Abraham Maslow’s need model, 30–32
Acceptance, 13
Achievement-oriented action, 117
Affection, 13
Affirmation, 13
Age-related changes, 114
Agreeableness, 67, 69
Attention, 13
Attentional focus, 73
Authenticity, 6
Authority, 13
Automatic thoughts, 118
Autotelic experience, 58
Bonafide geniuses, 85
Bounded rationality, 74
Brain science, 112
Butterfly effect, 86
Carrot-and-stick motivation, 59, 113
Cathexis, 62
Change now
continuous improvement, 103
Kotter’s eight-step change model, 102
resistance, 100
unfreeze, change, refreeze, 101
Chastity, 71
Clayton Paul Alderfer’s hierarchy, 32–33
Cleanliness, 71
CLIP (clear logical improvements for people), 4
CLOP (control, lead, organize, and plan), 4, 48
Coach, 12
Cognitive fitness, 42
Cognitive-learning ...
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