as Front Controller
    3. Creating the Web Application Context
    4. Creating a Controller Class
    5. Configuring the Jetty Plugin in Maven to Run a Web App
    6. Setting Up Remote Debugging of a Web App
    7. Understanding the Dispatcher Servlet Processing Flow
    8. Writing a Controller to Service Web Requests
    9. Rendering a JSP-Based View with View Resolvers
    10. Understanding How a Request is Serviced
    11. Passing a Model to the View for More Dynamic Pages
    12. Injecting the HTTP Servlet Request and Response into a Controller
    13. Passing Request Parameters and Query Strings to a Controller
    14. Using Path Variables to Access Parts of the Request Path

Product information

  • Title: Mastering Spring Framework Fundamentals
  • Author(s): Matt Speake
  • Release date: December 2022
  • Publisher(s): Manning Publications
  • ISBN: 10000DIVC2022183