The signature for the cv2.rectangle() function is as follows:
img = rectangle(img, pt1, pt2, color, thickness=1, lineType=8, shift=0)
This function draws a rectangle given the two opposite corners, pt1 and pt2:
cv2.rectangle(image, (10, 50), (60, 300), colors['green'], 3)cv2.rectangle(image, (80, 50), (130, 300), colors['blue'], -1)cv2.rectangle(image, (150, 50), (350, 100), colors['red'], -1)cv2.rectangle(image, (150, 150), (350, 300), colors['cyan'], 10)
After drawing these rectangles, we call the show_with_matplotlib(image, 'cv2.rectangle()')function. The result is shown in the next screenshot:
Remember that negative ...