QR decomposition

You can decompose a square or rectangular matrix (M) into an orthogonal matrix (Q) and an upper-triangular matrix (R) by applying QR decomposition. This can be expressed in the following formula:


The following is an illustration of QR decomposition:

Let's see how it's implemented using numpy:

from numpy import arrayfrom numpy.linalg import qrM = np.random.randint(low=0, high=20, size=20).reshape(4,5)print(M)# Output[[14  6  0 19  3] [ 9  6 17  8  8] [ 4 13 17  4  4] [ 0  0  2  7 11]]Q, R = qr(M, 'complete')print("Q:n {}n".format(Q))print("R:n {}".format(R))# OutputQ: [[-0.81788873  0.28364908 -0.49345895  0.08425845] [-0.52578561 ...

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