Mastering Perl/Tk

Book description

Perl/Tk is the marriage of the Tk graphical toolkit with Perl, the powerful programming language used primarily for system administration, web programming, and database manipulation. With Perl/Tk, you can build Perl programs with an attractive, intuitive GUI interface with all the power of Perl behind it.Mastering Perl/Tk is the "bible" of Perl/Tk: It's not only a great book for getting started, but the best reference for learning the techniques of experienced Perl/Tk programmers. The first half of the book contains the basics on how to use Perl/Tk, and then branches out into advanced applications with a series of extensive program examples. The result is a book accessible for novices, and invaluable for experienced programmers ready to learn the next step in the elegant and effective use of Perl/Tk. The book includes:

  • An introduction to each of the basic Perl/Tk widgets and geometry managers
  • A dissection of the MainLoop, including how to use callbacks and bindings effectively
  • Coverage of the Tix widgets, an extended set of widgets that are a part of the standard Perl/Tk distribution
  • Working with images in Perl/Tk, including bitmaps, pixmaps, photos, and how to compose a compound image type
  • How to create custom mega-widgets in Perl/Tk, both composite and derived
  • Handling interprocess communication with Perl/Tk, both with standard Unix utilities (pipes and sockets) and with the send command designed for direct communication between Tk applications
  • Developing your own Tk widget in the C language
  • Examples of web applications written with Perl/Tk and the LWP library
The book also includes appendices on installing Perl/Tk, a complete quick-reference for each standard widget, and listings of all the extended examples in the book.Nancy Walsh is the author of Learning Perl/Tk, and Steve Lidie wrote the Perl/Tk Pocket Reference as well as a series of Perl/Tk articles in The Perl Journal. Together, they have written Mastering Perl/Tk to be the definitive guide to Perl/Tk.

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Table of contents

  1. Mastering Perl/Tk
  2. A Note Regarding Supplemental Files
  3. Preface
    1. History of This Book
    2. What You Should Already Know
    3. What’s in This Book
    4. Reading Order
    5. Typographical Conventions
    6. We’d Like to Hear from You
    7. Acknowledgments
      1. Steve
      2. Nancy
  4. 1. Hello, Perl/Tk
    1. 1.1. Perl/Tk Concepts
    2. 1.2. Some Perl/Tk History
      1. 1.2.1. The X Window System and Xlib
      2. 1.2.2. The Coming of Tcl/Tk
      3. 1.2.3. The Evolution of Perl/Tk
      4. 1.2.4. Perl/Tk Meets Win32
    3. 1.3. Getting Started with Perl/Tk
      1. 1.3.1. Do You Need To Install Anything?
      2. 1.3.2. Creating Widgets
      3. 1.3.3. Specifying Options
      4. 1.3.4. Toplevel, MainWindow, and Frame Widgets
      5. 1.3.5. Displaying a Widget
      6. 1.3.6. The Event Loop
    4. 1.4. Hello World Example
      1. 1.4.1. exit Versus destroy
    5. 1.5. Unsolicited Advice
      1. 1.5.1. Programming Style
      2. 1.5.2. Naming Conventions for Widget Types
      3. 1.5.3. Designing Your Windows
    6. 1.6. Debugging and PrototypingPerl/Tk Programs
  5. 2. Geometry Management
    1. 2.1. The pack Geometry Manager
      1. 2.1.1. Options for pack
      2. 2.1.2. Positioning Widgets
      3. 2.1.3. Allocation Rectangles
      4. 2.1.4. Filling the Allocation Rectangle
      5. 2.1.5. Expanding the Allocation Rectangle
      6. 2.1.6. Anchoring a Widget in Its Allocation Rectangle
      7. 2.1.7. Widget Order in the Window
      8. 2.1.8. Padding the Size of the Widget
        1. Valid screen distances
      9. 2.1.9. Displaying in a Parent Other Than Your Own
      10. 2.1.10. Methods Associated with pack
        1. Unpacking a widget
        2. Retrieving pack information
        3. Disabling and enabling automatic resizing
        4. Listing widgets
      11. 2.1.11. Demo Programs for pack
    2. 2.2. The grid Geometry Manager
      1. 2.2.1. Special Characters
        1. Spanning columns
        2. Empty cells
      2. 2.2.2. grid Options
      3. 2.2.3. Specifying Rows and Columns Explicitly
      4. 2.2.4. Spanning Rows and Columns Explicitly
      5. 2.2.5. Forcing a Widget to Fill a Cell
      6. 2.2.6. Padding the Widget
      7. 2.2.7. Specifying a Different Parent
      8. 2.2.8. Configuring Columns and Rows
        1. Weight
        2. Minimum cell size
        3. Padding
        4. Bounding box
      9. 2.2.9. Removing a Widget
      10. 2.2.10. Getting Information
      11. 2.2.11. Widget Location
        1. Propagation
      12. 2.2.12. How Many Columns and Rows?
      13. 2.2.13. gridSlaves
    3. 2.3. The place Geometry Manager
      1. 2.3.1. place Options
      2. 2.3.2. Absolute Coordinates
      3. 2.3.3. Relative Coordinates
      4. 2.3.4. Anchoring the Widget
      5. 2.3.5. Width and Height
      6. 2.3.6. Border Options
      7. 2.3.7. Methods Associated with place
        1. Removing the widget
        2. Place information
        3. Place slaves
    4. 2.4. The form Geometry Manager
      1. 2.4.1. Options for form
      2. 2.4.2. Attachments
        1. Attaching to the grid
        2. Widget-to-widget attachments
        3. Attaching to nothing
      3. 2.4.3. Springs
      4. 2.4.4. form Methods
        1. Changing the grid size
        2. Removing a widget from a container
        3. Options info for form
        4. What’s managed by form?
        5. Circular dependency check
    5. 2.5. Geometry Management Summary
  6. 3. Fonts
    1. 3.1. Experimenting with Fonts
    2. 3.2. Dissecting a Font
    3. 3.3. Using Fonts
      1. 3.3.1. System Fonts
    4. 3.4. Using Fonts Dynamically
    5. 3.5. Font Manipulation Methods
      1. 3.5.1. One Last Example
  7. 4. Button, Checkbutton, and Radiobutton Widgets
    1. 4.1. Creating Button Widgets
    2. 4.2. Standard Options for Each Button Type
    3. 4.3. Table of Options for Button-Type Widgets
    4. 4.4. Displaying Text on Buttons
    5. 4.5. Displaying an Image or Bitmap
      1. 4.5.1. Images with Checkbuttons and Radiobuttons
    6. 4.6. Checkbutton and Radiobutton Indicator Status
    7. 4.7. On and Off Values for a Checkbutton
    8. 4.8. Radiobutton Values
    9. 4.9. The -command Option
    10. 4.10. Disabling a Button
    11. 4.11. Text Manipulation
    12. 4.12. Altering the Button’s Style
    13. 4.13. Changing the Size of a Button
    14. 4.14. Adding a Keyboard Mapping
    15. 4.15. Color Options
    16. 4.16. Indicator Colors
    17. 4.17. Hiding the Indicator
    18. 4.18. Focus Options
    19. 4.19. Altering the Highlight Rectangle
    20. 4.20. Configuring a Button
    21. 4.21. Flashing the Button
    22. 4.22. Invoking the Button
    23. 4.23. Turning a Checkbutton/Radiobutton On and Off
  8. 5. Label and Entry Widgets
    1. 5.1. The Label Widget
      1. 5.1.1. Creating a Label
      2. 5.1.2. Label Options
      3. 5.1.3. How a Label Differs from Other Widgets
      4. 5.1.4. Relief
      5. 5.1.5. Status Message Example
      6. 5.1.6. Container Frames
      7. 5.1.7. Label Configuration
    2. 5.2. The Entry Widget
      1. 5.2.1. Creating the Entry Widget
      2. 5.2.2. Entry Options
      3. 5.2.3. Assigning the Entry’s Contents to a Variable
      4. 5.2.4. Relief
      5. 5.2.5. Entry Indexes
      6. 5.2.6. Text Selection Options
      7. 5.2.7. The Insert Cursor
      8. 5.2.8. Password Entries
      9. 5.2.9. Entry Widget Validation
      10. 5.2.10. Using a Scrollbar
      11. 5.2.11. Configuring an Entry Widget
      12. 5.2.12. Deleting Text
      13. 5.2.13. Getting the Contents of an Entry Widget
      14. 5.2.14. Moving the Insertion Cursor
      15. 5.2.15. Getting a Numeric Index Value
      16. 5.2.16. Inserting Text
      17. 5.2.17. Scanning Text
      18. 5.2.18. Working with the Selection
      19. 5.2.19. Changing the View in the Entry Widget
    3. 5.3. The Perl/Tk LabEntry Mega-Widget
  9. 6. The Scrollbar Widget
    1. 6.1. Defining Scrollbar Parts
    2. 6.2. The Scrolled Method
      1. 6.2.1. Configuring the Scrollbar(s) Created with Scrolled
    3. 6.3. The Scrollbar Widget
      1. 6.3.1. Creating a Scrollbar Widget
      2. 6.3.2. Scrollbar Options
      3. 6.3.3. Scrollbar Colors
      4. 6.3.4. Scrollbar Style
      5. 6.3.5. Scrollbar Orientation
      6. 6.3.6. Using the Arrows and the Slider
      7. 6.3.7. Assigning a Callback
      8. 6.3.8. How the Scrollbar Communicates with Other Widgets
      9. 6.3.9. Scrollbar Configuration
      10. 6.3.10. Defining What We Can See
      11. 6.3.11. Getting the Current View
      12. 6.3.12. Activating Elements in a Scrollbar
      13. 6.3.13. Calculating Change from Pixels
      14. 6.3.14. Locating a Point in the Trough
      15. 6.3.15. Identifying Elements
    4. 6.4. Examples
      1. 6.4.1. Entry Widget
      2. 6.4.2. Listbox, Text, and Canvas Widgets
      3. 6.4.3. One Scrollbar, Multiple Widgets
  10. 7. The Listbox Widget
    1. 7.1. Creating and Filling a Listbox
    2. 7.2. Listbox Options
    3. 7.3. Selection Modes
      1. 7.3.1. Operating System Differences
    4. 7.4. Colors
    5. 7.5. Listbox Style
      1. 7.5.1. Style of Selected Items
      2. 7.5.2. Special Listbox Resizing
    6. 7.6. Configuring a Listbox
    7. 7.7. Inserting Items
    8. 7.8. Deleting Items
    9. 7.9. Retrieving Elements
    10. 7.10. Selection Methods
      1. 7.10.1. Selecting Items
      2. 7.10.2. Unselecting Items
      3. 7.10.3. Testing for Selection
      4. 7.10.4. Anchoring the Selection
    11. 7.11. Moving to a Specific Index
    12. 7.12. Translating Indexes
    13. 7.13. Counting Items
    14. 7.14. Active Versus Selected
    15. 7.15. Bounding Box
    16. 7.16. Finding an Index by y Coordinate
    17. 7.17. Scrolling Methods
    18. 7.18. Listbox Virtual Events
    19. 7.19. Listbox Example
  11. 8. The Text, TextUndo,and ROText Widgets
    1. 8.1. Creating and Using a Text Widget
    2. 8.2. Text Widget Options
      1. 8.2.1. Fonts
      2. 8.2.2. Widget Size
      3. 8.2.3. Widget Style
      4. 8.2.4. Line Spacing
      5. 8.2.5. Tab Stops
    3. 8.3. A Short Break for a Simple Example
    4. 8.4. Text Indexes
      1. 8.4.1. Base Index Values
      2. 8.4.2. Index Modifiers
      3. 8.4.3. Text Index Examples
    5. 8.5. Text Tags
      1. 8.5.1. Tag Options
      2. 8.5.2. A Simple Tag Example
      3. 8.5.3. Selections in a Text Widget Using the “sel” Tag
      4. 8.5.4. Configuring and Creating Tags
      5. 8.5.5. Adding a Tag to Existing Text
      6. 8.5.6. Using bind with Tags
        1. The Perl/Tk Text widget extended bindings
      7. 8.5.7. Deleting All Instances of a Tag
      8. 8.5.8. Removing a Tag from the Text
      9. 8.5.9. Raising and Lowering Tags
      10. 8.5.10. Getting Tag Names
      11. 8.5.11. Determining Where a Tag Applies
    6. 8.6. Inserting Text
      1. 8.6.1. Inserting Lines Using print and printf
    7. 8.7. Deleting Text
    8. 8.8. Retrieving Text
    9. 8.9. Translating Index Values
    10. 8.10. Comparing Index Values
    11. 8.11. Showing an Index
    12. 8.12. Getting the Size of a Character
    13. 8.13. Getting Line Information
    14. 8.14. Searching the Contents of a Text Widget
    15. 8.15. Scrolling
    16. 8.16. Marks
      1. 8.16.1. Setting and Getting the Gravity
      2. 8.16.2. Determining Mark Names
      3. 8.16.3. Creating and Deleting Marks
    17. 8.17. Embedding Widgets
      1. 8.17.1. windowCreate, windowCget, and windowConfigure
    18. 8.18. Internal Debug Flag
      1. 8.18.1. Scanning
    19. 8.19. The Perl/Tk Text Widget Extended Methods
    20. 8.20. The TextUndo Widget
      1. 8.20.1. TextUndo Virtual Events
    21. 8.21. The ROText Widget
  12. 9. The Canvas Widget
    1. 9.1. Creating a Canvas
    2. 9.2. The Canvas Coordinate System
    3. 9.3. The Scrollable Region
    4. 9.4. Using bind with a Canvas
    5. 9.5. Canvas Options
      1. 9.5.1. Common Canvas Dash, Stipple, and Tile Options
      2. 9.5.2. Additional Scrolling Options
      3. 9.5.3. Canvas Widget Option List
    6. 9.6. Creating Items in a Canvas
      1. 9.6.1. The Arc Item
      2. 9.6.2. The Bitmap Item
      3. 9.6.3. The Image Item
      4. 9.6.4. The Line Item
      5. 9.6.5. The Oval Item
      6. 9.6.6. The Polygon Item
      7. 9.6.7. The Rectangle Item
      8. 9.6.8. The Text Item
        1. Text item indexes
        2. Deleting characters
        3. Positioning the cursor
        4. Index information
        5. Adding text
        6. Selecting text
      9. 9.6.9. The Widget Item
      10. 9.6.10. The Grid Item
      11. 9.6.11. The Group Item
    7. 9.7. Configuring the Canvas Widget
    8. 9.8. Configuring Items in the Canvas Widget
    9. 9.9. Tags
      1. 9.9.1. Binding Items Using Tags
      2. 9.9.2. Finding Tags
      3. 9.9.3. Getting Tags from a Specific Item
    10. 9.10. Retrieving Bounding Box Coordinates
    11. 9.11. Translating Coordinates
    12. 9.12. Moving Items Around
    13. 9.13. Changing the Display List
    14. 9.14. Deleting Items
    15. 9.15. Deleting Tags
    16. 9.16. Determining Item Type
    17. 9.17. Setting Keyboard Focus
    18. 9.18. Rendering the Canvas as PostScript
    19. 9.19. Scaling the Canvas
    20. 9.20. Scanning
      1. 9.20.1. Scrolling Methods
    21. 9.21. A Drawing Program Example
  13. 10. The Scale Widget
    1. 10.1. Creating a Scale
    2. 10.2. Assigning a Callback
    3. 10.3. Orientation
    4. 10.4. Minimum and Maximum Values
    5. 10.5. Displayed Versus Stored Value
    6. 10.6. Adding a Label
    7. 10.7. Displaying Value Increments
    8. 10.8. Changing the Size of the Scale
    9. 10.9. Options You’ll Probably Never Need
    10. 10.10. Configuring a Scale
    11. 10.11. Getting the Value of a Scale
    12. 10.12. Setting the Value of a Scale
    13. 10.13. Determining Coordinates
    14. 10.14. Identifying Parts of a Scale
  14. 11. Frame, MainWindow,and Toplevel Widgets
    1. 11.1. Creating a Frame
    2. 11.2. Creating a Toplevel Widget
    3. 11.3. Options
      1. 11.3.1. Frame-Specific Options
      2. 11.3.2. Toplevel-Specific Options
      3. 11.3.3. Viewing a Frame
      4. 11.3.4. Adding a Label to a Frame
      5. 11.3.5. Frames Aren’t Interactive
      6. 11.3.6. Colormap Complications
      7. 11.3.7. The Magical Class Option
    4. 11.4. Frame Methods
    5. 11.5. Toplevel Methods
      1. 11.5.1. Sizing a Toplevel
      2. 11.5.2. Maximum Size
      3. 11.5.3. Minimum Size
      4. 11.5.4. Limiting Resizing
      5. 11.5.5. Using a Size Aspect
      6. 11.5.6. Setting the Title
      7. 11.5.7. Showing the Toplevel
      8. 11.5.8. Withdrawing the Toplevel
      9. 11.5.9. Iconifying the Toplevel
      10. 11.5.10. Specifying the Icon Bitmap
      11. 11.5.11. Specifying the Icon Mask
      12. 11.5.12. Setting the Name of the Icon
      13. 11.5.13. Setting the Icon Position
      14. 11.5.14. Using a Window Instead of an Icon
      15. 11.5.15. Determining the State
      16. 11.5.16. Assigning a Client Name
      17. 11.5.17. Window Properties
      18. 11.5.18. The Colormap Property
      19. 11.5.19. The Command Property
      20. 11.5.20. The Focus Model
      21. 11.5.21. Getting a Widget’s Window ID
      22. 11.5.22. The Application Grid
      23. 11.5.23. Being the Leader
      24. 11.5.24. Removing Decorations
      25. 11.5.25. Who Placed the Window?
      26. 11.5.26. Who Sized It?
      27. 11.5.27. Transient Windows
    6. 11.6. Creating Multiple MainWindows
    7. 11.7. Putting Two MainWindows to Work
  15. 12. The Menu System
    1. 12.1. Menu System Components
      1. 12.1.1. Menus and Menu Items
      2. 12.1.2. Menu Indexes
      3. 12.1.3. Manipulating Menus
      4. 12.1.4. Manipulating Menu Items
      5. 12.1.5. Menubars
      6. 12.1.6. Menu Options
    2. 12.2. Menubars and Pulldown Menus
      1. 12.2.1. Menubars the Clunky, Casual, Old-Fashioned Way
      2. 12.2.2. Menubars the Slick, Sophisticated, New-Fashioned Way
    3. 12.3. The Win32 System Menu Item
    4. 12.4. Classical Menubars
      1. 12.4.1. Menubutton Options
      2. 12.4.2. Button-Only Options
    5. 12.5. Popup Menus
      1. 12.5.1. The post and Post Methods
      2. 12.5.2. The Popup Method
        1. Popup examples
    6. 12.6. Option Menus
      1. 12.6.1. Tk::Optionmenu
      2. 12.6.2. A Native Option Menu
    7. 12.7. Menu Virtual Events
    8. 12.8. Pie Menus
      1. 12.8.1. Fitts’ Law
  16. 13. Miscellaneous Perl/Tk Methods
    1. 13.1. Managing Widgets with configure and cget
      1. 13.1.1. The configure Method
      2. 13.1.2. The cget Method
    2. 13.2. Building a Family Tree
      1. 13.2.1. Widget’s Children
      2. 13.2.2. Name of a Widget
      3. 13.2.3. Parent of a Widget
      4. 13.2.4. The Widget’s Toplevel
      5. 13.2.5. Widget’s Manager
      6. 13.2.6. The Widget’s class
    3. 13.3. Widget’s ID
      1. 13.3.1. Widget’s PathName From Its X11 ID
    4. 13.4. Color-Related Methods
      1. 13.4.1. Is the Colormap Full?
      2. 13.4.2. Cell Count
      3. 13.4.3. Color Depth
      4. 13.4.4. Translate to RGB Value
      5. 13.4.5. Setting Colors
      6. 13.4.6. Predefined Color Scheme
    5. 13.5. The Application’s Name
    6. 13.6. Widget Existence
    7. 13.7. Is the Widget Mapped?
    8. 13.8. Converting Screen Distances
    9. 13.9. Size of Widget
      1. 13.9.1. Widget’s Geometry
      2. 13.9.2. Requested Height
      3. 13.9.3. Requested Width
      4. 13.9.4. Actual Width
      5. 13.9.5. Actual Height
    10. 13.10. Widget Position
      1. 13.10.1. Position Relative to the Root Window
      2. 13.10.2. Coordinates Relative to the Parent
      3. 13.10.3. Coordinates Relative to the Root Window
      4. 13.10.4. Virtual Desktop Coordinates
      5. 13.10.5. Cursor Coordinates Relative to the Desktop
    11. 13.11. Screen Information
      1. 13.11.1. Screen Name
      2. 13.11.2. Screen Height and Width
      3. 13.11.3. Cell Count
      4. 13.11.4. Screen Depth
      5. 13.11.5. Color Type
      6. 13.11.6. Server Type
      7. 13.11.7. Is the Widget Viewable?
    12. 13.12. Atom Methods
    13. 13.13. Ringing a Bell
    14. 13.14. Clipboard and Selection Methods
      1. 13.14.1. Clipboard Methods
      2. 13.14.2. Selection Methods
        1. Clearing the selection
        2. Getting the selection
        3. Assigning a callback
        4. Determining the owner
        5. Setting the owner
      3. 13.14.3. Exporting the Selection to the Outside World
    15. 13.15. Destroying a Widget
    16. 13.16. Focus Methods
      1. 13.16.1. Keyboard Traversal
        1. Tabbing between widgets
        2. Default widget bindings
        3. Menu Traversal
    17. 13.17. Grab Methods
    18. 13.18. Marking a Widget Busy and Unbusy
    19. 13.19. Widget Mapping and Layering
    20. 13.20. Interapplication Communication
    21. 13.21. Waiting for Events to Happen
      1. 13.21.1. File Events
    22. 13.22. Time Delays
    23. 13.23. Parsing Command-Line Options
    24. 13.24. Really Miscellaneous Methods
  17. 14. Creating Custom Widgets in Pure Perl/Tk
    1. 14.1. A Mega-Widget Quick-Start
    2. 14.2. The Perl/Tk Class Hierarchy
    3. 14.3. Mega-Widget Implementation Details
      1. 14.3.1. Tk::Widget::new, the Real Perl/Tk Widget Constructor
      2. 14.3.2. Subroutine ClassInit
      3. 14.3.3. Subroutine CreateArgs
      4. 14.3.4. Subroutine SetBindtags
      5. 14.3.5. Subroutine Populate
      6. 14.3.6. Subroutine ConfigSpecs
        1. ConfigSpecs Examples
      7. 14.3.7. Subroutine Delegates
      8. 14.3.8. Other Useful Methods
        1. Subroutine Advertise
        2. Subroutine Callback
        3. Subroutine Component
        4. Subroutine Descendants
        5. Subroutine Subwidget
        6. Subroutine Walk
      9. 14.3.9. Mega-Widget Instance Variables
    4. 14.4. Composite Mega-Widgets
      1. 14.4.1. Tk::Thermometer
    5. 14.5. Derived Mega-Widgets
      1. 14.5.1. Tk::NavListbox
      2. 14.5.2. Tk::CanvasPlot
      3. 14.5.3. Tk::LCD
    6. 14.6. Packaging a Mega-Widget for Public Distribution
      1. 14.6.1. Packaging for CPAN
      2. 14.6.2. Packaging for PPM
  18. 15. Anatomy of the MainLoop
    1. 15.1. Creating a Callback
      1. 15.1.1. Callbacks and Closures
    2. 15.2. Binding to Events
      1. 15.2.1. Event Descriptor Syntax
        1. Event descriptor modifiers
        2. Event descriptor types
      2. 15.2.2. The Event Structure
        1. The exporter tag :variables
        2. Event information methods
      3. 15.2.3. Widget Class Bindings
      4. 15.2.4. Widget Instance Bindings
      5. 15.2.5. Binding to a MouseWheel Event
      6. 15.2.6. Canvas Bindings
    3. 15.3. The bindtags Command
      1. 15.3.1. How Might We Use bindtags?
      2. 15.3.2. bindDump—Dump Lots of Binding Information
    4. 15.4. Executing Nonblocking System Commands
      1. 15.4.1. fileevent Syntax
      2. 15.4.2. Tk::ExecuteCommand
      3. 15.4.3. An MPG Player—tkmpg123
    5. 15.5. Tracing Perl/Tk Variables
      1. 15.5.1. Tie::Watch
    6. 15.6. Nonblocking Wait Activities
      1. 15.6.1. Tk::waitVariableX
    7. 15.7. Splash Screens
      1. 15.7.1. Tk::Splashscreen
    8. 15.8. Synthesizing Virtual Events
    9. 15.9. Coexisting with Other GUI Main Loops
      1. 15.9.1. Embedding OpenGL in a Perl/Tk Window
      2. 15.9.2. Flying the Enterprise
  19. 16. User Customization
    1. 16.1. Using the Command Line
      1. 16.1.1. Colors, Fonts, and Titles
      2. 16.1.2. Initial MainWindow Placement
      3. 16.1.3. Choosing a Display
      4. 16.1.4. Option Database Lookups
      5. 16.1.5. Synchronizing Window Messages
    2. 16.2. Using the Option Database
      1. 16.2.1. Manipulating Resources with option* Methods
      2. 16.2.2. Manipulating Resources with Tk::CmdLine Subroutines
  20. 17. Images and Animations
    1. 17.1. An Overview of Perl/Tk Image Types
    2. 17.2. Methods Common to All Image Types
    3. 17.3. Bitmap Primitives
    4. 17.4. DefineBitmap
    5. 17.5. The Bitmap Image Type
      1. 17.5.1. Cool Tricks with an Empty Bitmap
        1. An invisible cursor
        2. Filling a transparent Canvas item
    6. 17.6. The Pixmap Image Type
    7. 17.7. The Photo Image Type
      1. 17.7.1. Creating a Color Palette with the put Method
      2. 17.7.2. Using put to Create a Progress Bar with a 3D Look
      3. 17.7.3. Capturing a Window with Tk::WinPhoto
        1. What you see is not always what you get
      4. 17.7.4. Tk::Thumbnail
    8. 17.8. The Compound Image Type
    9. 17.9. Tk::Animation
    10. 17.10. tkneko—Animating the Neko on a Canvas
    11. 17.11. Tile and Transparent Images
    12. 17.12. Miscellaneous Image Methods
    13. 17.13. Simple Photo Rotations
  21. 18. A Tk Interface Extension Tour
    1. 18.1. Display Items
    2. 18.2. Item Styles
      1. 18.2.1. Item Style Methods
    3. 18.3. The TList Widget
      1. 18.3.1. TList Indexes and Methods
    4. 18.4. The HList Family of Widgets
      1. 18.4.1. Using Indicators with HList
      2. 18.4.2. HList Methods
      3. 18.4.3. The Tree Widget
      4. 18.4.4. Tree Methods
      5. 18.4.5. The DirTree Widget
      6. 18.4.6. Adding a Directory
    5. 18.5. Tix Images
  22. 19. Interprocess Communicationwith Pipes and Sockets
    1. 19.1. Handling Unsolicited Media Changes
      1. 19.1.1. The Media Change Client, mediachangec
      2. 19.1.2. The Media Change Server, mediachanged
    2. 19.2. IPADM Design Considerations
    3. 19.3. The Perl/Tk IPADM Client, ipadm
      1. 19.3.1. Creating the Hypertext User Interface
      2. 19.3.2. The Subnet Widget Edits a Subnet Description
      3. 19.3.3. Starting the IPADM Helper Task
      4. 19.3.4. fileevent Keeps ipadm Happy
    4. 19.4. The IPADM Helper, ipadmh
    5. 19.5. The IPADM Daemon, ipadmd
      1. 19.5.1. The Forking Server
      2. 19.5.2. IPADM Message Handling
      3. 19.5.3. Locking an SDB File
      4. 19.5.4. Updating the DHCP and DNS Configuration Files
      5. 19.5.5. What About Security?
    6. 19.6. Polling Win32 Sockets
  23. 20. IPC with send
    1. 20.1. Security and Inter-Language Considerations
      1. 20.1.1. Application Names
      2. 20.1.2. Tk::Receive
    2. 20.2. Computing π with Parallel Message Passing
      1. 20.2.1. The Message Passing Protocol
      2. 20.2.2. Tcl/Tk Slave Processor Code
      3. 20.2.3. Tcl/Tk Master Processor Code
    3. 20.3. TclRobots
      1. 20.3.1., the Perl Interface to TclRobots
        1. Tk::Receive handles tclrobots to Perl communications
        2. The RCP API handles Perl to tclrobots communications
      2. 20.3.2. Robot Control Programs
  24. 21. C Widget Internals
    1. 21.1. The Tk::Square Widget
      1. 21.1.1. Tcl/Tk Example
      2. 21.1.2. Overview of the Perl/Tk Distribution
      3. 21.1.3. Layout of a Typical C Widget
        1. Tk::Square instance structure
        2. Tk::Square configuration specifications
        3. Tk::Square instance constructor
        4. Tk::Square method processors
        5. Tk::Square option configurator
        6. Tk::Square event handler
        7. Tk::Square drawing handler
        8. Tk::Square destructor
    2. 21.2. Interfacing tkSquare.c with Perl/Tk
      1. 21.2.1. Makefile.PL
      2. 21.2.2. Square.xs
      3. 21.2.3.
      4. 21.2.4. pTk/Makefile.PL
    3. 21.3. Building and Testing Tk::Square
      1. 21.3.1. t/square_demo.t
    4. 21.4. How Not to Port Tk::Square
  25. 22. Perl/Tk and the Web
    1. 22.1. Library for WWW Access in Perl
      1. 22.1.1. LWP::Simple, the Easiest Way to the Web
      2. 22.1.2. Fetching Web Content with LWP::UserAgent
      3. 22.1.3. lwp-request and fileevent Rule
      4. 22.1.4. The Recipe for Displaying Web Images
      5. 22.1.5. Win32 Considerations
        1. fork and local Win32 sockets
        2. fork and LWP::UserAgent
        3. Win32::Process and shared memory
      6. 22.1.6. Tidying an Ugly Mess
    2. 22.2. The PerlPlus Browser Plug-in
      1. 22.2.1. Embedding Perl/Tk in Other Windows
      2. 22.2.2. Embedded Versus Full-Screen Mode
      3. 22.2.3. How You Can Contribute to the PerlPlus Plug-in Project
  26. 23. Plethora of pTk Potpourri
    1. 23.1. pTk Special Variables and Exporter Symbols
      1. 23.1.1. Global Variables
      2. 23.1.2. Symbols Exported by Default
      3. 23.1.3. Optionally Exported Symbols
      4. 23.1.4. Exporter Tags
    2. 23.2. Manipulating the Cursor
      1. 23.2.1. Creating Your Own Custom Cursor Shape
    3. 23.3. Dialog Boxes
      1. 23.3.1. The Dialog Widget
      2. 23.3.2. The messageBox Method
      3. 23.3.3. The DialogBox Widget
      4. 23.3.4. Using ErrorDialog
      5. 23.3.5. chooseColor Dialog
      6. 23.3.6. getOpenFile and getSaveFile Dialogs
    4. 23.4. The Adjuster Widget
    5. 23.5. The Balloon Widget
    6. 23.6. The BrowseEntry Widget
    7. 23.7. The LabFrame Widget
      1. 23.7.1. LabFrame Options
    8. 23.8. The NoteBook Widget
      1. 23.8.1. Creating Pages
      2. 23.8.2. WordCount Example Using a NoteBook
      3. 23.8.3. NoteBook Limitations
    9. 23.9. The Pane Widget
      1. 23.9.1. Pane Options
    10. 23.10. The ProgressBar Widget
      1. 23.10.1. ProgressBar Options
    11. 23.11. Widgets Not in the Perl/Tk Distribution
  27. A. Installing Perl/Tk
    1. A.1. Installing Perl/Tk for Unix
    2. A.2. Installing Perl/Tk for Win32
  28. B. Options and Default Valuesfor Each Widget
    1. B.1. Adjuster
    2. B.2. Balloon
    3. B.3. Bitmap
    4. B.4. BrowseEntry
    5. B.5. Button
    6. B.6. Canvas
    7. B.7. Checkbutton
    8. B.8. ColorEditor
    9. B.9. Dialog
    10. B.10. DirTree
    11. B.11. Entry
    12. B.12. ErrorDialog
    13. B.13. FileSelect
    14. B.14. Frame
    15. B.15. HList
    16. B.16. Label
    17. B.17. LabEntry
    18. B.18. LabFrame
    19. B.19. Listbox
    20. B.20. MainWindow
    21. B.21. Menu
    22. B.22. Menubutton
    23. B.23. Message
    24. B.24. NoteBook
    25. B.25. Optionmenu
    26. B.26. Pane
    27. B.27. Photo
    28. B.28. ProgressBar
    29. B.29. Radiobutton
    30. B.30. ROText
    31. B.31. Scale
    32. B.32. Scrollbar
    33. B.33. Table
    34. B.34. Text
    35. B.35. TextUndo
    36. B.36. Tiler
    37. B.37. TList
    38. B.38. Toplevel
    39. B.39. Tree
  29. C. Complete Program Listings
    1. C.1. Tk::CollapsableFrame
    2. C.2. Tk::MacCopy
    3. C.3. Tk::ExecuteCommand
    4. C.4. Proc::Killfam
    5. C.5. tkmpg123
    6. C.6. Tk::Trace
    7. C.7. tkhp16c
    8. C.8. Tk::MacProgressBar
    9. C.9.
    10. C.10. Robot Control Program complex.ptr
    11. C.11. clock-bezier.ppl
    12. C.12. tkhanoi.ppl
  30. Index
  31. About the Authors
  32. Colophon
  33. Copyright

Product information

  • Title: Mastering Perl/Tk
  • Author(s): Stephen Lidie, Nancy Walsh
  • Release date: January 2002
  • Publisher(s): O'Reilly Media, Inc.
  • ISBN: 9781565927162